Well not quite in a sleigh, but in our buggy. Yes dear Mistresslites ,the Mistress and the Boy-Toy are off again to our families for the holidays. The Boy-Toy left already to go visit his family and will rejoin the Mistress sometime Friday at the Mistress's Mother's house. I'll be leaving around noon tomorrow right after work. Christmas Eve has always been so special. We all will go to the Aunt and Uncles house where we will par take of cock-a-tails and little nibbles and then have a wonderful dinner of Roast Beef with Yorkshire pudding. She will also have parsnips and roast potatoes. After dinner we always have her homemade peanut brittle, mints pie and homemade egg nog that is to die for-literally. It will put hair on your chest. After everyone leaves we will go back to my Mothers house and have a night cap and then watch A Christmas Carol with George c Scott,like we have done for years. Then on Christmas day the Mother and I will put together a grand buffet of Roasted Turkey and Stuffing,Chilled Shrimp,Pasta Shells with Ricotta,Baked Asparagus,Baked Parmesan Onions,Bruschetta with Goat Cheese,and a assortment of cheeses and crackers. There will also be all 16 varieties of cookies the Mother made and her famous Sand tart cookies,nut rolls and fruitcakes. Once the family is there ,the Mistress, every year the last couple anyway make her famous Cosmopolitans. At least three to five rounds. After everyone is lit,we will eat and then open some gifts. It really is a wonderful time just being all together. The rest of the visit ,we have two more Christmas parties to tend to and visiting friends in town and from out of town,like Mame Dennis or David Dust to some of ya. I can see her face already when she gets her damn sand tarts!!! Then on Sunday before heading home,our good friend Shawn and Russell are having us in for some lite bites and a cock-a-tail. While home the Mistress will also pick up her pork roast for New Years Day. I have to go to Weavers Market. They always have the best pork I ever did taste. The Boy-Toy is all overwhelmed with excitement as he HATES pork and sauerkraut on New Years Day dinner at our place. I say if the little pipsqueak didn't drink so much New Years Eve and end up hung the next day it wouldn't smell so bad.! Hell ,the Mistress is usually drunk as a skunk and still manages to cook the dinner,put it in the oven to roast slowly and then take a 4 hour nap. But thats another story!
Maddie - I can't wait to see ya (and get my Sand Tarts)!!!
Sound like a wonderful time.I'll be there around 3 for my Cosmo!
ReplyDeleteWe too have a buffet on Christmas with way too much food. Safe travels to you.
ReplyDeleteI know you and Mamie had a blast. Merry merry!