Well, it appears we are in Autumn now. With the change in season and the passing of the throne from one sister to the next, the temperatures have drastically changed already. Most of the week found us in the low 80's to 70's and at night...it has been gloriously cool and makes for good heavy sleeping in conjunction with nightly gins. No heat as of yet, but still have wide open windows. We still have Indian Summer to look forward too. But meanwhile the garden is still going insane, things still going full steam. I must still have 10 to 11 blooms of the dahlias, and the roses are filled yet with future blooms. But I know the autumnal temps are coming...the squirrels are out in number forging and hiding the nuts we give them, and the fresh acorns fallen. Did you know they can hide up to over 200 to 300 nuts or acorns and remember precisely where each one is buried for later? A fact, use it as you wish. Today started out as a rainy day and remained overcast, and a very rare day where not a damn thing was on the docket. I took these pictures today...otherwise nothing, but I did make more chicken corn soup, some handmade corn bread and slow cooked pulled pork shoulder. Otherwise, a nice veg out day.

These will look great in a vase in about another week.
They dry out nice too.
A curious Catbird by the compost. I suspect they will be departing soon.
One of the ducks came over to the driveway today, from next door, where water often form a reservoir. They often swim in it. The dogs weren't thrilled by the visiting fowl...but it seemed to like the bird's seed.
I don't recall the name of this leafy vine thing...but it's going bonkers and almost down to the brick planter wall we have.