Monday, May 20, 2019


Over the weekend, our fair hamlet had their Pride Festival and Parade, which garners quite the crowd for a small hamlet. New Hope generally always kicks off the Pride season here in the southeast. Last year I didn't attend any festivals. When I came out, it seemed I went to tons of festivals all over the eastern sea board, so the last few years, I got lax about going, except for the charity drag shows. But with this current government regime, I felt I had to go out and be seen and support the cause. First we can't let this monstrous administration walk all over us, and take back rights we have earned. I also think as a community we must also accept ALL OF US..not just the LGB...BUT ALL! It was a fun and colorful time...filled with my two friends I went with, cocktails and just seeing the excitement and look and wonder of the new gaylings. Here are some of my favorite pictures from the weekend.
Yes....a Mummer!
These two!!!!
Ignore my pasty arm...I need sun!
Doug and his partner Jamie. Doug is the one I sat for for his upcoming art show.
And finally...some libations!
And while enjoying our beverages, I thought I'd had to many. From no where, two peacocks landed on the railing off the balcony of the second place we went. I certainly attract the birds.
I didn't mind. Two cocks are better than one I hear.


  1. Goodness! That bicep made me swoon. Where's the rest of ya?! Looks like a wonderful way to spend a Sunday. HAPPY PRIDE!

    1. It was a lovely time, and the weather held out too.

    2. His bicep looks like that because it's his jack off hand!!!!

    3. LOL 🤣🤣🤣

  2. Oh please, you wanted us to look at that arm and yes your working out is working, why yes... yes it certainly is, sorry I just had an image of you taking a shower with other guys at the gym after working out. Anyway.. that looks like fun! You guys do pride really early. The Universe must have run out of rainbows and so sent you peacocks instead, seems all I ever get are mosquitoes, maybe they are gay mosquitoes since they like su... well you know. ;D

    1. I dont go to a gym sweetcheeks. I only lift little tiny 10lbs hand weights at home. I only jog at the lake. Your dont want to know what my arm work out is.

    2. Ya walked right into that one, Maddie!

  3. You are right! In the current political climate Pride is fundamental. I’m gonna do Chi and Milwakee 😎.
    And damn Maddie, that’s some gunz!


    1. They really aren't gunz....must be the angle alas.

  4. Hmmm Great Photos....!!! and a Nice Arm

  5. From the photos, comparatively, it appears the parade is pretty tame. The one here (held in Fall to avoid 100F heat) folks march in jockstraps, some with only cock socks. It gets pretty wild!

  6. that right arm sure gets a workout during (ahem) sexytimes. and peacocks; two IS better than one (or so my friends tell me). I wondered if you were attending when I saw the ads...

  7. Looks like a great parade, and an important one
    too. Loves the doggy :-)

  8. I love pride months.

  9. I do so enjoy your many wildlife pix! I refuse to make any prurient remarks about your arm work outs. You don't want to call them gunz? Would you believe, derringers? It took me a second to realize that you weren't bleeding. Stay "pasty" sweetie. Tanning is so very bad for your health. Hmm, I guess I haven't quite shed all of my recent melancholy.

  10. Do you think I should wear my Gay Pride shirt to the Walmart here in Tennessee? How many minutes do you think I'd survive??

    1. Your whole visit. With those ass linking boots you wear, no one will trifle with you!

  11. So much joy. And how could anyone ignore that arm!?

  12. I am beginning to think small-town Gay Prides are better fun than the big city ones. Our Pride in London is pissing around with allowing - yes, that word: allowing! - individuals to march at all. If one is not a paid-up member of a massive corporate or over-stuffed "charity", one is expected to be corralled into an "individuals'" space and put up or shut up... I am fuming, and will needless to say refuse to comply with their demands and do what I, as an individual, bloody well please. They blame "security", "health and safety" and any number of lame excuses, when it is patently obvious that it is all about the money. Next year, I'm coming to New Hope. Failing that, Llantwit Major. Jx

    PS why stop at two? Peacocks, that is.

    1. I'd badly host your fabulous arse!!!! Sorry to hear the tales of pride woo dear. Why toy with a fun thing that worked in the past. I myself have two more prides now, philly and new yorks... which will bound to be insane with the 50th anniversary of Stonewall.

    2. Gladly... damn spell check.

  13. I really do like that tall, feather hat!

  14. I love the Mexican proverb, and who doesn't love anything rainbow? Happy Pride!

  15. Looks fabulous, I need to get out more

  16. Generally speaking, the smaller (and more rural) the town, the more invisible the gays. Obviously, that's not the case in the aptly named New Hope. Any particular reason why that should be? Is it a bohemian enclave populated by artistic types, a kind of rural Greenwich Village? In case I'm ever reincarnated, I might want to move there.

  17. So many posts about your arm, you could probably be a lifetime member of the NRA 😉. But it looks like so much fun! And the weather looked perfect for outdoor refreshments.

  18. Nice tattoo, and yes you need peacocks at the Casa.


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