Friday, December 31, 2021


...POSTCARDS from Pam Demic!!!!! 

While the Mistress is busing herself for a dinner and drinks and overnight stay with friends for the evening...worry not, Pam Demic is here to fill in to wish all a Happy and Bright New Year!!! I have a few minutes to spare since my Aunt Delta Variant and my evil cousin Omicron Variant take the reins for a awhile. I do hope you have the sense to be staying safe? 

Much like the Mistress, I myself love a good afternoon champagne. So here is a toast to this invincible crew!!! To you all! The visits and friendships are always treasured here.  And remember to keep safe for the New Year, or us Variants will be making a visit to you. Here at the Casa du Borghese, for the New Year, remember, for the right people, you will always be enough, you will never have to question yourself or your self worth. If someone can't see beauty in you, to be grateful for your shared energy, there is simply no need to stay around. Love yourself, love others, be where your love is reciprocated. Don't waste your time on people who don't want you in their life. That's our advice for the New Year. That and drink gin!

As always, we are all ever grateful for your comments, visits, and friendship here at the Casa du Borghese and we wish you all a Happy and Bright, hopefully, New Year!!!! Even Buster Borghese is ready!

Rather looks like Baby New Year doesn't he?
Happy New Year's Eve

And remember, it's the small things you do that might make you the hero in someone else's eyes.


  1. Here here! Pam! Some very good advice. I am getting some major Ursula Andress vibes here from these snap shots. Gorgeous. A Happy New Year to you all at the Casa and thank you and all for making so many of my days bright.

    Happy New Year to all!

    1. Me too Agnes. Pam always gives me Ursula or Veronicia Lake.

    2. Ursula? Veronica?

      Boy no pressure!!!

  2. YASSSSS HENNY! Werk GIRL! Own them gloves honey.

    Happy New Year! And Buster!

  3. Pam Demic, your postcards always hit the spot! And I love your New Year Eve ensemble, especially the sparkly dress, sunglasses and jewelry -- and who doesn't like to have a handsome gent in a top hat on one's arm for the evening? While browsing the Victorian Trading Company's on-line sale yesterday, I spotted a set of teacups, each one sporting a label of Gin, Vodka, Rum, etc that reminded me of Mistress Maddie. Upon reflection, I'm sure the Mistress needs no help to find Gin in his teacup, LOL!

    So here's to a happy and healthy 2022 for everyone at the Casa du Borghese and who delights in reading about it!

    1. I think i have seen versions of these tea cups. I'm surprised I don't own them yet!

      Happy New Year Tundra!

  4. Happy New Year!!!! OMG, Pam, you look stunning and your rack is better than mine!!! Buster looks adorable in his top hat.

    Love the songs too. The Happy New Year one brings back childhood memories.

  5. Pam Demic is in all her New Year’s Eve glory. A vision. And I hope Buster is tying up his white tie and dusting off his tail. Have a happy.

  6. Bottoms up!! Have a wonderful New Year, and I shall embrace your advice!

  7. FAB-U-LOUS!!

    I swear Pam Demic's morphed into Faye Dunaway in Supergirl...

    Happy New Year, my sweet - clink, clink! Jx

    1. Boy god Faye too! The queen of a 100 faces.

    2. Faye Runaway??? You two are to kind.

  8. You got yourself some cleavage!!! I knew those pecs would come in handy one day! Pam, you look fabulous! Keep up your good work and clean up the brainless. Love you Love your hair! And gloves, and jewels....

    Happy New Year!!!!! Both os those songs are perfect.

    1. Oh I know you love the jewels.

      Happy New Year to you boys.

  9. I'll be having a champagne afternoon right along with you girl, and YES to that advice not to stay around ... even when it's family. Be safe, be happy, continue to be Fabulous!

    1. Happy New Year Shirley!!

      Somethings tells me you need the Champagne song from Amanda Lepore girl

  10. Anonymous12/31/2021

    Happy New Year! Hugs!

  11. That's quite a frock - I think Jon's on to something with the Faye Dunaway comment. Fabulous, darling!

    Now, drink gin, you say? Well, if you insist! Happy New Yeaer! x

  12. Happy new year darling creature

  13. Pam, daring, you look marvelous!! Happy New Year!! xoxoxo

    1. Thanks sugarplum!!! Happy New Year and a Happy Birthday to you as well!!!

  14. Happy New Year, and please stay safe.

  15. Actually, he looks like he's saying "can I take the hat off now?" Just kidding! Have a spectacular New Years

  16. HNY, Maddie!
    Cheers to a fab 2022.

  17. Happy New Year dear Casa residents. I can’t wait to see what or who you get into this year!

  18. I don't know if it's all the champagne or your psychedelic mod dress and sunglasses, dear Pam Demic, but my head is positively SWIRLING! Happy New Year!

  19. Happy New Years, baby!

    1. 💋💋💋💋💋💋🍸🍸🍸🍸🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊

  20. Pam, you look amazing but buster stole my heart!
    Some sage advice regarding who we love and are loved by. I couldn't agree more.

    Thank you for another year of entertainment, education and frivolity. Much appreciated.

    None of us knows what 2022 will bring but let's be optimistic!

    And for those of us whom 2021 stole a loved one, may you carry them in your heart into the coming year.

    Happy New year, everyone. X

    1. I so appreciate your friendship Christina...and Buster sends a few wet kisses as well.

      Happy New Year!

  21. Ms Demic I have to say you have an amazing taste in gloves. I can follow most of your suggestions for the new year but not on gin. I drink very little alcohol (I made some egg nog over Christmas) but I particularly detest gin and whisky. My Mum used to knock back the G&Ts.

    1. I love eggnog!!! We made my aunt's recipe Christmas Eve. It was mostly definetly warming.

  22. Happy New Year Maddie! 🧨🎉🎊🍾🥂

  23. Happy! New! Year! Love your glasses!

  24. Happy New Year, Mads. Be kind to yourself.... I like that. Many hugs and kisses.

  25. I LOVE me some Pam Demic! The only bright spot in this otherwise mess.

    But I myself am getting some Jennifer Coolidge. Happy New Year to you!

  26. Pam! My hero! So good to see she's out and about (and a bit in her cups it would appear.) Such a fetching lass. Surely the house boys can't be trusted around her... Thanks for the lovely spread... phot spread, I mean... Kizzes.

    1. Who needs breast-plates?

      Kisses for the New Year!

  27. If one person was brightened by all this non sense it's been worth it.

    Happy New Year Linda!

  28. Happy New Year Maddie pam and the Houseboys!!!! LOVE that song Hero! Great song with message for the night.

    And like someone commented, Im getting so major Jennifer Coolidge vibes here.

  29. Pam, you're stunning as ALWAYS!!!! Im so glad your aunts haven't visited me yet, and won't they stay away. No offense of course.

    Happy New Year!

  30. I LOVE PAM!!!!!! A nice note to end the year on. Shit, your tits are almost as big so mine girl.


Go ahead darling, tell me something fabulous!