What a wonderful weekend it was!
This weekend I was the guest of my good friends, the
Capital Street Duo, the Master Russel and the Dame Courtney at their lovely eccentric home. Here they are now on one of their voyages! She wears stripes so well.
It was a long overdue visit, where they had two delicious dinners for me, and had cock-a-tails out another night. The main reason for the visit was a antiquing trip further up north to check out the wears. I was in the market for a set of cordials glasses, because a proper queen just can't serve cordials in a sniffer, and I have always wanted a birdcage. Luck would have it, I found both. More on those later. It is always a treat to see the Dame's place, as it is ever changing. And she collects,
well, besides men, just about everything!!! It is a place to be seen for sure! And it's always a gleeful time, as witnessed by the adorable pup of the townhouse.....

Now, a quandary. Whilst sitting in the parlor, the Dame has been tormented with finding a name for her townhouse. We have talked about it for a while now, but nothing has that ring to any of us, so the Dame who reads my blog, suggested asking you all for a name of meaning for the Master and Dame's place. The only guide line is she doesn't want anything vulgar or dirty, for she is after all, a proper lady. So here are some glimpses from my fun weekend and hopefully some of these shots will give you some help.......... and something is in it for you all........
Not to give to much TMI, but I could spend hours just in the the Dame's lavatory alone. Take a gander at all the vintage cleaning, and laundry supplies! Across the way is probably every medicine, liniment, pain killers... and if your in need of smelling salts or bromide, I'm sure it's all here.......
When I often visit, the Master and Dame go to much trouble to have my own room ready! The Dame is quite keen to attention to detail. Here is where I usually slumber, complete with tons of towels, a collection of soaps, creams, and room spray. How fun is the room? How can it not... with a goose in a hat box, nesting in sheet music, a peasant guarding from above, and some good reading material.
Here is one of my favorite rooms, the Dame's Parlor. Filled with candles, mirrors, stunning lights, a huge organ, her newest addition from the Master Russel, the famed peacocks, her pet turkey, which over sees all, and her weakness, a huge Victorian shoe collection as seen up high on the beams!
So, now, after viewing some elements of the townhouse, what do you think? The Dame requires it to be of respectable name, as the Dame's place is often seen on house and garden tours, and she posts pictures on her Facebook page, whatever that is! I suggested Cocksburn Manor, but that is too risque.There will be a special prize to be given to the winner, from the Mistress. My favorite item from Henri Bendel's and my winter warmer of...... a bottle of Domaine de Canton!
Plus, the person chosen upon consideration from the Dame, who knows, may even be invited for a stay by the Same and her staff. And just think how tickled you will be solving this current dilemma. Or then again, it could be the tingling of the Domaine.Trust me, you'll love it. Liquid crack in a bottle.
Good Luck to all and we'll be in touch in a post, so do please comment away and name your choice to name this joint!