Sunday, March 28, 2021


It was a busy day yesterday at the BCSPCA . I have to say,  it's the first time I ever socialized with a goat! They recently took in several sheep, goats, chickens,  and peeps from a "sanctuary farm" where many were not properly cared for, mistreated, dehydrated and living conditions were disgusting from what I understand. The woman has been fined and jailed and the property will be condemned. A happy ending this time. Afterward,  a nice 6 mile run at the lake. And then some baking. It certainly was a glorious day weather wise. I also had some time walking around here too. The usual suspects around here have certainly been active.

The cardinal couple

Male and female cowbirds

Downy Woodpecker. I have seen two couple of them.
A Black-capped Chickadee
Nocturne is still around, but hasn't been on the window sill in some time. Too big to fit I suspect.

The Red Tailed hawk has been around a lot lately. When he arrives the others vacate quickly, although, I think he did get a mole the other day. I was happy to get a fairly decent picture this time. He was pretty close to the windows.  My being on a second floor, I feel like I'm in a treehouse.
I was walking the property here, and I caught a picture of  a Northern Flicker in a bush by my apartment. And to think some have nicked named me Northern Flicker. 

And finally got a Bluebird picture at one the birdhouses a neighbor put up near the woods edge. Bird nest building has been under way for a couple weeks now.
The early evening and today was spent going the Easter menu for dinner next week. Yes, I'll be heading home once again . With my aunt finally home this week, I thought best if I cook the Easter first one too. I'll be doing a Roasted Lamb with rosemary, Gruyere Scalloped Potatoes, Roasted Parsnips and Asparagus. After,  I baked some Easter Bread, which is a different recipe from my usual Challah bread,  for a neighbor, and some Hot Crossed Buns for myself to enjoy this week.
And imagine my surprise to find this,  this morning,  when I opened the bedroom drapes.
I have no idea when it showed up , as I don't always pull the drapes open so far...but noticed on this rainy morning. The nest looks like a robin, but the two eggs are far smaller, and more greenish blue, not at all robin egg blue. I shall await to catch a glimpse of the suspect. Today has been spent on the sofa in undies and a blanket with movies.


  1. What a lovely way to spend a day. No snap shots of that? You, in the undies, I mean. Adore all your photos. How nice that you have the patience to bird watch and live in the perfect place to do so. Those crossed bun look delicious... insert joke here. And your menu. So adventurous. And high class. Kudos. Kizzes...

    1. Bird watching of both variety I find very calming.

  2. You are quite the Masterbaker™!
    We had a glorious day, too, though less of a run around the lake and snapping pics of the 'guests,' and more mowing of yards and tidying up of garden beds and such.
    But a pitcher of margaritas awaits in the refrigerator, along with a Chorizo Spaghetti and all is well.

  3. chicken tikka masala w/jasmine rice and wine for dinner here tonight.
    YAYZ for your auntie coming home!
    you are such a domestic goddess!

  4. Well, Mistress Maddie, it's better to be called a Northern Flicker than a Spotted Dick, LOL! Your vase of daffodils are lovely and your baking looks delicious too -- maybe you can combine the two and make a hot cross bunny next year?

    1. i think the mistress is well familiar with flickers, spotted dick and hung wangers.

  5. Flowers, hot buns, nesting...?? all makes me think about Mr.Lumbersexual.

    1. Oh...I got a pair of hot crossed buns with special icing just for him Jimmy!!!!

  6. Loverly birdies! Very interested in the
    nest and what hatches out. We are having
    a big windstorm so all birdies are safe in
    the fir trees. xoxo :-)

    1. Us too. I fear the high winds may knock it off the sill.

  7. I'm familiar with your Northern Flicker. It's a beauty.

    Great shot of the hawk.

    1. Yes...I seem to remember it took shelter in your nest.

  8. I love watching your backyard friends...I have several BlueJay, a pair of Cardinals and just recently a Red-hooded Woodpecker. But that hawk and bluebird picture are neat! Loved the nest picture too.

    With all this baking, your going to make a good husband for some man one day. I haven't had Easter bread in years!! That Easter menu sounds mouth watering Mistress.

    1. The bread was a tradition of my maternal grandmother.

  9. Such great pictures. It's nice to see the changes there each season.

    And those daffodils on your windowsill are stunning. Ours aren't even blooming yet.

  10. I love all your pictures...but the one with the Chickadee I really because of the tree shadow on the lawn. You got some great shots. The breads looks scrumptious. Is that an egg in the bread???

  11. Fab photos! Our "usual suspects" are a little more elusive because of all the cats in the neighbourhood (with the exception of the crows and magpies, who are afraid of nothing), but the birdsong at this time of year is an utter joy. Spring is a lovely time of year. Jx

    PS dare I say it? Your buns look very tempting...

  12. Nice pics. The only birds I get around here are doves and Cardinals.

  13. Learnt a lot about neighborhood birds. Seen you been doing this post I now can name some birds on sight. Excellent buns! Might I sample them?

  14. I enjoyed reading this post and love your daffs! I went back and looked at most of your suspects posts. Boy do you get the birds and wildlife!

    And what is Easter bread? I've never heard of it?

    1. The short story..It’s much like challah bread that would grace the table at many Raster dinners or breakfast. But with the addition of the egg baked in and not eaten and braids, it is a very similar bread to that which might be presented at many Easter tables in Greece, Russia and the Czech Republic. It's a sweet finish. It is super soft … a bit like eating pillows of softness that melt in your mouth!

      The braid is most often formed into a circle or oblong shape, symbolizing the crown that Jesus wore on the cross and the egg represent the resurrection of Christ and a rebirth of the spring season.

  15. You are so lucky to have such varied birds around. And my dear Maddie. I fear that you may have mis-heard the nick name. It’s not Northern Flicker, it’s Northern F**ker. Maybe it’s time to see an ear, nose and throat doctor.

    1. My throat could use a stretch. Are you volunteering?

  16. Some people need to be shot for abusing animals. It's appalling the abuse some go through. And yet we humans even abuse them by taking more land, entrapping them , hunting to near extinction. Do we care? Humans don't have much regard for other life unless it's us. I applaud you for volunteering, and your nature loving self. Someone taught you well.

  17. WOW this is so cool!

  18. Beautiful captures of a really beautiful birds Mistress!! It always amazes me how different birds are per different areas, countries. I miss some of the one I used to see in the States.

    Your hot cross buns look delicious. I make make bread worth crap.

  19. Sound like lovely day and Easter. Enjoy the bird photos.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  20. What wonderful pictures! I had my first and only sighting today of a robin.

    Now I want to come sample your baked goods. I'll bet they taste excellent. I can't bake worth crap. And your Easter menu sounds really nice...good luck to you.

    1. her baked goods ARE dee-lish! I've been the recipient or her challah bread and raisin tea biscuits.

      you can't bake, but you can play the cello. I would love to hear you play with the philly orchestra.

  21. You know my response to these pics already but wowzers!!!
    Fantastic. All of them and the nest, how amazing.

    Your baking looks tiptop. You are such a talented mistress! Xx

    1. If you lived closer Christina you'd have an open invitation to stop in anytime!!!

  22. What a bountiful batch of beautiful birds! I love the speckles of that Northern Flicker, and the blue bird is so blue! We don't have anything like it here, although the body-shape looks very much like our robin. Speaking of, is that a new nest, or is it your robins' nest from last year being reused (by a different bird?)?

    Your 'Domestic Goddessing' is top notch, as usual. I've always liked the look of your hot crossed buns - mouth watering!

    1. A new one. Last year's got swept away by the window cleaners....and with high winds tonight..I fear this one might not be there long.Though I did see a robin in it before bed.

      And my bread stick is excellent for dipping.

    2. I might add...Bluebirds are rare to see I was overjoyed to get a picture. I usually see them at the lake more so.

  23. Your baking skills amaze me. And I love seeing all your feathered visitors (and the nest!).

  24. do you live in a paradise?

    1. If this was paradise xersex...there'd be a man in my bed right now then I'd answer yes.

    2. You would live in a paradise, with your Adam!

  25. Gosh Mistress Maddie, what a joy of a post
    Spring is a wonderful time.
    Your garden birds look so exotic compared with our natives

    1. We do have quite the variety here. And being so near woods..and a lake, it helps. Now if we could get your garden and my birds together...with would be heaven.

  26. Eggcellent post, Mistress M! And nice buns!

  27. It won't let me reply under your comment but if I loved closer I'd be the star of My 600lb life!!😂😂

    1. Ill be right there next to you coming in at 500lbs.

  28. Love the nest!
    I am going to follow your lead and I'm going to get another birdhouse this year and hope some birdies use it as their own BRNb. And I think I'll get some bird food too.
    You're inspiring me!


    1. I stated it on a whim and I love seeing them all, and it was because of me placing seed out and other stations. I got my mother started now too. But she doesn't know what most of the birds are.

  29. Cap Chasen3/29/2021

    Magical photos as always!

  30. Too cool seeing all the birds. I went out and got one of those window feeders and see if I can get many birds to view.

    So when are you inviting all us over for coffee and bread?

    1. I don't have enough tables, so the houseboys will have to get on all fours.

  31. Hot cross buns would hit the spot, even this late in the evening. I'm also curious to see what birds made their nest by your window.


Go ahead darling, tell me something fabulous!