Friday, December 31, 2021


...POSTCARDS from Pam Demic!!!!! 

While the Mistress is busing herself for a dinner and drinks and overnight stay with friends for the evening...worry not, Pam Demic is here to fill in to wish all a Happy and Bright New Year!!! I have a few minutes to spare since my Aunt Delta Variant and my evil cousin Omicron Variant take the reins for a awhile. I do hope you have the sense to be staying safe? 

Much like the Mistress, I myself love a good afternoon champagne. So here is a toast to this invincible crew!!! To you all! The visits and friendships are always treasured here.  And remember to keep safe for the New Year, or us Variants will be making a visit to you. Here at the Casa du Borghese, for the New Year, remember, for the right people, you will always be enough, you will never have to question yourself or your self worth. If someone can't see beauty in you, to be grateful for your shared energy, there is simply no need to stay around. Love yourself, love others, be where your love is reciprocated. Don't waste your time on people who don't want you in their life. That's our advice for the New Year. That and drink gin!

As always, we are all ever grateful for your comments, visits, and friendship here at the Casa du Borghese and we wish you all a Happy and Bright, hopefully, New Year!!!! Even Buster Borghese is ready!

Rather looks like Baby New Year doesn't he?
Happy New Year's Eve

And remember, it's the small things you do that might make you the hero in someone else's eyes.

Thursday, December 30, 2021


 While the last season of RuPaul's Drag Race seemed to last 6 years, it's other counterparts from around the globe, spanned from Down Under, the UK, Holland, Canada, Spain and Italia...six seasons in the amount it took the US version to do one season. But were heading back to the US and the werkroom for another season. And it looks to be another extra-long season with 14 queens again. I don't know yet I'll be watching let alone recapping,  as the international versions have spoiled me with how quick they roll, and I'll be breaking for the winter for a bit.  By this point, is there really something new we haven't seen yet? If I have to see queens rely on death drops yet again, Ill scream. These girls need to watch and learn from their international sisters, who perform and do other moves with their bodies and not rely on so much for the expected death drop.  The latest batch of queens are in my opinion much less well known as opposed to seasons past, the way I think it' ought to be...but this season is either going to be very good, or a complete train wreck. I know of some and am very familiar with at least five queens. The queens were Ru-Vealed in a Candyland-esque promo during the holidays. I have here a bit for them, and where I will estimate their chance.


Alyssa Hunter-

Puerto Rico,13th

Alyssa Hunter is one of the most celebrated pageant queens in Puerto Rico and she knows her way around a runway and delivers stunning looks. But I sense an early out of the season for her.

Angeria Paris Van Micheals

Atlanta. Top 5

A southern belle from Atlanta, and I'm here to tell ya she lights up a room with her charisma, nerve and talent. An old school pageant queen and this bitch can serve fierce fashion and face with a side of country charm, but I don't know about the uniqueness part. She will I'm certain make top 5, but I doubt she'll get the win.


Seattle, Top 5

Very laid back and a very talented queen but don't let her laid back grunge vibe fool you; this fiercely competitive queen is all about femme fatale glamour, razor sharp wit and an impressive arsenal of drag tricks.

Daya Betty
Springfield MO, Top 5

I think Daya will be a mid-way queen but will not make top 5. Daya hails from the House of Methyd, as in Crystal Methyd..and this edgy queen at 6ft 4 is serving 80's inspired rockstar realness, but that may be her downfall, if she doesn't switch it up But... Daya is known for crafting incredible looks out of literally- anything.

Deja Skye
Fresno CA,  7 th

Deja is a pastel princess that prides herself on embracing all her curves and swerves, and is known for her very bold colorful drag aesthetic and design skills. She's a real sweetheart and has killer lip sync skills. But I don't see a win.

Jasmine Kennedie

I will be rooting for my girl Jasmine. This ditzy bitch is known for her high energy dancing and bringing her polished drag and the gift of gab to the show. Her personality may be bubbly and fun, but she is drop dead serious about slaying. I will hope she make top 5, but I don't feel she will crack it. I see Jasmine going mid way.

Nashville TN- 6th 

Jorgeous should do well, and make the midway, but I don't see a win for this spicy Latina queen who started drag at 16 and never looked back. She is a natural performer, and she can dance the house down.

June Jambalaya
Los Angeles CA -13th or 14th

June will bring the black girl magic to the show and season and is known for her dance moves, kicks and splits. But at what point is the death drop boring? It's to the point a death drop bores me. It seems every queen and her mother does them now, there not so showstopping anymore. For this reason, I see a very early out.

Kerri Colby
Los Angeles CA - 9th

Kerri is a bodacious queen and is all about beauty, hair and body -ody-ody and hails from the legendary drag House of Colby. She is good, but is there anything new here?
Kornbread "The Snack" Jete
Los Angeles- 11th or 10th

Kornbread is like the Silky 2.0, but only sweet and nice, and funny as hell. She is a powerhouse with a delicious sassy personality. Her show leaves you gooped, gagged and gandered. She has a good heart and does drag for fun, and often leaves her audiences in stiches...but I place her for an early out, as I again think we have seen this schtick already.

Lady Camden
Sacramento CA- Top 5

Lady Camden is another of my girls I must root for and this queen I feel, will make top 5, if not top 3! I'll be highly surprised if she doesn't. Born in the UK and relocated to CA, this professional ballet dancer turned drag queen will take the world and stage with serving class, sass and living the pop princess fantasy. The Lady is very talented when it comes to performing and style and I think will be one of the few to show some wide variety of looks and style.

Maddy Morphosis
Fayetteville AK- 10TH

Now this small-town camp queen is ready to take the stage and is a first for the series. Maddy is a straight male who does drag. Maddy's quirky performances and style, set her apart, but having seen her, don't think it will be enough to place high. But I must add, I don't care what type or who is cast on Drag Race. Drag is Drag. Many of the LGBTQ are upset by a straight guy competing on the show, but yet pressured Ru to showcase more drag backgrounds and styles. And yet, are clamoring for "gay safe spaces" and protecting the LGBTQ community from a straight drag queen on a reality series, but they seem to forget that a bill languishes in the Senate still which affects our actual safe spaces-- jobs and homes free from discrimination. Which you do hear more about? The Equality Act or Maddy Morphosis? If you have opinions about who's cast on a reality show than the Equality Act, you're the "activists" doing the absolute least. Many have a lot to say on a non-issue like casting, on a show which they themselves elevated. It's low hanging fruit for the mentally lazy. It makes me mad that the gays get up in arms over this, and yet so unaware of our own rights that gay communities will run around acting like this entertainment thing is the be-all and end-all of gay rights. 

Orion Story
Grand Rapids- 12th

Orion is a retro sex kitten with a campy edge. She is the first queen to represent Michigan, and this beauty brings a smoldering Lana Del Rey energy to her drag and seems eager to share her unique stylings, but I feel this won't be enough. I see another early out for Orion.

Willow Pill
Denver CO- Top 5

I dare say Willow will be top 3 and I will go further and say she and Lady Camden might be the top two. They seem to be the only ones to offer a little something different on this season. Willow is definitely a quirky little pill, and this queen has a wicked sense of humor, twisted, and has a darkly eccentric drag style, not to mention is Yvie Oddly's drag sister, so I would say it's safe to say to expect the unexpected here with this one.

And the winner is.....
What do you think of them? Season 14 premiers on January 7th at 8pm on VH1.

Wednesday, December 29, 2021


 Have you heard the Mistress was chosen as the Vera Ellen part in the White Christmas Reboot?

Tuesday, December 28, 2021


Eleganza Twixmas Portraits. 

You know, the period betixed Christmas and New Years.

Our newly crowned RuPauls Drag Race Italia Queen-
Electra Bionic.

The Villbergs

Carmen Farala

Scarlet Envy

Sira MaNdonna

Bonita Roserita

Betty Bang

Kara Mel DeVil

Fraida Kant


Veronica Electronica 

Jasmine Rice

Sam Star

Monday, December 27, 2021



This is what happens when you have five days off, one tends to get very relaxed, and laze about. But it's that what the holidays are for? I have one friend who has started running around like a chicken with his head cut off already, doing this and doing that...I told him to slow down and sit and enjoy a movie or cook or something, but with him it's always got to be doing something work related or around the house.... relax I tell him. Another nice Christmas has passed, a nice time with my uncle and some of his kids. I got some of these beaded, jeweled ornaments that had been my late aunts. I know some were made in Japan, and others are handmade, likely by her and some friends, while sitting around a kitchen table, creating these gems. I haven't seen any of these in years. And it now seems it's another international holiday, the birthday of our Patron Saint here at the Casa du Borghese, Magdalene Dietrich who was born this date in 1901. The German- American actress, whose beauty, jaw-dropping glamour, voice, aura of sophistication, and languid sensuality made her the world's most glamours film star ever. And I suspect we will never see the likes of it or her again...not even close. Happy Birthday to our beloved Marlene Dietrich.

And just liked that, I woke up to snow this morning.....