Tuesday, May 9, 2023


Here! Here Libby!!! 
My friend in DC who's with the house said I'd be shocked to know even a few Dems do the NRA chant quietly...a few take their money, but don't necessary like guns or support them, but they do by taking the damn money!!!! Now the ignorant bitches.....

And her line of "I don't know about you, but I've reached a level of disgust that I did not know existed" goes for politics and politicians in general. Going forward if my candidates can't get the job done on why I voted them in, then it's time to vote for all new candidates, unless new candidates are being pushed out by their party to even run. I feel we are stuck with the same old repeating spinning wheel, that spins and spins and spins... while the same old basic issues go left unchecked like affordable healthcare, better gun laws, higher minimum wage and many others. And we accept it. Someone needs to get in there and smash that wheel.

That we still don't have better guns laws and checks yet...is unacceptable...enough talk , we need action. Nothing being done is just excepting the gun violence and backing the NRA in my opinion. #Wantmorein24?...damn right sister!!!


  1. If they aren't representing We The People then they should be removed from office.

    1. Just like that tweet Libby says, if these politicians can't do what they're elected to do and keep campaign promises why are we re-electing them over and over and over. I think it's appalling that we cannot get higher minimum wage and Common Sense gun laws and stronger background checks, for a start.

  2. I absolutely love that tweet. And I understand your frustration. I've always been a lifelong Democrat and even I'm getting the shits for them. The problem is they keep running on the same campaign issues and that aren't fulfilling most of them. The thing is I've been becoming slightly more Progressive. And we've had excellent Progressive candidates where I'm at, but the Democrats stronghold them and then they don't enter the race. So in the long run I keep hearing we need more than two parties. But how are we ever going to have any other party candidates when nobody will vote for them except for Democrat or Republican? So basically we're going to be stuck with parties filled with corporate politicians. I'm so over it.

    1. That has been precisely a point of mine for some time. When the few Democrats come along that don't accept corporate bullshit we're really good Progressive candidates, they're either pushed out from the parties and strangled held, or not enough people will break from voting Republican or Democrat which doesn't help. We've gotten ourselves in a hole now where if we vote third party, our vote basically doesn't count. So how will a third party candidate even ever have a chance? Like I know this next election I'll probably vote Democrat, even though I haven't been pleased lately, because if I don't Republicans could get in. So ....are we stuck with two parties forever who aren't going to get anything done?

  3. I'm willing to bet those dems are all in red or purple states. If it takes that to keep them there --- well, not co-sponsoring a bill isn't the worst thing they could do. Except for Manchin. That asshat needs to go because he's votes with the repukes too often. Let me just say, thank the goddesses that not a single one of those Dems is from my state. Though there IS one repuke from way up in the north we can't seem to get rid of.

    1. Dems should have gotten rid of Manchin when they had the chance. In the last election cycle there was a woman running against him who was a progressive and was an excellent candidate ....yet Dems and Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer backed Joe Machin and for that matter Sinema and look at the trouble they've been. I just think they're afraid to let more progressives in.

    2. We had a family member in my family killed by gun violence years ago. Anyone, Republican or Democrat that does not support these bills or takes money from the NRA, has blood on their hands it will not get my vote.

    3. Both Sinema and Manchin need to go. I think she may get booted in '24. That party switch done pissed off a bunch of people who voted for her - the last straw for them. I hope. Getting a Dem elected and reelected sure is tricky in a Purple state.

  4. PS, it's a sad State of Affairs of our choices who we get to vote for. Oftentimes the people that make the most sense and really mean well are the ones that never have a chance to get into office. And I completely agree with you... doing nothing on gun violence is not an option. And neither party is moving too quick for my liking to get anything done.

  5. Don Steel5/09/2023

    Im sorry can you explain to me how the NRA is involved in this crime?

    I live in the country... people shoot on their own property all the time I don't bother them they don't bother me when I do it.

    1. WHAT!! ARE YOU SERIOUS? The NRA has been in involved in every crime of gun violence!!!!!! They can still be their organization...but they could take responsibility and advocate safe gun use, support the bills, back up and help educate safe gun use, and push background checks, and help support the politicians who would do good and help pass the laws! But they are using their power, money and clout for their "old boys club" and could care less. So yes...they are as guilty as the shooter in my opinion!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      Are you just stupid, or do you not wash the fruit off before you eat it?!?!?!?!?

    2. Oh Maddie,you are just beautiful..."not was the fruit off before you eat it?" I laughed at that.

  6. They are against “socialism” until they need it....They are against abortion until they need one...They are against trans/gays until their child is one...They are against gun laws until they lose a loved one.

    Unless it affects them, THEY DONT CARE. They all need a wakeup call!!!!!!!!!!!! Everyday gets harder watching people struggling. And lives torn apart by lack of better gun laws and more harsh punishments. Neither party is going above and beyond, and can urge they are...they aren't. Otherwise, these safe gaurds would have been in place already.

  7. Here!Here! Mistress. I know just how you feel and couldn't agree more. I have loved many great candiates.... but they never even have a chance, because they you say, they never get the votes because people just keep reelected the same old R's and D's. We will never have change, because it seems each administration just wastes time and just undoes everything the previous one put in place.

    And when it comes to better and more stern gun laws, background checks, and legislation, I want to ask every politician- Who in YOUR life would have to die in order for you to care about gun control???

  8. I agree with a lot of this. I’m questioning some of this and some of these comments myself, and wondering why we keep voting or re-electing the same fools????? I loved Obama...and it's just went downhill since he left.

  9. It gets worse. My poor sister who lives in Texas says here’s a bill in txlege that’s offering teachers $25K extra per year to keep a gun in their classroom. Nothing could possibly go wrong with that.

    If there’s no takers, they will hire armed officers.
    Hmmm, with what $$$?

  10. That is an excellent tweet! This is certainly not the America I once knew, or want in the future.

  11. That tweet is excellent and says it all. We are living in a horror novel anymore... that NRA and those in Congress who get their payoffs wrote. Sadly, the story just ends tragically getting worse with each new page.........

  12. My level of disgust started with Sandy Hook...and even before that, the Federal Building bombing. How we didn't make change after these, still baffles me.

  13. i give up. but this joke always makes me feel better.

    A cannibal was walking through the jungle and came upon a restaurant operated by a fellow cannibal.
    Feeling somewhat hungry, he sat down and looked over the menu....
    Broiled Missionary: $5.00
    Tourist: $10.00
    Fried Explorer: $15.00
    Half Baked Democrat: $100.00
    Over Grilled Charred Republican: $100.00

    The cannibal, confused, calls the owner over and asked, "Why such a price difference for the Politicians?" He replied, "Have you ever tried to clean one? They're so full of shit,
    it takes us all morning.

    i'm here all week.

  14. Stop the sale, a buy-back and destroy program. Harsh penalties don't bring back the people killed by gun violence. Japan had two gun deaths last year, two! Not because of the mythical good guy with a gun, (one of those two was a crude homemade pistol, with one shot.)

    1. I agree with you penguin. Most countries have such strict horse penalties which is why their gun violence is so low. We definitely need harsher penalties. All your ideas are wonderful.

  15. Abso-Fucking-Lutely!

  16. I'm just thankful I live in a part of town where I don't have to prod my Congressperson to do the right thing.

    Meanwhile, I heard Denmark has 0 mass shootings year to date.

    1. There are numerous countries that have five or less gun related deaths the year. That is extremely impressive. What happened to the United States leading the pack on many issues?

  17. Just like your politicians, our politicians aren't interested in doing what their constituents want. All I ask is clean rivers and clean waters without paying the earth and that no one of my fellow inhabitants on this tiny island should have to use food banks to feed themselves and their families.

    1. Our poor is getting bigger and bigger....prices of everything are going up, minimum wage is still around 7.25?, and many can't even afford healthcare. But we are supposedly one of the richest countries in the world???

  18. I live in Texas and at breakfast the other day some of us were saying how we are actually afraid to even go to the market for fear of a nut with a gun. The only soloution is to VOTE VOTE VOTE VOTE and a Bob says over and over on I Should Be Laughing...VOTE BLUE. Yes there are Democrats in the group cited above, but look at who they are. Are they actually Democrats? Or just Democrats in Name Only or DNO's. I would say the latter.

    1. Well that's just the problem, some of those Democrats are conservative Democrats, sometimes two or three steps away from being a Republican.

    2. A lot of people don't know that Texas was a solid Democrat state until the mid 60's and the passage of Civil Rights Legislation. Like the south the became republicans almost over night. Yes they were conservative Democrats but Democrats none the less and could easily swing an election

    3. Bwhahahahaha...I can't even imagine Texas being Democrat, that is interesting.

  19. Maybe that should be DINO's like extinct creatures.

  20. Republicans on guns is kind of like their stance on covid-19. They would rather be proven dead than wrong

  21. I think Republicans are only interested in keeping the ignorant, the uneducated and the un-woke folk alive. And...Speaking of ignorant bitches... have you caught a whiff of what went down on CNN the other night? The most trusted name in news , my azz. I just crossed them off my 'on our side' list.

    1. I don't know what is going on at CNN. They seem to be falling apart. But card on the table, I could never stand that smug entitled Don Lemmon. I was so glad they pushed him to the morning show, which I heard he had a coronary over. He seems very bitter to me.

  22. There is a political class crisis that is huge and embarrassing. Obviously I also speak for Italy.

  23. I believe both Parties need the competition of Independent, Progressive or some other fresh blood Party options, yet, far too many Voters are entrenched in Partisan Politics that it's just a wasted Vote when you don't Vote for the Two Tired Old Parties... and let's face it, one has already gone so wheels off the rails that calling them Conservatives is a Joke... nothing Conservative about being an Extremist Lunatic Fringe, a Cult or a Fascist.


Go ahead darling, tell me something fabulous!