.......and where did the time go? It has been a busy week for me getting prepared for guest tonight. I like to make sure everything is just right. It will soon be all about good food and friends, spirits and the Mummers Parade here in Philadelphia. But on New Years Eve, one thing I will not be par-taking in- huge crowds!

No, after years of going out, I now leave it to the amateurs. Just kidding. You know it is because I fear of passing out and taking out the whole bandstand and straggling myself with my fur stole! And if were at the Casa, someone can easily un-zip me and carry me off to the boudoir!!!! I decided since it was so fun last year, I would host an intimate dinner again. This year I'll be starting with several French cheeses, roasted almonds and cashews, dried figs,feta stuffed olives,and chilled shrimp along with a few ginger sidecars. The dinner will be Fillet Mignon and Lobster tail with steamed greens. Buster has already offered to take all and any scrapes. My #1 Fan is bringing two magnums of Champagne, plus one bottle I already have on hand. Everyone will stay over for a huge slumber. It resembles a mind field the next day. I have another dinner planned for New Years Day- the traditional Pork and Sauerkraut! I also prepared a stollen for brunch.......if anyone is up in all that light! I'm post something about the night tommorrow. Maybe next year I'll do a Mummers theme party. Nah, most guest would only ues the feathers as French ticklers.

Now mind ya I don't usually look back over the pass year, never had, and lets face it, like I remember much of it!!!!! But I have to admit I don't have much to complain about. I love my job-greatly, my family is all healthy and wise and entertaining, most times! I met three very different boys to keep me "entertained", and I have some great friends, and I don't want for much. I enjoyed several trips and some great times, I think. I even met Rachel Zoe, and ate crow, as before then I couldn't stand her, but what a talent she is. My only upset was the passing of Amy Winehouse. I'm a huge fan. I enjoyed her music so much and her being out there. I can only compare it to when people lost John Lennon I guess. It still makes me sad, but I have finally moved from wearing black to deep purple! But we'll always have her music.
This will be the Mistress later tonight when she gets good and tight and forgets herself!!!!!! This will be after taking a swim in the sidecar and champagne pool!

My white tux shirt fit nicely, and is ready for the ironing.
Some of the wine and other spirits for those who don't drink my sidecars!
Currently at the casa.....
It's about 2:30am and all is quite. On weekends I'm usually up late, the night owl in me. I can never sleep the night before when I have a get together or I travel. I get all very excited. I would like to wish everybody a great New Year whilest I'm thinking about it. To my good friend and sister Mame, aka David Dust, who got me swindled into blogging and drinking, and to my girl Kailyn, my drinking partner in crime. To my bad influences, MM #1 Fan, Adrien and Preston. And to my good blogger friends, Froggy,Debra,Madtexter, Auntie Flame,Eric Arvin, Beth, Miss Ginger, Howard, Cali-Boi, Mahogany Empress, Pearl Gates, Lady Finger,Lenore Nevermore, my sweet Bob,and the neat Stephen. This year I also got to know some very interesting and fun new people at the Casa and think it will be the beginning of a new friendship, the mischievous Adam and Nick, the fabulously chic and sharp Tabitha, the sweet Cory Jo, RJ and Craig! And then there is my sweet and lovely Skill who always makes me feel good! And to me eccentric friends Mistress Mj and Designing Wally!!!!! And of course to all my readers and followers, who I love to hear from. Your comments, at times, keep me in stitches!!!!!! It is to all of you, along with my guests tonight that I will raise my 10th glass of champagne to for a New Year filled with love, happiness, peace and good health for all! And just remember, there is always time for another cock-a-tail!!!!
A very Happy New Year to you All, dears!