Yes dears!!!!! It's Pam Demic, back briefly from Indian to shed the sari's and adopt some Gay Pride finery!!!!! A brief stint home will never hurt anyone...and it will give me time to finish my next pamphlet, How to Emerge the Gay Pandemic With Style and Approach Those Glory Holes Safely. I'm not sure entirely which way I changes more quickly then the wind...but she has done and seen it all, including a sordid threesome with Tim Gunn and Lorna Luft, a gang bang with some the the Dallas Cowboys, and that god awful affair of bondage with Aunt Pitty Pat Graham. I still shutter from memories of that. I tend to think Pam swings to the lavender side of things. I mean you heard her story of her realization of being gay and ironically at the same time, her love of drink....

When I was five years old I discovered singer Peggy Lee on a variety tv show. She was singing, Is That all There Is. The haunting fatalistic song had ME HOOKED from the first verse. Peggy assumes a seen it all demeanor as she sings verse after verse about a life filled with tragedy, and worst of all... disappointment. When her father takes her to the circus, she describes it with a ironic wink in her tone "the greatest show on earth?" And what's her bored assessment with the spectacle of the circus, of dancing bears, clowns and beautiful ladies in pink tights on high wires? I had the feeling something was missing, I don't know what. And what's her little girl pragmatic answer to that disappointment? Is that all there is to the circus ? If that's all there is, then let's break out the booze and have a ball. WOW!!!! THAT was my kind of little girl!!!!!!!! And never looked back.
But I firmly believe there is nothing wrong with the LGBTQ. I firmly believe that god made the rainbow so we could catwalk into heaven. I have always thought if God does hates us, why did he make us all hot or cute? And of course Pam has always been stylish and dressed well. I didn't spend all that time in the closet for nothing.
And I never understood why some think being gay is a disease. If being gay is a disease, lets all call in queer to work. Hello, can't work today, still queer. I read the Bible once. And it contains six admonishments for the gays and 362 admonishment to heteros. That doesn't mean god doesn't love heteros, I think the higher being just thinks they need more supervision.
And people still talk about the gay agenda. What gay agenda? When was the last time a gay person knocked on a door asking if the household would like to hear the goods news of Elton John?
And isn't it something when many are more people are comfortable with seeing two men holding guns, then holding hands?
You got to love the family too right? I love when the Demic's always say "Oh your gay", how did that happen. To which I reply , Well in the family tree, I was in the fruit section.
But my school days were always different. When most kids were dissecting frogs, I was opening flys.
The next time you hear a person say, “It’s Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve,” reply with “It’s homo sapiens not hetero sapiens,” and fly into the night. Would you look at the time, I have to fly, but remember...there is nothing wrong with being a fruit loop in a world of Cheerios. Happy Pride to all and stay out of trouble, for you never know where Pam Demic will show up.