Wednesday, May 29, 2024


When you think of Baltimore when someone mentions it you probably think of Inner Harbor? Or the crab cakes? The Wire? The Aquarium? Perhaps Little Italy or fabulous Fells Point. Well, I was taken to yet another fun little charming secret in a little pocket of the city you shouldn't miss should you find yourself in Baltimore: Hampden.  Mistress Maddie's #1 fan was here for the weekend, so he and I along with the Capital Street Duo, who discovered the town...hit the road for a day trip. A very quirky, trendy and hipster neighborhood, an enclave if you will, north of downtown, so a couple exists off 83 before you'd get to Baltimore. The town was originally built around the mills along the Jones Falls, and the millworkers that settled there in 1889. Most of the old mills have been restored into local business and loft apartments. In the 90's it began, from what I read to transform when artist and local artisans started moving in, making it their own, and has since become a very active, foodie, artsy and hipster haven and center of diversity and kitsch. The town is mostly 36th Street or just "The Avenue" as it is known. Hampden is a historic place and has a very strong sense of community. Everywhere we went people and staff in all the places couldn't be more friendly. The main drag has everything, restaurants, pubs, dive bars, all locally owned shops from vintage and thrift, antique shops, art galleries and hemp shops and every kind of cuisine you can think of. We even found a great bookshop, remember those? It was all comics, graphic and art and photography books. Very cool. I can't lie...LOVED this place. I don't get to Baltimore or DC area as often as I should.

Someone's porch trim.

Was absolutely in love with this place, Blue Bird...a literature cocktail lounge. Filled with books to read, cock-a-tails and some vereerry cute boys!

My gin cock-a-tail!
These boots are made for walking honey.

In this shop, Ma Petite Shoe, I met Candy, the shop owners dog. She was just adorable.
This shop had some very odd and medically curious gifts indeed. Creepy things, but I did find some wonderfully scented candles called Coven.

This shop, In Watermelon Juice had some real nice wares for the interior, stationary and a huge selection of bath and body potions and lotions for which I'm a huge sucker. Needless to say, I came out with a little stash.
 These two came from Ma Petite Shoe. I bought the sunglasses; how do you pass up on such fabulous sunnies? They are huge. I couldn't pass up the eye lashes. When the shop owner heard I used to, and still do drag she gifted them to me. How nice was that?!?! I mean, just in time to wear for Gay Pride Festivals! And you damn well know I will wear them.

I also understand once a year the town host the Hon Fest. Where everyone wears beehive wigs, cat eyeglasses, mod fashions, and everybody calls everyone Hon. I need to go to this.


  1. What a cool little neighborhood with great shops and bars, but the Hon Fest? oh Hon, that sounds like a ball!~

    1. OH MY GAWD Hon. you just know that would be a BAWL!

  2. oh nice, now your lashes can match your underwear and boots.

  3. Okay, you sold me on this article. I am definitely making my way back to Baltimore for a weekend this year. The last time I was there was in spring 2019 for my friend’s 25th birthday, so I need to go back and do everything you recommended and see Hampden. 🙂

    The Bluebird Looks amazing and the drink is stunning babes.

  4. This is Baltimore!!!

    You're right...if once visits Baltimore, you must make a stop in Hampden. This is quintessential Baltimore Hon. There are a slew of excellent vintage and thrift shops and privately owned restaurants that make up this melting pot. Candy the dog is precious!

  5. Holy! A blast from the past. I love Hampden! When I lived in Baltimore years ago I used to go out there. It's so fun. Great food and shopping, one of the few great places in Baltimore. Lively district similar to Fells Point, but without all the drunk frat boys.

  6. Looks like a cool place to spend an afternoon. I need to get off my lazy ass and go exploring and get out more.

  7. I wanna go!!!! That area has a HUGE drag community too...tough! LOVE the lashes! Bring them to P-town! I never get anything for free...except old men.

  8. What an eclectic place!
    I always think of Wallis Simpson when I hear of Baltimore. I've read a biography called "That Woman" it was really good. It describes Baltimore in the first part of the twentieth century.
    I can just see you in the eyelashes. Fabulous! Xx

    1. I could see us hanging out there for sure discussing the world affairs with some mind altering cocktails. You'd love the Bluebird.

  9. Love those boots! And Candy the dog.

    1. One could walk Candy in those boots!

  10. What a very cool neighborhood and you did a great job sharing a bit of it. I want to go to the Hon Fest!

    1. You just know that fest has got to be fabulous Hon. I hear lots of boas too.

  11. It reminds me of Brighton on Britain's south coast. Bohemian, colourful, and very gay! Jx

    1. Even bathrooms had glory holes.

    2. Surprised you left. Jx

    3. PS Saw this and thought of you! Jx

  12. How lovely. I want to live there. Thanks for sharing all this. And to be gifted those lashes! Now... in June I expect some pics of you decked to the nines... and it seems to me there is a little miss I haven't seen in ages... a fave of mine, I believe she was birthed at the dawn of the COVID epidemic? Hmm? Yes. Would love to see a photo shoot featuring her. Kizzes.

    1. She is busy waiting for the next pandemic to hatch.....or heavens knows...having sordid affairs with member of CDC.

      But I could see you living in Baltimore Upton.i think it's seems so you.

  13. My girlfriends and I have talked about Baltimore as a possible place for a girls' long weekend...this sounds like a good neighborhood to visit! Thanks for sharing!

    1. It's also close to Fells Point...Inner Harbor and Little Italy. Great for a long girls weekends. And the Lexington Square Market shouldn't be missed. Hands down the best crab cake ever at Faidleys Seafood.

  14. When I think about Baltimore, I think John Waters!
    I have never been to Baltimore but now I wanna go! Love me some quirky, fun stores and hipsters, diversity and kitsch!


    1. You could easily make a four day weekend there. There is plenty too see...including Water's house and Divine's grave.

  15. We need to spend more time there, it is not far.

  16. Interesting, it's nice to see Baltimore isn't all crime and punishment.

  17. What a great place. Not as old, but our city has taken to "revitalizing" the downtown areas after the artists moved in and attracted crowds. Lots of eateries, bars, clothing, etc, etc, etc....and skyrocketing rents. Always a damn shame.
    Absolutely ADORE that mural!

    1. I loved it too!!!! And this town is probably safer then some parts of downtown Balitmore.

  18. Wow, what a great place to visit, shop, drink and have fun! Candy the dog is TOO cute! And I like that street art of the moon, dragonfly and rainbow hands. I hope sometime in Pride month you'll post a photo of you wearing those rainbow lashes!

  19. Some interesting looking shops; all we've got is Bicester Village and you have to hand in your brain when you go shopping there.

    1. I had to hand in my brain after some of that afternoon drinking I did.

  20. Now that is a lovely place. I never would have guessed that was the same place whose NFL team honored an abuser half a year ago.

  21. Anonymous5/31/2024

    Tundra Bunny here...

    What an eclectic, vibrant place to visit -- it sure looks like a lot of fun! Loved the cocktail glass too -- is there such a decor genre as Cosmic Art Deco? Be sure to post a pic of you sporting those rainbow eyelashes and silver glitter boots too!

    1. I didn't buy the boots. And I already found a resource you makes that cool cocktail glass. Of course I did.


Go ahead darling, tell me something fabulous!