Sunday, May 19, 2024


This group and their song, Where Do You Go... has to be one of the groups and songs that was indicative of it's decade...the 90's! I loved me some No Mercy...and when the beat hit, you can bet my ass was out on the dancefloor...and still will be! No Mercy was Bronx born Marty Cintron and and twin brothers Ariel and Gabriel Herandez, who hailed from Miami. They may have also started my love of my love of Latina mens!!!


  1. The video was blocked here, so I found another one on YouTube. I remember the song, but not them (and I don’t know how I could forget them).

  2. Oh, those twins! (I had to find another video, too - SME clearly doesn't like us Europeans today)

    1. Damn that You Tube. That is one song to always put me in a good mood and bring backs such fun memories.

  3. They're adorable. I remember the song but not the cuties.

  4. I don't remember that song, of course it's dance music, and I never really listened to dance music.

  5. Never heard the song and never heard of them. Not my type of music.

  6. This must have played in the clubs after I fled them, but this is really good!

  7. Oh yes...I have fond memories of that song. I haven't heard it in ages.

  8. Love the song, a bit before my time in clubs...but I can see why they made your briefs come down.

  9. Still a bop in 2024 henny.

  10. It’s always the case. Old people talking about how great their time was. Facts are, this time in the clubs was amazing! Things just progressively get worse over time. Sadly us 90s kids are becoming the old people talking about “back in my day”. It was fucking great, things were happier. Be glad we got to be a part of it! The new generation as no idea what the club scene was like, compared now. The camp and glitter, and over the top isn't there anymore.

    1. Your right girl...I think we were the last generation to enjoy the era of the big club experience. I think I'd be bored now with what the newer generations is doing. Give me the night life anytime.

  11. I remember this song well.

  12. lovely photo that first one is


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