Can you believe people the year is over? And what a most unusual, turbulent, difficult, often depressing year it was. Rear end celebrations, opps.... I meant Year End celebrations won't look like they usually do with social distance guidelines and the virus still raging out of control. This will be the first time the Casa du Borghese will be dark in years, with the intimate traditional NYE soirée, and New Years Day dinner cancalled... with the Mistress at the ancestral home. But don't let that get you down, Pam Demic is here as always to help dears. If it's just you, or maybe two or three others, all is not lost.
For starters...why not get outdoors for some fun? I say get naked and masked and go make New Year snow angels if you got snow, or get one of those big ole heaters and drink out doors, and throw up some of those twinkling lights. Or if you have a collection of nutcrackers, why not a play of the Nutcracker with all the nutcrackers! but don't do anything sexual with them, that could hurt.

New Year's is all about new beginnings darling. Why not pick a spot you always wanted to go see or visit, and get in the car and drive off to parts unknown. It's a great way to set the tone for the new year. Or if your a huge fan of those Escape Rooms, why not do a Escape from The Sex Room. How saucy could that be with you and hubby? Well, let's not get crazy here. Here at the Casa du Borghese, we're all about getting fancy. The Mistress would always make the guest get DRESSED to the nines. Yeah your sitting home, but why not get dressed up anyhow? Besides, if one of the few there is hot and in a tux, think how fun it will be to get him out of that said tux? Or why not a good game of spin the bottle? Why not cook a huge feast..... and one of our personal favorites, have copious amount of libations!!!!! not like your driving anywhere. Or put some house music on and have your own dance party...hell naked if you want!!!!
How ever you ring in the new year, I think we can all agree we'll be glad to see 2020 leave. Not that 2021 will start off all glittering either, but still. We must not let our guards down...we are far from getting out of the dark yet sugarplums. Keep up with those guidelines veils and gloves!!! And remember it may have been a shitty year, but still no reason be all negative.
This is the last day of the year, they call it new years eve,
look back at all the memories this year your going to leave.
Some you will cherish always, and keep it for all it's worth
because someone close to you has been gifted with a birth.
Some other you wish to forget but know you never will for
someone close passed over and some were very ill.
Some will be very pleasant and close to your heart
sit down and list the good things back to January from the start.
So when you feel unhappy in the new upcoming year sit down
and read your memories and smile from ear to ear.
Don't ponder on the bad things now, only tears will be shed
for tomorrow is a new start, a new year ahead.
In other words, feel happy and grateful, thankful and blessed because if your reading this, you have made it through this turbulent year. And that is enough to be blessed for.
In closing we thank you all for your kind support , by commenting, writing and sharing with each other. We have really built a nice community place to enjoy some visual delights, support, woe's and encouragements and a place of shelter from the terrible times this years gave us.
What a joy having special blogs that we can all visit when we desperately needed a break from the world this year, and get a dose of inspiration, and so likewise hoping A Day with the Mistress Borghese is not only a place to visit, but also a place to come get silly or learn something, or get a laugh, or even a naughty nod!!!!
We simply hope that you will join us as we enter the year 2021 make do and mend, and hopefully learn to be more caring and gentle. So chins up, and tits out!!! Veils on! Gloves pulled! Here we go!
And HAPPY NEW YEARS EVE everybody!!!