I tell you; I don't know whether I'm coming or going these days. Out of suitcases and then into others!!!Upon getting in from my big trip last Monday, I had a three-day work week, before packing up again. And you're thinking, but Mistress, your always in Philly. And yes, I am very partial to this cultural city, but I also had good reason. Months ago, the infamous Sixpence announced he was coming into town, and a connection would be a close call since my trip had been pushed back. But I also knew I wasn't passing up on this golden opportunity. So off I went. And I wasn't disappointed dearies. Yet again, a great hit off! And yet again another blogger who is just like their blog and then even more. It must have been like watching the queens enter the workroom and connecting right away. I knew we'd have much to talk about, we had some major kiki-ing, which I enjoyed immensely. We talked of everything under the sun. Six is a really welcoming guy, cute, and easy to talk to, filled with interesting stories, and is very knowledgeable on many things. I also could feel we were being presided over by our late great Warrior Queen, Anne Marie. On Friday, I met Six at his hotel, where we stayed and talked and drank. Well....I might have knocked a few back. It then occurred to me it was the very spot where Anne Marie, Todd, and I met Fearsome Beard when he came into town. So, I knew she was present. Saturday, I decided Six should see the Muesum of Art, and possibly the legendary Giovanni's Room if time permitted, I mean being gay and an avid reader and all. We did both and I gave Six a bit of a walking tour on the lovely walk up the Benjimin Franklin Parkway of some sights and a brief stop at the Rodin Muesum. After, we enjoyed a nice dinner in the Gayborhood at Tria, for dinner and drinks, well, I may have knocked back but a few, then showed Six one gay bar, Tabu for a drink, well, I may have knocked back a few, before our lovely weekend would come to an end. After, I walked him back to his hotel as he had his flight out in the morning. I felt bad too, being a night owl, I may have kept him up later then his normal time, but hey, I didn't want to let him go!! But bid a farewell we did, after, the Mistress went for a nightcap, well, I may have knocked a few back, before returning to my hotel and enjoyed a very nice hotel assignation. But that's another story kids. It was great meeting you Six!!!! We must meet up again, I adored you and want to learn more! In between Six's conference details, I was also able to meet up with reader Mahogany Empress for coffee and pastry and my ex-boss who is the Visual Display Manager of the Macy's in the Wanamaker's building where he has done wonders with the place. Some of the sights from the weekend.

Quaint, very autumnal streets of the Gayborhood.

Rodin Museum

City Hall

Every year this guy appears as the Grinch at the Christmas Village at City Hall. He is amazing. Stand like a statute but drop a tip in and he springs to action for selfies. Many think he is a statue till he moves.

The above mural I just adored and could be seen from my hotel room at the Alexander Inn. The one below was two blocks down the street. Philly must have close to 100 murals all over the city.

Giovanni's Room

It was a good weekend, and both trips helped me to center and clear the mind after the elections...I needed this, these distractions, and thank you Six for being part of it. Now chin up, tits out, onward and upward, I say.