Thursday, May 4, 2023


Yet another shooting. In Atlanta now. It's getting so common place it's scary. Another new normal? Doesn't have to be if the powers that be woke up and did their jobs. And if I have to hear the politicians and news media and anchors say one more time "Our thoughts and prayers are with them", I'll scream.

Do you know what Thoughts and prayers and masturbation have in common?

The only person they bring calm, peace and pleasure to is the one doing it!!!


  1. Fuck the GOP.
    My thoughts and prayers are that every one of these NRA goose-stepping murderers gets voted from office.

    1. Sad part is a few Dems are in with the NRA. Too many corporate politicians isn't helping things either.

  2. Kids. It's the kids who are going to save this country. The ones the GOP are right now trying to stop from voting until they're 21. Because those kids are pissed. They know the politicians could stop the mass shootings but won't. The more shootings there are between now and Nov '24, the more pissed off the kids are going to be. The dumbshit GOP are too stupid or too sure of themselves to see it. Which is good, really. Cause then they'll be totally shocked and surprised to be kicked to the curb.

    1. I'm about ready to vote in kids and drag queens. They couldn't do worst!!!

    2. Oh, do! The kids would do well. The Drag Queens would slap a bitch without taking names!

  3. I saw a meme recently that said the USA has chosen the second amendment over second graders, and it's true.

    1. They don't care. They don't want abortion, yet when the baby comes, it's own it's own. They say their pro-life, yet people are dying every day from gun violence. They are worried about 2nd graders safety in schools, but your right, they take the second amendment. Their idea and my idea of pro life must be different.

  4. I guess they're just not praying hard enough. No, wait, it's the thinking that's the problem.

  5. Oh, whenever someone says 'thoughts and prayers' they need to be slapped. Hard.
    The thing with Repugs is that they cannot kill the golden goose that is the NRA...
    We're gonna see more of this. No doubt.


    1. I think the Dems should just railroad something through and make the repukes choke on it.. At this point... nothing is not acceptable.

  6. From either side of the pond the Repugnant response to shootings (especially from the "Christians") is beyond belief. How anyone can support allowing people to wander around and shoot at anyone who irritates them is just incredible.

    1. Please....Helen, if that were the case with me there would probably be 50 people laying dead every day.

  7. It's all very disgusting.

  8. Yeah, it's the new normal. Now here in Cali a group is suing to stop the 10-day cooling off period before someone can pick up the gun they bought. Fuck the GOP.

  9. And your comparison to thoughts and prayers and masturbation was actually right on target

  10. Anonymous5/04/2023

    Tundra Bunny here...

    American gun culture has been seeping much more noticeably into Canada in the last 20 years, which pisses me off to no end. Illegal handguns have become an issue lately, but fortunately, these are still primarily limited to drug dealers and gangs. The NRA has even been agitating hunters here and as a biologist, I can assure you that no one "NEEDS" an AR-15 or semi-automatic Assault-type rifle to hunt deer, bears, pronghorn antelope, moose, elk or caribou! Such weapons are designed to kill humans and should be restricted to military use only. I'd like to see Canadian gun control laws even stricter than they are currently.

    1. Unlike our country...I bet your politicians would get results and legislation done much faster then us. Your laws are already smarter then ours. And I agree, if you not in the armed forces why ON EARTH does ANYONE need a damn AR-15 assault rifle?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! The sellers of these type of weapons should be shuttered. If you own that weapon you mean to do something sinister I believe.

  11. Why aren't all the gun-toting mommies and daddies standing guard? It's supposed to be all about defending ones right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, all about me, all about getting mine, so where are they? They're the people who don't trust the government and don't trust the police, who have to take things into their own hands, right? And THAT'S where the rhetoric breaks down completely. Certainly mom could spare a couple of hours away from Bible Study and go pace the playground perimeter? Dad could come by on his lunch break and protect his pride and joy from for snipers, right? Odd how that doesn't happen. You'd think, from all their talk....

    1. It's Big Dick talk! Lots of hot air, and no action. And probably just as well. I highly doubt the hillbillies could use the gun correctly anyhow sugar plum.

  12. Murder has yet to be legalized, but too many people are acting as if it has.

  13. "Our thoughts and prayers are with them": I think they're absolutely useless!
    it has now become a refrain


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