I'd be remiss if I didn't pay tribute to an awesome man and friend. It was a tough year losing a second aunt, and then one of my favorite cousins in the same year, and then two months ago lose a dear friend. I met Doug Langway up in the Pocono Mountains at the Woods Campground through my good friend Wayne, who I generally stay with. We quickly connected, A very unlikely alliance some might say. An ex- twink, and drag queen, on way to Otter and a huge, hairy bear!!! But we had some very deep, if not drunken talks around the campfire, and he gave me sage advice many a time. Doug was an enthusiastic character, in all things, a whirlwind of color. From the moment he entered a scene, he was quick to share about his latest passions- food, work, stories and ideas. He was lavish in his hugs, kisses and compliments, and created a warm presence where even strangers felt like friends. Doug was quick witted, carefree and a lot mischievous. He'd regale of his days in the NYC club scene, knowing most of the drag queens and club kids on the scene, and canon-balls into the Woods pool, and on more than one occasion, known to take a rickshaw ride through NYC when he'd had to many. He was always flirting with anyone, but his heart belonged to his dear hubby from down under Joseph, who is also just as sweet . Doug had actually proposed to Joseph over his tablet. Joseph was in Australia, and Doug in Time Sqaure. Once they connected online, Doug, with a few hundred people behind him asked Joseph to be his husband on one of the biggest screens in the square!! I post it on the blog once. Doug never did anything small.

Doug with friend Roger
And it seems no matter where I go, Doug was a titan in the Bear community, as I have not met a bear yet that doesn't seem to know him. He, with his friend Roger, were very incremental in throwing open the doors of the bear community and showing a whole other side to this part of the LGBT subculture. Doug actually went on to write, and eventually direct the Bear City series of films that have become iconic to practically the whole bear community, finally giving them their due. These movies showcased the lives of USA bear pretty perfectly. One of the films was even filmed at the Woods and he had Kathy Najimy in two of them.
Doug, with hubby Joseph. Joseph is also a knitter and knitted that sweater!
And yes...it was a real bear!!!!! Trained for the movie , of course.
Before the movies, Doug always had a passion for the creative arts, and led him to found SharpLeft, a creative agency serving the likes of Diane Von Furstenberg, Patron, Josh Cellers, Sky Vodka and many others. After 20 some years of successful business, in 2018 Doug became the president and CEO, and it's where the studio part came into the business. That same year was when he married his hubby Joseph, the love of his life. They spent much time enjoying a new home they bought and were doing a full reno on their new home in Wilton Manors, FL, and the rest of the late spring and summer, glamping in the Woods in the Pocono Mountains. Doug will always be best known for his work as the writer and director of the Bear City series of movies though, I suspect, where they garnered many a Best Picture at movies festivals worldwide. But I feel lucky and honored to have seen other sides of him, and really got to known him. There will be a huge hole left at the Woods next summer, and I wonder still who will do the cannon balls?