Sunday, May 12, 2024


No matter the kind, shape or form, our Mother's shape and form us for the life ahead and have a role in how we turn out. Whether we are lucky enough to still have our mothers, or our mothers have passed on, we will always have them with us no matter what. Some of us even have surrogate mothers or mother figures that have had inspiration for others of us. We don't need a special day to tell then we love them but I'm actually happy there is that day to give just a extra special day to give them the thanks they deserve.  I took my mother out for dinner Friday evening, as she bitched and screamed to not go to any special lengths, but I said Ahhhhh pipe down. I then took her shoe shopping yesterday since she said she needed some new shoes... and let her pick out three pairs of shoes since she never goes. She hates shoes shopping. I may have even tried on a pair or two of heels myself! Nice to stay in practice. Here's too all the Mothers today, and to all my readers, who are Mothers, and my usual commenters like, the Dogs Mother, Helen, Savvy, Nations, Agnes, Janie, Dawn, Jennifer, Melanie, Duchess Deedles, Christina and Shirley, I hope you all know how much your appreciated and loved, and such inspirations. Here's to all the Mothers!
Even us wild childs love our Mothers dearly.

Happy Mothers Day!


  1. All lovely, but that first one just makes me smile ... as does a wee Maddie in the last one.

    1. I think you and Carlos should get a big cat!

    2. Don't tempt me!

  2. Precious post!!!! Hard to pick a favorite. Happy Mothers Day Ladies!

  3. Heartwarming one and all!!!! You are a thought bugger and a cute one too! Have a great weekend! And thanks a lot for the Mother's day greetings. Luv yah! xoxo

  4. Ahhhhhhhhh! What a cute post and a thoughtful one. You can take me shoe shopping anytime! Hope you and your mom have a lovely weekend as are all the other mothers here!!

  5. That final photo is the best of the bunch. What an adorable little beast.

    1. You have no idea. My mother said one was enough...I apparently broke the mold.

  6. Replies
    1. Happy Mothers' Day to Im sure a hip and cool mama!

  7. A wonderful selection of photos of mamas with their wee ones -- especially the final one!

  8. If only she know how that little baby would turn out... Jx

    1. And to think, she wanted a gay son, and by god did she ever get one!!!!

  9. A beautiful post - - thanks for all of the great photos.

  10. Oh look at you... Adorbs from the Start.

  11. Adorable you, and bears!

  12. Happy Mother's day to all! So a loveable post and oh so true Mistress.

  13. These pictures are too cute for words!!!!! I just bet your mother howled when you had the heels on too? Happy Mother's Day to all.

  14. Look at you!, LOL. Pouty little lips posing already. Adorable!

  15. Thank you, Maddie!
    I had a very difficult relationship with my mother but here's not the place. I hope I'm doing the best I can mothering my three, although the youngest being 39 on Thursday, they don't need it.
    For me, being a mother is very fulfilling.
    Hope your mom picked out some beautiful shoes! What a thoughtful son you are. Xx

    1. I'm sorry to hear that. I think you may have mentioned a little before to me, but the important thing is you turned out to be a great mother. I know I wouldn't mind having you as a second mother!!! And grandmother!!!

  16. That polar bear picture completely melted me...... beautiful bonds with mothers.

  17. How could something so cute and innocent grow up into a salacious man trap?

  18. Thank you, Maddie!

    I'm sure your mother had a great time picking out shoes and going out to dinner. She's lucky to have you!

  19. What a bunch of sweet pictures. That was a nice gift you gave to your mom. Mine is gone --- so is the one who was a surrogate. Both played a very important role in who I am today, and I do think of them both whether Mother's Day or not.

  20. Anonymous5/13/2024

    Adorable! Look at you as a baby -- the original sweet cheeks, LOL!

  21. Anonymous5/13/2024

    Tundra Bunny here...

    Forgot to type my name again -- that "sweet cheeks" comment was mine...


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