Tuesday, April 18, 2023


I've learned very little in this life...but here's are a few things I did learn this far on this spinning globe. Here they are.

1-Take a lover. Several. It's good for the skin.
2- Never get married.
3-Fake plants are ok.
4- It's only murder if you're caught.
5-It's only smoking if you if light the cigarette and inhale. It doesn't take a genius to figure that one out.
6-Never, ever, go for and drink the cheap gin.
7-When having an affair with a married man, make sure his wife is on life support and he's about to pull the plug. I made that mistake before and she recovered, got better, and kicked my ass. 

Where were we? oh yeah 8

8-Fake eye glasses look great and make a great fashion accessory.
9- When at an amusement park and on the gravitron, don't go commando. Somewhere, down below, there is a five-year-old that needs some serious therapy.
10- The White Lotus was seriously over-rated. Sue me.
11-Sometimes if you spot it, you don't got it.
12- Walk at least 10,000 steps a day.
13- No one is a bigger size queen then me. Big cocks are nice to look at and pet, but trust me... 5" inches is good, 6" and 7"are fabulous and 8" is for a pro, 9" is a visit to the ER and anything bigger and your just skipping your next life honey!!! 
14- Never trust 99.8% of politicians. A Zeplin has less hot air.
15- Don't ever fall asleep on a nude beach. Trust me.
16-Sometimes, pretend to be normal...but make sure to always go back to yourself.
17-People will stop asking you questions, if you answer back in interpretive dance.
18- You can't always control who comes into your life, but you can control what window to throw them out of.
19- Cock fighting involves chickens! (That's 30 years of training completely wasted.)
20-We can't always have a body like a temple. Sometimes it's a bouncy castle.

-and 21 Alcohol doesn't solve problems....but then neither does milk!


  1. A lover is good ON the skin.

    1. And I gather you have very nice skin.

  2. The bouncy castle body, hahahahahaha!

  3. Anonymous4/18/2023

    Amen to #7.

  4. IM DYING!!!!!!!!!!!!! "but trust me... 5" inches is good, 6" and 7"are fabulous and 8" is for a pro, 9" is a visit to the ER and anything bigger and you're just skipping your next life honey!!! Bwahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And my body is so pass a bouncy castle!!!!

  5. No wonder you still look 28 bitch.

  6. Excellent!!! LOL!!!!! And #15 has me wondering a myriad of conclusions.......

  7. 1-I’m a believer and have had more than my fair share; 2- Too late, made that mistake, but know not to make it again; 3-Only if they’re made of silk otherwise fake are bad feng shui; 4- Agree; 5-Does not apply; 6-Does not apply; 7-I got played, didn’t know he was married; 8-I’ll take your word for it; 9- I’ll take your word for it; 10- I’ll take your word for it; 11-Huh?; 12- I try; 13- Agree. If one’s uterus hurts the next day, it’s too big; 14- Absolutely agree; 15- I’ll trust your word on it; 16-Ha! Yep. Gotta know when and where to play the game; 17-I love this one; 18- Absolutely!; 19- If you say so; 20-Nobody wants a bone but a dog; 21- Chocolate Candy and/or Ice Cream will do just fine.

    1. Shirley your correct! I can't tell ya how many times my uterus hurt the next day. And agree. Love the ones that never tell you their married.

  8. 19 gave me such a pleasant mental picture, but what can you expect from a happily married, plant murdering, bouncy castle!

    1. LAMO!!!! See... fake indoors plants= no plant murdering...another plus!!!!!!

    2. My point exactly, Mads. However, I did kill a five-foot fake Ficus, once. Psycho kitty was my weapon of choice. Gave the crazy cat to my sister. No one ever knew the truth, until now. Dun dun duuuuum!

    3. Well you're an expert plant killer if you can kill fake ones!!! You are just cracking me up, I can picture this scenario.

  9. Fake plants are okay - I'm going to run with that one!

  10. These are genius. I wish I knew some of this year ago. On the other hand, I've lived by a number of these without even knowing. Thanks for your infinite wisdom (and for reassuring me about Number 4.)

    1. Especially the cock fighting I'm guessing...... Yes number four. And I recommend a huge icicle...the evidence melts. But that may be a problem for where your bilocation is.

    2. Icicle. Even better where I live. No on would ever suspect. I'll start making some. (Just don't tell anyone.) By the way, cockfighting is NOT only for chicken. Mature men enjoy it, too. (Or did I not understand that one?)

    3. Nope .... I think you got it!

  11. So funny! I may pinch a couple. The only ones I disagree with are "Don't get married" and "Fake plants are ok" they are not ok. They are very bad. 😂😂

    1. LMAO!!! But Christina...have you ever hit someone with a real cactus? It hurts!

  12. you seem have forgot: swallow cum as much as you can. So healthy

    1. what do you think the dispenser next to the kitchen table is for? that houseboy isn't standing there for his health.

    2. Must you give all of my secrets out MS Moorecock!!!!

    3. for the health of both, I'd say: one is frequently emptied with lots of pleasure and the other one has its toll of creamy DNA, which produces antidepressants, antioxidants and antibodies.

  13. but men use your body as a bouncy castle for "other" reasons.

  14. My sides hurt!!! But if I may be as bold, your sexy as in Blake Mitchell sexy with fake glasses on. Hot nerd.

  15. "The White Lotus was seriously over-rated." AGREED! I did NOT understand all the hoopla and I even adore Jennifer Coolidge.

    Thanks for the laugh this morning!!! Your terrible.

  16. I have the feeling you had tons of good cock fights, and buried a few.

    Great list...I also sprayed my drink! Thank you. And I admit to fake indoor plants. I kill them , and fake ones don't need watered!!!

  17. Well, here's my motivation for the next ten years. Especially the one about fake plants.
    Babes, I did not know you could go so deep even when talking about dick!


    1. Well then you should see how deep I can go without talking about dick!

    2. Anonymous4/19/2023

      He goes deep ESPECIALLY when talking about dick.

  18. There are the 21 chapters for your biography,

  19. 100% on The White Lotus...and I can't understand the hoopla over Coolidge, for that matter. Even her acceptance speeches drove me up a wall. Everything else makes perfect sense! LOL.

    1. I do enjoy Jennifer Coolidge I think she's funny... my ex thinks I look like Jennifer Coolidge went in Drag at least with blonde hair. But small doses of her are better.

  20. Well, that was an interesting discussion about what fabulous is and isn't first thing in the morning!

  21. Anonymous4/19/2023

    I’ll take your word for it on 13and 15. And I’ve had a bouncy castle for awhile.

  22. Oh my God we're both in stitches reading this! Now for your next segment of life life lessons, we feel they should all be sexual related. Who can't use a few new tips?

    1. New? If I showed you anything new, Id be shocked.

  23. I'm in hysterics at this list and sadly some of them are good life lessons!

    One guy took off his shorts once after a hook up...and I just couldn't stop laughing at his dick...it was SOOOOO HUGE!!! I was like no way is that thing going in me. He did hit me once from behind, and I yelled and jumped off the bed. I just jacked him off and sent him on his way.

    1. LMAO!!!!! I have NO problem with a huge cock...I can pet it, lick it, suck it or feed it a peanut...but if I'm bottoming...it sure aint going up my old Hershey Highway. Who has time to carry around and sit on a donut?

  24. I agree with all of these, dear heart - except #3 [plastic plants are the invention of the devil], #12 [I'd catch a bus], #13 [I've never ended up in A&E; I must be more than a mere "pro"], and #16 [I've never, ever used the "n" word to describe myself!] Jx

    1. Sooooo.... are you telling us it's like tossing a hot dog through the Holland Tunnel?!?!?

    2. Tighter than a mouse's ear, dear. Jx

  25. I love these all...however, I did enjoy and I loved The White Lotus. I like number 13!! I have currently taken on a lover, although I think he may think more. I think of him as the here and now--not sure forever! I don't ever plan on getting married. I am not sure about taken on a married man--because I would get my ass kicked. I only go commando in my own home.
    You are brilliant and some of these should be made into bumper stickers or t-shirts!

    1. Shall I send you a tee shirt to wear for when you go commando???

  26. So what about der Trumpenfuhrer's 3" party piece?


Go ahead darling, tell me something fabulous!