Friday, July 26, 2024



The weekend is finally here!!! And you know what that means, I'm off again for a weekend jaunt up to the Woods Campground for booking #2. But to kick the weekend off is another music group... and there work I'm obsessed with lately, or should I say still, Jungle, with this song, Back on 74, from their Volcano album, that has the most relaxed retro sound, yet dancy, and modern feel. The song was written by the British band members of Jungle, Josh Llyod and Thomas MacFarland and their newest member Lydia Kitto. Not quite a year old yet the song still gets me going, especially the video, since I like to dance. And yes, give me the guy in the wife beater any night...those arms get me! So sexy to watch him move and love the old to ballroom. The song gives me chills to get to the floor kids.

Till Monday! Toodles and dance, dance I said!

Thursday, July 25, 2024



A favorite of the Mistress, and one of our more proper houseboys 
who likes to wear opera gloves. ADORED!

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Tuesday, July 23, 2024


 Kimberly Gargoyle....

is no longer allowed to read to children.  I mean, that mug alone....


  A day ago, I took the Mother and I, to a state park and she took along the book she was reading The Exorcist. She said it was the most evil book she has ever read. So evil in fact, she couldn't finish it, got up, took it over to the lakes edge, and threw it off the dock and into the lake. I the next day, went and bought another copy, ran the faucet over it but good, and left it in the nightstand drawer beside her bed.

Won't she be surprised!

Im going to hell.

Monday, July 22, 2024



Boy....what a weekend! I had a few stiff ones! I think my mind needs some pretty to look at and grab a mental rest.Right now, Im not opposed to making some sand angels on a beach. Who's game?

Sunday, July 21, 2024


I had the feeling Joe Biden would be dropping out. Deep down I think he knew he wouldn't have the strength for another four years and what would have been surely a bloody election. President Joe Biden had done good, did good things, and returned the Democratic party back to some of its roots.  He almost righted the country back, with exception to a few issues. I'm sure it was not an easy decision to make, but there is no doubt we will go down as one of the most consequential presidents we'd had.

And no making the Party of Rot happy. First, they bitched and griped Biden was staying in with poor health, now that he is dropped out, now their bitching about that because of his poor health. So you can't win with these people, nothing makes them happy, the miserable bitches.

Now...I would love to see a woman hand "the man who shall not be named" his head. He would go ballistic. And remember we all have to VOTE!

But more than any other thing I've heard on why to vote, came from the last paragraph of Liz Cheney's book.

"In the era of Trump, certain members of Congress and other Trump enablers- many of whom carry the Constitution in their pocket, but seem never to have read it-have attempted to hijack this phrase, to claim it gives them authority to subvert the rule of law or overturn the results of elections. They have preyed on the patriotism of millions of Americans. They are working to return to office the man responsible for January 6th. We the people must STOP THEM. We are the only thing that can stop them. US. This is more important than partisan politics. Every one of us- Republican, Democrat, Independant-must work and vote together to ensure that Donald Trump and those who have appeased, enabled and collaborated with him are DEFEATED.

This is the cause of our time."

Saturday, July 20, 2024


It's going to be hot up in this Candy Shop today kids!!!! Now, even I need a break at times, as seldom as that is, from South Americans...and my go to next is usually either Russian or Asian men. And as much as I enjoy Turkish Delight...that is hard to compete with Russian muscle. I'm here to tell you that Konstantin Kostyn not only melts in my hands but make the jeans tighter! I am guessing everyone will wants second of this gent, who is a Russian fitness model, fashion model and now has a very sexy and shouldering X page, so I hear. After seeing his many sizable assets, I can see why too. Easy to see why he'd be a favorite of fashion houses and "arty" photographers. But I think he'd best be most useful on my houseboy pay roll!!! And those eyes!

Now, where's my fan at??

Friday, July 19, 2024

Thursday, July 18, 2024


The borage excitement continues!!!! As most of you are aware, yours truly has been having fun in the garden since being back at the ancestorial home. This past spring I planted a wildflower garden, hundreds of seeds, one of which was borage. Seen above. I'm here to tell you there is a ton of it already, and I had no idea how unique and pretty it was, but it was my UK friends of Jon and Christina and a feisty Tundra Bunny who brought to my attention that, and to my delight, could be used in my G&T's. It has come up now several posts, and I must have had too much gin, because I had forgotten our conversations about it. So off to google I went.

I learned Borage is an annual herb in the flowering plant family Boraginaceae, native to the Mediterranean region. Although the plant contains small amounts of pyrrolizdine alkaloids, some parts are edible, and its seeds provide oil. The flowers as seen from the ones in my garden are complete, perfect with five narrow, triangular- pointed petals. Flowers are most often blue, although I noticed that some pink ones popped up. Apparently, the blue is genetically dominant over the pink. I'm amazed how big and how much space it has taken up. The bees seem to go nuts over it. Traditionally, borage was cultivated for culinary and medicinal uses, although today it is mainly as an oilseed. The whole borage plant and flowers are used for fever, cough, and depression, used for a hormone problem called adrenal insufficiency, for blood purification, increase urine flow, prevent inflammation of the lungs, used as a sedative, and helps to promote sweating. I also saw another site say it's oil can be used to relieve arthritis symptoms to help reduce swelling and pain. But it's the other stuff that is interesting and true. Borage is used as either a fresh vegetable, or a dried herb. As a fresh veggie, borage has a cucumber-like taste, while the flowers have a sweet, honey-like taste. But all the hub bub came when both Christina and Tundra , along with Jon said it can be also used on desserts and cakes and made into a simple syrup, and both Jon and Tundra told me to my delight of it being used in gin and tonics!!! So you know me. I was off to find out.
Some of my clipped borage. I thought I would try Jon's suggestion first, of placing the flowers in ice cubes.
In the water they went and came out the next day frozen.

How pretty they look!!! So tonight, I made a nice gin and tonic, with some of the ice cubes and they looked so pretty in the glass and they did, once starting to dissolve add a extra kick of that cucumber taste.

Talk about a refreshing and pretty cock-a-tail!!!! As we know, I can't get enough gin as it is, which is why I swear I haven't been sick in years... I swear, I think I'm one of those medical freaks who never gets any sickness or bugs. I never even had the Covid yet. Now knowing the benefits of this wonderful plant right in my garden I'll probably live to be 110. Last time I had a bad cold was sometime in 2016. A huge thank- you and hat tip to me Brit and Canadian friends for the fresh tips! Cheers kids!!!