Monday, May 20, 2024


 So, the other night I asked Miss.Moorecock a question. I said Miss. Moorecock,  has anyone in your family suffered from metal illness? And she said, no, we all seem to rather enjoy it.

My best friend is retiring from years as a manager at Ikea, so I spent him a cake.

Boy, and I tell you, the Lad was recently here, and he was such an ass. You know what he said to me the other night?  he said Mistress, do you know why guys gain weight after they get married? I said whhhhhy Adrien? Well, when their single they see what's in the fridge, then go to bed. When their married, they see what's in the bed, and then head to the fridge!

No wonder Cali Boi is always going to Home Depot in WeHo.

Oh is the Lad such an idiot. Do you know what he said to me last night? Mistress, looking at me, asked what do you call a blonde who dyes her hair dark brown? I said what Adrien? He said Artificial intelligence.

And the Lad isn't the brightest. You know how in these big malls they have these maps. He goes up to the map and it says, You Are Here, and he wants to know how they know. And he even tested it, and went to another map, and it said You are Here. Every map said You are Here. Now he knows they are out to get him. Oh he is so stupid. A policeman asked him for identification. He said You're a cop!

Oh and he is such a dope. Do you not what he called and told me today? Mistress, my friend in Georgia called me and told me he lost his mother, wife and sister in a car accident. I said reeally Adrien? Too which he replied, Oh god... he really loved that woman.

And such a pig the Lad can be. I remember being out once and the Lad came running up to me and said that a midge paid him to give him a blow job. I said , well, what did you do? He said,  I took the money and blew him. but I have never stooped so low.

Looks like that pig in a wig, Bunny took my First of May advice and had outdoor sex.


  1. Thanks for the plug!

    1. No pun intended!!!

      Honey, if they worked in your Home Depot, I have the feeling you'd go back to full time!!!!!

    2. Oh, he would.
      Cali Boi has the goods.


    3. You guys wanna see my tool? I think Sixpence does.

  2. After all it is past the first of May

  3. That cake for your Ikea friend is HYSTERICAL!

  4. I had to wait for the beat with a few of these. Badumpbump.

  5. Oh, such cringe-worthy hilarity and then that last photo.
    Must'a been SOME blow job to rip the teeth right outta the mouth.

  6. My legs aren't working too well this morning but these had me rolling! Thanks for the pick me up.

  7. Oh, that outdoor sex photo! LOL!

    1. I've told Bunny about leaving her teeth everywhere.

  8. LOL. Thanks for the laughs! The IKEA one and the Georgia one! Could we have that be reported by a MTG relative???

  9. Mads, you KNOW Bunny is gonna come for you in three... two...



    1. That heifer has to catch me first. And that won't happen unless you tie some cupcakes to me first.

  10. I will never look at IKEA and Georgia the same way again!

  11. Have you ever considered a profession in stand-up?

    1. Rumor has it that that's not his best position.

    2. Deedles is on her way to a insult comic!!!!

  12. In the right gayborhood, it is known as Homo Depot.

  13. That hardware store picture now has me hard.

    1. Sooooo, is this a good time to ask you to screw in something for me?

  14. Pig in a wig
    I use that phrase all of the time

  15. Anonymous5/21/2024

    Tundra Bunny here...

    Just to be clear, Maddie, those teeth in the last photo are not mine!!!

  16. it's a wonder the Lad doesn't slap the hell out of you. the multi piece cake mix set, lmao!!!!!!!!!

  17. "You know how in these big malls they have these maps. He goes up to the map and it says, You Are Here, and he wants to know how they know" ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You're on slap stick today.

  18. Come do my show...I love this kind of humor! And just where is Martha Raye with some Polident when you need her? I'm sure Lady Bunny can afford some.

  19. The boy and I actually picked up a guy once from Homo Depot. He was very fun in bed.

  20. OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!! lmao!!!!!!!!

  21. last pic: I only hope they had a lot of fun!


Go ahead darling, tell me something fabulous!