Thursday, May 9, 2024


It's hard to believe the talent and phenomenal Amy Winehouse has been gone almost 13 years already. And I'm still as infatuated as I was when she hit the scene. I was so bored with music by time she arrived. Then one day, I hear this sound on the radio, like nothing I'd heard in my own time. I was then even more smitten when I laid eyes on her. I love the rebellious appearance at once. I have no problem saying she even replaced Madonna as my favorite recording artist. She never gave in with her talent or her appearance to the corporate music bullshit, and I'm pretty sure if you didn't love her style, she most likely didn't give flying figs. What amazes me is it took almost 13 years to have a movie made, not including the docu- movie Amy. 

The film will center on the life of the late British singer and songwriter, one of the biggest singers ever to come out of the United Kingdom, and she changed the landscape of pop, jazz and  R&B in one, at the height of her fame, despite releasing only two albums...which for me are heavenly awesome and I can enjoy just those two albums, even more so than the huge catalog I have of Madonna's. The film also centers with the struggles with alcoholism and substance abuse and other personal issues and her tumultuous relationship with Blake Fielder-Civil...  all of which that led to her demise at the age of 27. But it will also focus on Winehouses genius, creativity and honesty which she infused in everything she did. From the bits I've seen, the movie won't be perfect, but the savior of the film and perfect casting will be that of Marisa Abela who appears to be sensational. 

You needn't be a fan to find this an interesting film, even rewarding. And not to mention get another Amy Winehouse injection. But since we're here.

Why not? Hush and hit play sweet cheeks....


  1. I just that trailer yesterday and I absolutely agree with you! Her Back to Black cd was on constant replay at our house! What was so exciting for me was sharing her music with folks who had no clue about her or her sound. (Yeah, I'm talking about folks my age who had dismissed "current attempts at hard hitting music", you know the sounds of our youth*Jesus wept*) I gave a way a few copies of B2B and happily! xoxo

    1. I agree completely with you Savvy!!! It's rare that a whole cd is excellent. That cd is my most prized possession, as is her Valerie cd. I could give up all my music, but NOT my Winehouse cds!!!! I enjoyed her so much that I even had a Amy Winehouse give-away on my blog when the follow up CD hit, four lucky people got the CD, a tube of mascara, and a small bottle of liquor!!!

  2. OH...i KNOW you were a huge fan. You even didn't show up at the Raven for a pool day then day she passed!

    I know all the hate that the movie is suffering already, but I think it's going was to least the way I heard Marisa Abela talked about Amy in an interview, with all due respect for her and her image! I'm just looking forward to the film arriving this week. Now you got me in a Amy music mood!

  3. I love Amy Winehouse. I'm not going to let anyones opinion decide if I should see Back to Black. I watched Amy.. I cried all though the documentary. I had a lot of anger at her ex-husband and father. Both of them pointing fingers at each other and neither one of them helping. I know people with drug and alcohol abuse have to realize that they have a problem. But these two weren't helping her. Only people that seems to care was the last bodyguard and her friends. I agree, I could trade all my music to keep hers. She just sets a mood, and her music just moved me.

  4. I remember hearing her for the first time. I was captured. She really was a true talent. She was fresh and original. I also felt she had a certain vulnerability.
    Back to black is a classic but i do love her dueting with Mark Ronson on Valerie.
    Like many true talents, gone too soon.

  5. Amy Winehouse was pure talent. A multi-million dollar concert tour would have been a distraction.

  6. I think I forgot to push Publish after I commented so I'll try again ... I loved her the moment I heard her; old school in a new school way. She was familiar but fresh; plain but perfect. She reminded me of a version of Billie Holiday; not a perfect voice by any stretch but the emotion in each sound undeniable.

    My favorite Amy moment was when she was performing [in London I think] on Grammy night and won for Record of the Year for Rehab; the look on her face was pure shock and joy.

    1. Your right Bob. She had it. Something we don't see too often if ever. And she just wanted to do what she did.. Im pretty sure she didn't care how big she got. She just wanted to sing. I would have loved to hang out in a dive bar drinking with her. It was on my bucket list.

  7. No desire to see this. Most people forget that it was Mark Ronson who produced that disc and dealt with her ugly side on a daily basis. People forget he took home more awards that Grammy night than she did. That might make for an interesting movie.

    1. But he didn't push to much either to get help...much like her father and boyfriend. Without her voice...he' d collected nothing that year. She was his cash cow and we rode the wave while it keep rolling in. Not that he isn't talented mind you.

    2. I agree, Even Mark Ronson used her to a point. He knew she'd be in trouble and rode that cash wave while he could.

  8. Tortured soul. That overflowed to her music. The voice and delivery made me pay attention. Being "difficult" is an issue for many a creative but some take it a few miles too far. I hope the film doesn't turn into a total lovefest, but rather brings the ugly truth.

  9. Same.
    Loved Amy from first listening. And same, I still listen to her at least once a month. She's in most of my playlists. Even though I agree that the casting is uncanny (that accent!) I will stick with the Amy documentary. Maybe if this streams, I'll watch, though...


  10. I'm a fan too! Looking forward to seeing this!

  11. It's been 13 years?!? Holy shit, time flies.

  12. I loved her too! I will have to watch this On Demand, as I don't think that movie is coming anywhere near as close to me. I too enjoyed her music immensely.

  13. "The light that burns twice as bright burns for half as long." :(
    That was Amy.

  14. She deserves to be remembered for her talent... not her downfall.

  15. Loved her. Shes the definition of not knowing what you had until its gone. All the media did was ridicule her addictions and mental health and now the media does "remembering amy" segments. We had her right there in our generation to help and guide, she was failed massively by her own team who allowed her to perform whilst mentally ill and addicted and her own dad allowing it. Now they all mourn her. Shes never coming back so i hope her story ensures this never happens to another broken starlett

  16. Like others, I still can't believe she is gone. She was getting her life together pretty good in the last months, but by then her body just couldn't get used to the levels of drag and drinks her body had come accustomed too. It's sad her body got used to such levels. But that voice.....


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