Thursday, May 30, 2024


YAY! I'll drink to that!

But I still am not putting all the eggs in one basket. We have to hear his fat mouth, ALL THE appeals and then provided he does lose the election, I hear he may get sentenced to jail, but mostly likely won't serve it. Heavens forbid.... then WHAT THE HELL IS THE POINT, and what message does that send... we all and anyone else would have the book thrown at us and be lucky to see the light of day again. I am still appalled we still have a convicted felon running on a political party ticket. What's that say about the US???

We are too milky toast. I would give him all the jail time he deserves and then some. Then bring down the whole parasitic family. Of course, if this were GOT, and I'd be a platinum blonde Targaryen, I'd just release my three dragons and torch and burn the Dump Empire for good.


  1. I was downright giddy as they read out one "guilty" after another! Then I went and poured a giant glass of wine! A toast to Stormy Daniels and those 12 jury members!

    1. Me too. I had a little smile and a nice gin and who is going to put the final nail in the coffin???? I just wonder how many small steps we have to take and be done with this? I mean it's going on before he even left office......

  2. It almost seems as if TFG* going to jail is a given BECAUSE all of his convicted minions have gone to jail for assisting or committing the crimes he's been convicted of. I think one of the msnbc talking heads said it best when he compared TFG to a mob boss whose lieutenants have testified about the crimes they committed at his behest. Hell, Michael Cohen went to jail for 3 months and "served 51 days in solitary (his words)" for assisting TFG! But like you, until he's in an orange jumpsuit or 6' under, I ain't poppin the champagne yet, sweetpea! xoxo

    *The Fat Git courtesy of Ms Scarlet

    1. I love Ms. Scarlet! The Fat Git!!!!! LMAO!!!!!

    2. This was pleasing news to read before I turned out my lights last night! I'm very interested to see what happens next.

  3. Anonymous5/30/2024

    GuiltyX34 now put him in Jail so we don’t have to listen to him anymore.

  4. Well, we can call him 34 instead of 45. And, I try to remain optimistic that he will get some jail time so we can see if the jumpsuit matches the drapes.

    1. LMAO!!!!!!!! I just don't get HOW he doesn't serve time. All I hear from Biden on down is that NO BODY in above the law. We shall see. I mean we have a convicted 34 time and twice impeached man running for President....still. Mind boggling, he is still allowed to even run.

  5. If this felon is allowed to continue to run for political office, then all felons should be allowed to vote and run for office.

  6. Just remember that this case was by FAR the weakest case against Don the Cowardly Lyin'!
    I'm not saying it was weak, just a lot weakER than the other three remaining cases. He's going to get convicted on all 88 felonies, maybe more, one day well into 2025 if he loses the election.

  7. Bet his big ass regrets coming down that escalator now.

  8. The Glass Lady5/30/2024

    Justice does come, but it took far, far, far too long and far too much damage was done along the way. No doubt, there will be tons of appeals and attempts to delay sentencing, but this is a good development, nonetheless.

    And the big mouth will continue to do damage. He needs to be in jail. And this is coming from a Republican.

  9. Well earned. I'm certain of appeal, but it feels unlikely to be successful.
    Moreover, this was the least of his 4 indictments, and this history of criminal behavior, and showing no remorse will weigh heavily in upcoming cases. I relish the day we don't have to hear about any of this again or him. Shit what would the news shows talk about?

    Whew, what a day.

  10. So apropos, my dear!

  11. If it bothers you that he won't go to prison, you have to be satisfied that he was found guilty. He will never see prison.

    1. In that case then...he is above the law and something is wrong with our system. When I was young and got in trouble or did something bad I got reprimanded with a small smack. That's the only way I learned and didn't get away with anything. If he's not sentenced to jail time or some heavy serious punishment and he's just going to keep doing what he does.

  12. I don’t expect any jail time but he will always be a convicted felon. And, yes, please get out your dragons. A world will be forever in your debt.

  13. I hope the Judge uses Martha Stewart as a role model for sentencing. Her crime was about the same, about the same amount of money, and trying to cover up what had happened. It is about the integrity of business records. Kind of like the civil judgement against him for vastly over inflating the values of assets to borrow more money he may or may not ever repay.

    1. Remember, it wasn't about the pay-off --- it was about election interference; election campaign donation fraud.

    2. And another point, she was also a woman. So as you can see there's double standards again.

  14. I will remember where I was and what I was doing when Twitter exploded with the news.
    Huntley texted me one word: Guilty. And I immediately knew what had happened.
    I'm glad it was unanimous, too.
    Fuck Von ShitzInPants and all his ilk.


  15. I enjoyed it too, but if your found guilty in any of these cases and don't serve any kind of time or repercussions then what in hell is the point. In my mind he's will have gotten away with it. The other three cases will tell his fate for sure. And this being a political hunt??? Please Trump! Let's have a look-

    Adding up the number of jurors involved so far in all the cases:

    Grand jury it's probably 66-69 people who voted to indict.

    New york fraud jury is 12 who voted to convict

    E. Jean Carrol trial is 12 who voted libel.

    That's about 90 jurors over 4 trials so far. That's an awful lot of people all in on a “shameful political stunt”

    Still 24 more jurors to go with the two stalled trials.

    1. Those next trials will only happen if those federal judges cease protecting him.

  16. And I so can hear Pee Wee's voice saying this too!!!! LOL!!!!!
    This outcome is about as sweeping as it gets. And immensely satisfying.

  17. Trump, meet Karma. Karma, Trump. Want to guess who wins this faceoff?

    And have you heard of his donations rolling in already?!?!?!? Are people stupid?

  18. He will not serve any jail time. Home confinement at most and some hefty fines. That's IF we ever get to sentencing because his lawyers can even delay that. His acolytes in Congress --- as many as possible --- need to be tossed out in November. It won't happen, but it should.

  19. I share your glee... but am not optimistic about the eventual outcome. Still... good news is good news. I am sure Hillary is laughing her ass off. Kizzes. PS... I pity the man who has the orange ogre for a cellmate... I mean... can you imagine sticking your dick in that butterscotch pudding hole?

    1. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

      Itd be like fucking Jabba the Hutt!!!!

  20. Not so much a secret, but I hear that the trial and verdict were rigged (courtesy of a felon). Perhaps you could end up with a president presiding from cell #xxx in Rykers?

    1. Hey....the is the US. That could very well happen.

  21. I worry that this is a political move. Find him guilty of something that does not technically disqualify him from running for president, but that MAGAS can point to and say "see, we do hold him accountable for stuff." Just enough to convince everyone the emperor isn't naked. I've just become too jaded to see this as the tip of the iceberg for his convictions. Until he's in prison, none of us are same from him and his MAGAts.

  22. I hope that when "34" is sentenced, the judge does to him what Texas judges used to do to people caught with an ounce of pot. Lock Him Up Forever!

  23. Anonymous5/31/2024

    Tundra Bunny here...

    Until 45 gets convicted on all the charges he's facing, my champagne stays corked. I wanna see El Crapitain in an orange jumpsuit, shackled at the hands & feet, and frog-marched off to a real prison (not some Club Fed either). And I wanna see all his inner circle doing their respective perp walks too! Most of all, I wish he and his MAGA followers would just dry up and blow away so we'd never have to see or hear from them again!!!

    1. Im with you. A small win. I ain't popping the champagne yet either....lets have a gin in the meantime toots.

  24. I'm happy he was found guilty on all counts. But, it ain't over until the fat lady sings.

  25. Anonymous5/31/2024

    Trumpenfuehrer is now a felon, good !
    And more trials to be decided.
    His acolytes will dig in as usual, that’s why every decent person needs to vote come November. :-)

  26. Regardless it is nice to add The Felon to the list of nicknames.


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