Friday, April 7, 2023


Holy Toledo Batman! Wham! Pow! Bang! Gotham is now a better place, The Tangerine Terror, with his oversized suits, odd wigwam of hair, and darkly stained orange skin ,gets a cold welcome and finds himself caged like a bird. Sinister Bill smirks, "Better get cozy, Tangerine, you're joining the rogue's gallery now!"

And now a side note, I thought Texas was insanely bad and crazy!!!! But Tennessee must be worst!!!! Shame on them for expelling two state senators Justin Jones and Justin J Pearson and a third senator almost expelled, Gloria Johnston, for voicing their concerns and calls for better control and guidelines over gun control, yes, were expelled. Heaven forbid, all they wanted was better check and balances for guns, not to have them taken away...but they were basically cut off and locked out of the state house, and finally asked to leave the building. If you live in this state and voted for them, I would be highly pissed off. And over something to keep people safe?!?!?! No political person in office anywhere should be removed like this , for they are voted in by the people in their districts, no matter how crazy they are... or how dumb the voters are to even vote them in, in the first...yes...I'm looking at you MTG voters. Two good politicians get removed for wanting better gun laws and control and yet someone like George Santos gets to stay in office??? This country is getting so fucked up. And to Texas and the deep south states....just so you know, we are not still in the civil war times. It's 2023! And the voters of Tennessee should demand justice for having their rights striped and their voices not heard. Just remember...karma is a bitch.


  1. Nazis . . . Nazis EVERYWHERE.

  2. And tell me again why it's said we need to stop comparing this to Nazi Germany?

    1. Exactly Mitchell!!!! What I find real interesting is the hurricane and tornados that keep hitting red states badly. Do you think God could be a Democrat? LOL!!!!! Yep I went there.

    2. Oh, thank you for that reply, Mads. I have been thinking that for days!

  3. I sure hope this is a wake-up call to the people of Tennessee. Blatant Naziism.

  4. All the GOP did in Tennessee was put 2 black men onto the National Stage.

    1. And they proved that this wasn't about guns. It was about getting "those" men out of the chamber. Oh, the White woman, they just wanted to teach a lesson to. Nope they wanted the black out because - from their racist viewpoint - they too big for their britches. Cookie says if those two gentle run for office, I will donate money and time to get them reelected and get them back where they earned the right to stand.

    2. And the sad part is Cookie, now their constituents are without any representation, and they have to run again for their seats if they still want too. But why bother? There bigoted state house will probably just do it again. Hence more of the wrong kind need to be voted out. They forget...they WORK FOR US.

  5. I hate him with ever fiber in my being. And I think his follower are sick fucks. There, I said it.

    1. Agreed. I find it funny no one seemed to stand him before he was President. He was just a entitled snob , and blue collar couldn't stand him.

  6. LMAO! Jail is too good for him, but man does he look like a Gotham villain...and perfect name too.

  7. Tangerine Terror!!!!! I laugh till I peed. Penguin, Joker, The Riddler Tangerine Terror......

    Nothing in the south surprises me anymore. But because the republicans gerrymandering...the people with morals ans sense don't get a voice heard. The R there are too drunk on power...but they must remember....the Dems could turn around sometime and do the same as what happened to these two senators. But then it will be a different story, and wrong...when it happens to them..

  8. That's a good look for that douche.

  9. Tennessee can fuck all the way; the young people are going after the po;liticians and they will vote one day soon.

  10. It seems to be all or nothing with those gun owners. No license, no waiting periods, no background checks. Just give the person a gun, no matter who the person is, no matter how powerful a gun, when that person wants a gun, and if a bunch of people get massacred, it's their own fault because they should have been armed too. And now democracy itself is being squashed just so this one "freedom" can be protected.

    1. And makes no sense. One needs hours of work and study to get a hair license..a massage license...a real estate license...a tatoo license....but no time training or back ground search to own a gun???????? Maybe we should just let people drive then too with no checks or training!!!!!!!!!!

  11. I prefer the name Orange Foolius, but that works too.

    Yeah, some parts of this country are going full on Nazi. I'm glad to be where I'm at, but I wouldn't be against it if the CA Dem supermajority voted to expel the Republicans here.

  12. People talk about driving licences as a counter to gun licences. The difference between the two is that cars, while they may kill people, that is only a side effect of bad driving (for the most part). Most people use cars to get from A to B.

  13. Unfortunately, karma takes too long.

  14. Anonymous4/08/2023

    Tundra Bunny here...

    Not only is the GOP drinking the Kool-Aid, they're swimming in it and refusing to get out of the pool!

  15. This is all reason for me to never return to the States. I never thought I'd see the US in the state it is in.Im not sure I even want to vist.

  16. I for one have little hope he will be convicted in anything and he will be re-elected and there will be no stopping him. Fools.

  17. the problem of weapons in the USA is linked, imho, to the fact that among the supporters of the Republicans there are arms manufacturers. Therefore, the question is not: let's give everyone the opportunity to defend themselves, but: let's make sure we don't dissatisfy our electorates, among whom are the arms manufacturers who need to sell their weapons.


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