Wednesday, August 26, 2020


I want my money back!!!!! 

And meanwhile at the White House Rose Garden.....

In other news, I hear Trump will be in  yet another reboot of the Poseidon Adventure. One of his lines,  I may be a fat old slob, eating Big Mac's and Cokes all day, sweating on the golf course, but you see Mr. Scott. on top of a young female , I'm a very skinny man."


  1. Ugh! I turned the television off until Saturday. I just can't abide the lies coming out of that stink show. I can't abide another 4 years of this crap. Please, please, please vote. Let's get these idiots out of Washington!

    1. I not not been watching either my dear CONDE. I have been watching my latest show Endeavor on Masterpiece. OHmyGOSH is Shaun Evens ever sexy!!!!! Had I be watching the RNC I may require your hand to hold with such frights.

  2. These are perfection and just the laugh I need to get the day rolling!

  3. Replies
    1. RTG and I just had a good laugh at that one also!

  4. It was almost worth seeing that Trump girlfriend just to watch the late night comedians afterward making fun of her. And of course, someone on Facebook started the 'evita' challenge of who could deliver her last lines better. They've been funny.

    1. Thanks for taking time and stopping in Misadventures!!!!! I hope to see you again. Yes I agree, she has no idea the parody material she just gave to the great comedy acts!!!!!

  5. LOL! Perfect.

  6. [Sing] "We WON'T cry for you in November....."


    I see that Melanoma is well kitted-out for grimy gardening work. Doesn't she still have that parka with "I really don't care. Do U?" on the back? Now's a good time to dust the faux-glitter off it, put it on and start shovelling mud.

  7. OMG I watched the Puerto Rican Evita deliver her lines live and I could not stop laughing. She truly believed every word. The cocaine probably was still fresh in her nostrils, too.
    Oh, and the Slovenian Marie Antoinette and her second rate Versailles. They do have the most appalling taste. The Rose Garden looks like the courtyard of a pretentious Motel 8.


  8. Mistress you sure do love your Joan Crawford! That is funny as hell!!!!!!! Except me know Crawford would have chewed up and spit out both of the trumps.

  9. Too funny! I've been binge watching reaction videos on youtube, and risking getting blood clots in my legs while doing it. Still better than this crap.

  10. ...nicely done post....although I had no problem watching the entire DNC convention - positive, uplifting, sane and well-reasoned - stomaching the gang of of crooks and low-life’s presenting this week is too much to even contemplate....enough to get snippets of what transpires from Stephen Colbert!
    As to Screeching Guilfoyle,,, I must assume our Gov. Newsom breathes a sigh of relief that he left her years ago for a healthy relationship...
    Meanwhile I continue post adding to get out the vote and support decent candidates in November!

  11. I have a feeling we're going to see a lot of Kimberly Tinfoil ... on SNL.

  12. LMAO - Love the Poseidon Adventure joke. That is classic for the ages. I dunno, hon. I have real mixed feelings about what is going on in this country right now. Such a shit show. I seriously don't know where to look. Hope you are well and happy. I had a Covid meltdown this morning. I am better, but now sad.

    1. OH NO. Are sure hope everything is ok?

  13. Evita... I think she looks more like Lady Macbeth on poppers.

  14. Sooner I'd eat rats at Tewkesbury than watch anything the Trump Party nee GOP is doing these days.


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