Wednesday, May 31, 2023


....And what a surprise.... it's both parties in DC again.  As if we didn't guess the debt ceiling wouldn't happens every few years, of a horse and pony show before whoever the current president is, caves and folds. What surprised me was that some services for the less fortunate were cut again while, miraculously, both sides join forces and yet again were able to find to the tune of another $719 million at an unwinnable proxy war in Ukraine.

I doubt this changes no matter which party wins the White House. But tell me, how do you think any president or party that sells weapons of mass destruction to shady characters around the world would be interested in keeping assault weapons off of our streets. You don't get to make the world less safe out of greed and then pretend that you care about people's safety at home. Too me this shows a general disregard for life. Are Democrats better on this issue then the GQP? Sure, just like they are better on abortion rights, gun legislation, raising the minimum wage, a public option, canceling student debt and no drilling!!!! Better than the GQP is a very low bar to set. It was very low, pass low, when we took it back from them. The article above is from The Intercept. We have had two parties now in the last 8 years that still have not done any of these things, in addition to codifying abortion.... and I'm willing to bet will run yet another campaign cycle on the same old issues. What a find even more infuriating is how the parties can agree right quick and find funds for a war, yet all the money found would be better used here.  Why can we not find the money like this to fix things here???? All of a sudden neither party can. I wish one of these parties would start correcting these things. By all means, move at a glacial know how that thrills me.

Also notice how neither party will EVEN MENTION cutting the defense budget, subsidies to oil companies or taxing the wealthy further. Janet Yellen and Bernie Sanders urged Dems to raise the debt ceiling to accommodate the budget when Dems had complete control of Congress two years ago...and like on so many other issues did nothing. Warnings ignored by centrist who controlled the Dem party and are running in onto the ground. And don't get me started on the immigration mess. I think it's great to welcome all to the country, and start anew, but talk about mass chaos!!!! There has got to be a better system and places to put these folk up in. Many are transported to a city and left homeless. Why are we not turning empty office complexes and vacant malls into well-equipped immigration centers and housing for them?

Like I all means, move at a glacial pace.... you know how it thrills me. I hope one day a progressive third party comes into being. I see the cost of everything going up, and more and more people struggling around me. Yet DC doesn't see a need to raise the minimum wage. Hmmmm, almost like they are deliberately suppressing the working forces.....


  1. Brava!!!

    McCarthy is already talking about cuts to Social Security and Medicare after swearing that wasn't going to happen.
    Fucking liars, on both sides.

    1. They are...several Democrats are too. Biden will do what's he'd done for years... cave to the GQP and will cut several services to appease them. While I like some things about Biden I am still not 100% sold... ie...he started two new drilling sites yet he's the green President???...he can be a closet republican at times, who has tried to chop certain services and Medicaid for years, so this "bind" he's is in is exactly where he wants to be. Then he will throw it up during the campaigning time. I am also hearing there will be no democrat primary at him.

      I think I have a sinking feeling about the SS and's coming.....

  2. American culture and economy are based on violence and greed. And they go hand in hand. Always has been, always will be. I'm beginning to think neither party knows what they're doing.

  3. From this post and other Stop the Cars.... I gather that neither party has any real answers, and your country is going round and round in circles in a downward spiral, and haven't any answers and for decades. Their only focus is the budget. They don’t care about people because the public, the voters let them get away with it. There is no accountability at all. They can do what they like and no matter what they get away with it, they KNOW they will get voted in again. Voting one party out doesn't change things, it makes things worse! I don’t know what the answer is... but it does involve major political changes in politicians themselves. Why are Americans so afraid to vote out old useless politicians for new ones with good ideas? And while it is admirable the US has funded that proxy war...have they seen what's left of the country??? 3/4 of it must be leveled.

    1. WELL SAID!!!!! Until we start voting for new candidates and stop "accepting" what we're getting...the spiral is just going to continue. I can't wait for the bigger primaries this time..... but everyone just seems content to vote the same people in...till there still there, old and decrepit like Diane Feinstein, Hal Rodgers,Chuck Grassey and Mitch McConnell and the like. too long.

  4. YES! It’s so frustrating that everyone keeps playing into this duel party system. Neither party is what they once were and it worries me that the Dems are getting more corporate politician... there seems to be very little true "left" politicians...some not far from being "closet republicans" you ask me. Neither party gives a fuck about We the people.

  5. I agree about the war and the defense. Enough. I too get frustrated how when we really have issues to be's a big deal and no money can be found...but when it comes to war? All of a sudden 800 million falls from the sky!!!!

    I'm so tired of this. Dems get all 3 branches of government, and we get nothing. Republicans get a narrow majority in only one house and get their ENTIRE agenda. It's exhausting. I'm exhausted.

    1. It is exhausting. I should just say fuck it and stop watching any one is had accountable for anything...I mean trump still is walking free, and running for President again....what's that say of the US?

  6. You might need another vacation. I also thank heavens you're not Daenerys Targaryen with three dragons...that would not be so good.

    1. You know me so well. Now go sit in the corner.....

  7. Anonymous6/01/2023

    Tundra Bunny here...

    Maybe it's time for the British to burn down the Whitehouse again? Ha ha, just kidding...

    Our parliamentary system in Canada has it's problems, but at least voters have four or more political parties to choose amongst come federal election time. Even if a minority government is the outcome (i.e. no party wins a majority of seats in parliament), political alliances form to prevent snap elections, and good government is the result because politicians have to compromise and work together. I've never understood why the U.S. has a two party system -- it just produces a hidebound, stagnant governance layer on top of "states rights". Thankfully, the separation of church & state plus clear delineation of federal and provincial jurisdiction was rooted in the British North America Act and enshrined in 1867 when Canada became a confederation and country separate from Britain.

    1. I think like Canada, and other countries that is the way to go. And "compromise and work together" does not seem to be in the vocabulary of many politicians here. Some friends of mine would love to have just their party win and take everything...but 1, then how is that a democracy? And 2, I bet things still wouldn't get done and passed. While I have always been a democrat, should a wise and make-sense Republican come along, I'd listen and possibly vote for them. There have been a few that I shared some views on...mostly fiscally. There just doesn't seem to be center ground anymore. Everyone just wants the whole cake, and eat it too. And if some do work together then they get sarcasms from their parties. The whole point of this is to server your people and work together and solve these issues, fairy for all.

      Do you have room for me up there? I don't eat much!!!!

    2. Anonymous6/01/2023

      Tundra here again...

      Absolutely, Maddie!

  8. We seem to have been waiting for the progressive third party for an awful long time!! Not sure it's going to happen in my lifetime.

    1. We either. Both these parties have outlived their usefulness, and effectiveness.

  9. the problem of immigration is also common to Italy. Inevitably, the inhabitants of poor countries or countries at war move towards rich countries, because they now have nothing to lose. Please note that from the mid-nineteenth century until the end of the 1960s Italy exported Italians to every part of the world. There are 60 million Italians in Italy but they are at least three times as many outside. Think of Lionel Messi (his bio here), or Xavier Zanetti.(his bio here)

  10. Our two-party system can sure suck. Then again, multi-party systems around the world aren't all they're cracked up to be either. What a mess.

    1. I just hope that too many countries don't follow our lead....some are already with dialing back on social issues.....

  11. I was shocked when Huntley told me how many votes were against raising the debt ceiling.
    And was shocked again when Joe kind of ate Kevin's lunch. Yes Kevin is coming for social security and medicare, because that has been their goal for years.
    I do think progressives are right on some things, but really...


    1. Not to mention the natural gas pipeline that Manchin was championing!!! Democrats need to get rid of him and start backing his primary opponents. The last one that ran against him was a excellent Progressive candidate but Nancy Pelosi didn't back her. I look with a pain in the ass Manchins been since?

  12. Oh, oh, oh!!! Take a breath for a minute. Remember when we were all like, "the Repukes play the long game and the Dems only think about one or two issues"? Uncle Joe and the Dems who voted for this deal are playing the long game, here. And it's about f'ing time! We actually watched the vote on CSPAN...with the Dems holding back while the Refuglicans voted Yea. Once they knew they could use that vote come '24, they jumped on. Tee-hee. It's a win. It may not look like it right now, but it is.

    1. But when are the basic things going to get done???? General issues ....they ran on campaign promises of gun and abortion rights....protecting it....rising minimum wage and the healthcare system??? Its awful that the first Bush was the last present to raise the minimum wage. And every year the poor group is getting bigger.......and i feel the US gave enough to the Ukraine now....those big sums need to fix issues here. My next ballot is going to be all new democrats in primaries and hope we get more progressives...


  13. It has been suggested in the UK that the government create a tax of 2% on the wealthiest of us all, a tax that would help the poor, help clean up our rivers and reduce taxes for the poorest amongst us. Will they do it? Of course not; the wealthiest of all are the people who donate to the Tory party so that they keep taxes down. That's why that idiot woman Trustless wasted £49 billion on tax cuts for the rich. She should be sectioned.

  14. That GOP bar is so low, trip wires have higher ground clearance.

    I have no use for either party. Both of them want to make my life more difficult. I've been ready for a third party candidate for a long time now. If it's Trump v Biden again in 2024, I WILL find someone else to vote for even if I have to write them in.

    1. It's amazing. The Republicans held the democrats hostage and humiliated Biden ;then the R's eviscerated the democrats alleged priorities of poverty,climate and student debt.....then more Dems in the end voted for the Repubs agenda. I'd be LMAO if I weren't crying.

  15. I agree....and I love when your fired up! More people should be. I am definitely becoming more Progressive even more so than Democrat.

  16. May your and others' anger lead to change and justice


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