Tuesday, May 28, 2024



With Memorial Day yesterday, we had several family members here for a family cook out. My Uncle Jack and many of his kids were here. It wasn't long before we were regaling stories of my late Aunt Barbara and my mother parents. It wasn't but 2 years maybe before my aunt's passing away,  that she dropped one of her famous family history bombs. Like the one where she told how we are descendants of Aaron Burr. Being I have an elephant memory; I have become the teller of some of the stories. Since we were talking of some of the past veterans in the family and my Uncle Jack being in the army himself, I was talking about how my maternal grandfather had been rejected by his first wife. Most were in shock! Like me, they hadn't any idea there was a first wife.  I myself shocked when I learned about it. I just assumed he and my grandmother were married only once. Turns out when he was a private in World War I, after three years, he was discharged after a donkey had kicked him hard in the upper thigh and yes...testicles!!!  Upon returning home, his first wife, Carmalita, from what I read, and was told, was a stunning Latina, but very hot tempered. Apparently, it was already a scandal with his family, he hadn't married a white girl, but I digress. Upon follow up checkups with medical professionals, my grandfather learned he would never be able to produce semen for kids; he was told to much damage to the gonads. He was heartbroken as he knew Carmalita wanted kids. Sadly, upon learning about it, she left my grandfather and filed for divorce. It was two years later, that a mutual friend, a shop owner, said he knew a swell Czechoslovakian lady from West Virgina who had just emigrated. You know, the best thing for an old love is a new love, thing. Well, the shop owner passed my grandfather's info along to my grandmother. Before long, they were corresponding in the mail for over a year, finally met once for a week visit, and decided to marry. They were married for over 50 years, had a 19-year age difference and had 6 children.

I guess he didn't shoot blanks after all. And I would have loved to know what Carmalita thought had she heard the news. On a side note, my own parents had a 20-year age difference and met on a blind date, and were married for 33 years till he passed.


  1. Poor Carmalita ran off too soon, but in the end, I think your Grandfather was happier, and lucky, too!

    1. My grandparents are inseparable, and apparently quite the lovebirds.

  2. Interesting. 20 years is not that big of an age difference.

    1. Tell that to my Dad's parents! They were beyond appalled he told me, by the age of my mother, being 20 his youth. Of course, he too was left by a first wife, when she realized she was a lesbian.

    2. Yeah, tell that to some of our friends. The Mistress is 14 years older than me. We got a lot of flack in the beginning

    3. Ignore them! You and the Mistress are adorable together!

  3. Doctors aren't ALWAYS right, are they? And a good thing for your father's and your existence that they were wrong in this case!

  4. That is a great family story! I have always said your family on both sides is so interesting, yet so different. Mine, seemed to be a bunch of bores. And your grandfather was handsome.

    1. But what about your fun and wild gay uncle we visited!!!!! I bet he's got stories!!!

  5. Priceless story!!! Just imagine ...had his first wife not left, you and your mother wouldn't be here now. How funny is it your grandfather went on to have six children, hahahaha! Sound like your grandparents were very happy and made for each other.

  6. LMAO!!!! Kicked in the balls! THAT had to HURT!!!! And I don't even have balls. A great story none the less...perfect family story to mold who we are. I bet you got more colorful stories.

  7. What a lovely story, Maddie. I love family history.
    I once got stamped on by a horse and that hurt enough but to be kicked in the crown jewels must have been dreadful!
    I don't think age differences matter at all. You love who you love, regardless. Xx

    1. Oh I think you must be right. Seems everybody in my family either dates way younger or way older. I myself and the lad at 14 years, and I and Warbucks have 23 years. I cant imagine any kind of injury from a horse would be good. Ouch!!!!

  8. He was evidently not sterile.

    1. I'd say not!!!! And they would have had seven children...but my grandmother miscarried one.

  9. What a fascinating and wild story. I wish I knew more stories about my ancestors. That portrait is a treasure.

    1. One of my only pictures of my maternal grandfather. It's one of my favorites taken at a World's Fair.

  10. I'm glad the doctors were wrong about your grandfather, otherwise you wouldn't be here.

  11. Love a family story!
    And I am glad your grandpa recovered and got married! My grandpa was also twenty years older than my grandma. I think it was not such a big deal back then, huh?


    1. And funny thing is, all my grandma's kids went on to have six each, except my mother. One was it. I guess I broke the mold.

  12. Age differences don't much matter in adulthood. Not really. Though my wife and I get teased all the time due to the 13-year age difference. Playing along makes the joking a lot more fun!

  13. Neat story. Thanks for sharing.

  14. Age is only an issue if the other person isn't old enough to drink. Well in theory it's a good rule of thumb. I'd be petrified if I dated someone on the other side of 30.

    1. Ah.... no worries. Youth does have it's advantages...endurance, stamina, bendiness.....

      Where was I ???

  15. It just shows that sperm counts are a load of bollocks! Jx

    1. Agreed. It only takes one good swimmer. Like Tom Daley.

    2. What I wouldn't to to taste, sorry test Tom Daley's fertility! Jx

    3. Your to swell...and all in the name of research for the world.

  16. I love family stories that spill all the chisme, sweetpea! I always tease the MITM about being so much older than me when in fact, it's only a 6 month difference! It really worked when he went really grey before I did! xoxo

    1. I'll have to share more sometime. Family stories certainly are a hoot. For years I was always the youngest in a pairing. Now I seem to be the Daddy!!!!! But not grey yet. I would love to have salt and pepper hair.


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