Wednesday, August 26, 2020


Look out girls....and  look out for danger...Miss Wilhelmina Caviar is in the house.

I love me a good entertaining Asian queen, let's just say, they most times are the most stunning queens around, and I have always loved Jujubee...but the one that has always captured me is one Wilhelmina  Caviar. Wilhelmina one fierce queen, who can beat that mug, keep things fresh with bringing the looks and one snarky mouth. Wilhelmina and her  acts can be seen mostly in California and Nevada. This queen has left me gagged at showed with looks and her antics. The last time I saw her was when we did a routine for the gay pride festivities here in Philly several years back. It was a blast.  And her weekly shows at Hamburger Mary's are excellent, where she one of the more popular girls... but saves the racier acts for the clubs, Strut and Club Piranha. She also does many shows with Delta Work with the drag revue, Dreamgirls. But she is also about educating the kids and the straight community beyond what we see on Drag Race. Back in 2019 Wilhelmina took part in a series discussion  with other drag queens when they were invited by a professor who had the idea of hosting a drag show in his classroom. It has since turned into a multiple show event. The event called Drag U Cation , in addition to some entertaining, also includes candid Q&A, and discussions from everything on finding the right drag persona, from where drag came from, to struggles about keeping work and personal life separate, especially since Wilhelmina does her drag in secret. Other topics include encompassing the art form for anyone who wants to participate in drag, what drag queens go throws from the straight and gay communities, and how being a drag queen gives performers the freedom to express themselves with a platform to talk about issues and struggles that affect the LGBTQ community. All that and bitch can turn a look.


  1. What? Drag-U-Cation? Where do I sign up? That's the kind of curriculum I like!
    She's fab. That fucking MUG! Would love to see her live. I'm gonna go hunt her down on YouTube!


  2. what remarkable lips !

  3. I'm in the cosmetics industry, and her make is more flawless than mine. It's not fait I tell you.

  4. She should have used the name Wilhelmina Lips! They are flawless lips.

  5. I've seen her in Laguna Beach...she is pretty entertaining. but her looks are stunning...those eyes.

  6. I have yet to meet or work with her, but her drag persona is flawless. I hear good things.

  7. OK Miss Thang!!!!!! Look at that beat face.

  8. More brilliance. Although I enjoy seeing drag queens in and out of character, I do love the mystery of knowing them only as their drag persona.

  9. In today's world staying
    secret is a real feat!
    xoxo :-)

  10. Great eyes.

    Can that Drag U Cation be found on the Internet?

    1. Kirk, I don't believe it is online, at least to my knowledge.

  11. I... I don't know ANYTHING about her... but... but I just wanna kiss her lips! In fact... I want that brand of lipstick all over my body! Whoo. Whatta fire! Thanks for igniting this one. I... I gotta run to the bathroom and put it out! Kizzes.

  12. She's flawless. Such different looks and she pulls them off with ease. What's not to celebrate?

  13. IM getting all LIP and EYE realness from the ho!!!!


Go ahead darling, tell me something fabulous!