Thursday, April 27, 2023



Alexis Michelle

Darienne Lake


Jaymes Mansfield

Jessica Wild


Kahanna Montrese

Kandy Muse
Kasha Davis

LaLa Ri

Monica Beverly Hillz

Naysha Lopez

Now, this season is what I'm talking about. Queens on an even playing field, with equal talents and style, where it could be anyone's crown and title, without any big legendary Queens who shine way above to eclipse the whole season. I love this cast! OF COURSE I'll be rooting for Jimbo for the win. But then I love me some zany and camp. That look he does above left me GAGGED henny!!! And my girl Kasha Davis is back. Mrs. thing has always left me in stitches since we met in Rochester one year. I see a top four of Jimbo, Kandy Muse, LaLa Ri and Jessica Wild. And no doubt the trade this season is Naysha Lopez. Kids...have you seen Miss Naysha out of drag lately? 

As far as I'm concerned, he and I can flip tap each other, several times!!! 
There, I said it.


  1. Is Jimbo entering a poodle look-alike contest?

    1. Honey I would wear Jimbo's outfit morning noon and night and have it in every gay pride color!

  2. Ok, love the cast except Kandy Muse. She's repellent. Can't with her. She needs to be schooled and trained. Maybe THEN she could be let back in the house. Bitch is trash.
    Now, the rest? Totally adore. Alexis and Darienne? Total Glam. Jimbo is a riot and knows what she's doing (Kandy should sit down with her and learn how to do TV). I love that there's Trans representation and that my Chi girl Naysha Lopez (another Miss Continental) who indeed looks fantastic in and out of Drag.
    I will be watching and I hope they keep them all during the whole season. Most of these Queens are super talented.


  3. I'm kinda with Six ... Kandy? I kan't.

    1. OMG thank you.
      I think you can be feisty, catty and have a big mouth and still be professional and decent human being. Take Mistress Isabelle Brooks. Girl brought the drama to the TV series and still, it's obvious she's playing a part. Kandy IS nasty.


    2. If I didn't know any better I would think you two don't like Kandy Muse?!?!?!

      And of course anybody with the name Mistress is going to be feisty ,catty, and have a big mouth yet still be professional!

    3. Hahaha
      Oh, I despise her.
      But the rest of the cast?? I can't wait to see what trouble Jimbo brings and what crazy antics Lala and Jessica Wild engage in. Big personalities. Ratings gold.


  4. So many statuesque beauties! And I see that Heidi-In-Closet never did change her name, despite RuPaul's urging during her original season.

    1. Thank God she didn't listen to Rupaul cuz that's a great name

  5. Anonymous4/27/2023

    I gotta say Kahanna Montrese has come a long, long way. looking and acting very professional this season.

  6. Now, why am I drawn to Jaymes Mansfield?

    1. I love me some Jaymes Mansfield. She has excellent Style and girlfriend runs a wicked Wig Company, the only downfall is that voice.

    2. Maybe she needs to learn how to use the voice to her advantage and sell the song?

  7. Interesting that Heidi-In-Closet is still using that unusual moniker. The name "Jaymes Mansfield" is cute, a tribute to Jane.

  8. Anonymous4/27/2023

    Tundra Bunny here...

    Mirror ball tits -- OK, now I've seen everything! I really like Kasha Davis' vibrant purple outfit: a perfect counterpoint to her uber red hair! The boa and chandelier earrings are just plain classic.

    1. I have loved Kasha Davis, Tundra, ever since meeting her. She is a real pill. She used to have the funniest You Tube tutorials of cooking and entertaining as a hostess. Funny as hell.

  9. Anonymous4/27/2023

    Hi, Normadesmond here-
    I am so over the network jumping with Ru! Can't keep up with it! I'll sign up for whatever the fuck the show is on a week or so before it's over, then binge.

    1. I have no idea why her shit can't all be on the same network. I would think she is missing tons of ratings by people not wanting to sign on to another streaming service or network. I know many you don't see the All Stars anymore.

  10. I agree this looks like an excellent cast, and definitely more everybody's on the same level. The boy has already said we're watching it. And we both suspect this all stars is just going to be an obstacle for Kandy Muse to win. On her season we think the only reason she made top four was because all the judges had such a hard on for her. I love these promo shots.

  11. Oh this looks like an excellent cast I agree. And I'm so glad they didn't bring back so many of the same Queens for an All-Stars. This is a whole new batch. I think I'd have to root for Jimbo, he's come so close so many times already to winning. I mean look at the ensemble!

  12. From these photos alone, Jimbo is my favorite.

  13. love this and your pink mood!

  14. Stunning one and all. I can't wait to watch. I am loving Alexis and Jimbo the most. If I recall, I didn't care much for Darienne on her season...but she looks great here.


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