Hello everyone!
Ready or not the New Year is finally (almost) here!
I'm signing off a bit earlier to get ready for my guest tonight, and I'm going to make my rounds shortly. I have Mistress Maddie's #1 Fan coming, in addition to four other friends for a lovely intimate feast and surf and turf dinner. Since I don't exchange gifts with friends, this is my way of showing friendship. I start with Ginger Sidecars with two huge platters of fine cheeses, and Italian meats, BBQ Whiskey Meat balls, olive selection, figs, and my fine selection of nuts, shrimp, Spinach wrapped in filo dough, and some raw vegetables, where we will then have a fillet Mignon dinner with lobster, and endless champagne all night....
Can't forget some sweets
Mistress Maddie #1 Fan has already started hitting the sauce and took this gratuitous shot of my rump roast!!!
I thought that would be server tomorrow for dinner!!!!
What I'll be wearing for tonight....
It's tradition here at the Casa, I make the guys wear dress shirts and bow ties for New Years Eve, and since most the guest are staying I have them all wearing holiday boxers of some sort, and when the slumber party starts we all guess who is wearing what holiday. I have a prize who ever gets them right!!!!! Shhhhhh, here's mine.....
Don't ever let in be said I didn't give you a peek inside my drawers!!!!!!
So I am looking forward to a very fun and entertaining evening........

where no doubt their will be bows ties, champagne swilled and drunken toast.....
air kisses, asses grabbed, some pecs grabbing, and a shower of peacock feathers....
candle light, spinning the bottle, gorging on food, dancing in place, some sexy shimmies, and some wanton behaviors, and possibly a stripe tease or two.....
So as one can see, no need to go out and fight the crowds, much more intimate here, and yes the Mistress will be sauced...good and tight! But even hung over, I'll still get up to put in my Pork and Sauerkraut dinner in the oven for tomorrow, as my guest all stay for another whole dinner for luck you know, and we'll all watch the Mummers Parade!!!
And I must say, it's been a great year, and I truly thank each and everyone who reads this crap, and takes time to stop by, a HUGE THANK YOU to you all!!! I so look forward to your comments......and remember, Life's a banquet, and some sorry sons of bitches are starving to death! And of course...
Have a WONDERful 2014 andHAPPY New Year Everyone !!!
now is it time to get lit?