So the weekend got underway for the Boy-Toy's birthday weekend and he had no idea anything was going on. Friday we enjoyed dinner here at the apartment and he told me of the party they gave him at work complete with black balloons. Our friend Gary was to come for dinner and the weekend but an eye injury a couple of weeks ago prevented him from attending. On Saturday our friend Doug arrived, and surprised Boy-Toy. I told Boy-Toy it was us three for the weekend and he should pack a over night bag to go into center city Philly. We caught the train and arrived at our hotel. A half hour later our other friend Troy arrived with a knock at the door of our room. So we all got caught up and left for dinner. I told Boy-Toy he could eat anywhere he wanted. So, he picked the
Fox and Hound,a sports bar,so he could watch the Philly's game and then the Penn State game. He enjoyed himself very much although it was like watching paint dry for me. He did enjoy this though, so that was all that was important. After eating like pigs in a barnyard, we walked the city awhile. Our little circle has always reminded me of the girls from Sex and the City. Our personalities have always fit the four main parts. Boy-Toy- Carrie, the smart one. Miranda- Troy,the cautious and over thinker, me- Samantha, the slut, and Doug- may be our replacement Charlotte, since our friend Randy moved to Florida. The jury is still out on that one. Anywho,on the way back to the hotel, there was hoopla going on at the hotel across the street at the Belle view Hotel.

It turns out that
Sarah Palin was staying there and on her way to a press conference in Westchester Co,and would be staying the night! I knew I should have bought a carton of eggs! But on second thought the Mistress was bought up a lady! And I didn't need any paparazzi coverage, not knowing what spectacle's we would make that night, plus I figured she would end up with egg on her face anyway, as she totally made a bigger buffoon of herself during the press conference. But that's another story. Anywho,so we got back to the room and did all the girlie shit like rain the soon to be ex-chicken with his gifts and cards, went through numerous wardrobe changes, model the latest in Calvin undies, get ready finally ,and commence with the cock-a-tails! After finally looking thin and gorgeous,and drunk, we departed for the night of fun and debauchery,walking down the street in a row of four with the wind blowing at our hair! Ok,so it was more like stumbling in a row. After leaving the hotel ,our first stop was at the popular lounge,

Bump is a cute swank lounge where all the nice eye candy can be found. And it can be found aplenty! We all ordered our chosen poisons for the night and sat and gossiped and ogled all the boys. While there,two other people we knew,John and Scott, caught up with us. We enjoyed the mix of dance,jazz and lounge music for an hour before hitting our next chosen target. John and Scott came along with us to 12th Air.

The bar,
12th Air Command is one of our haunts to watch music videos. So we all went and had many more drinks. 12th Air has been around for years and is one of those friendly neighborhood bars. Our bartender had the whole place sing the Happy Birthday song to the Boy-Toy which embarrassed the hell out of him! I thought it was quite funny myself. After about an hour there it was on to the next place,which was the popular night club

We arrived at Pure Nightclub around 1:45 to start our night of dancing and more drinking! There was a comfortable crowd when we first got there,but soon filled to capacity. While there, we ran into our friend Sean who I was talking to,while the Boy-Toy and Troy were dancing.I cut a couple of gigs,but quit around 3am. Yours truly finally gave up because I got hungry as hell and went to the pizza joint around the corner to eat,while the rest carried on. I tend to get a little peckish when I drink. Everyone was back in the room by 4:30AM and we all talked about the nights festivities and then passed out. The next morning we all departed by noon after breakfast. I passed out the rest of the day Sunday watching movies and sleeping and the Boy-Toy had a function to tend to work related. So,it went off without a hitch and a good time had by all. Now the next birthday will be mine. We'll have to see if he can top that.