Monday, August 28, 2023


Well... another glorious weekend has come and gone. And I've been dragging today. That impromptu trip to Fire Island almost did me in . But when you're invited to Fire Island never say no , especially if you're not staying in a bed and breakfast or hotel. My mood board may be inspired by my morning beverage. I'm a huge OJ boy in the morning, and last week I went to the market and got a lovely freshly squeezed tangerine and pineapple blend that is made by the Amish, that is Pure Heaven! And why I've never had anything against Orange, and I do like it I just never used it much in my Interiors or wardrobe until recently. Now all of a sudden I seem to be obsessed with the orange. My new orange square cut came in handy this weekend as well. Not to mention I love a good blood orange liqueur cocktail. But what's not to love about the two outfits down below? I think my wardrobe needs both of them,
This is sooooo me! Totally would wear this!!!!
My parting shot from the ferry leaving FI yesterday! Truely stunning. And because of the popularity and all the opinions of the short shorts post on Friday... I hadn't seen such chatter over a topic and ages .. I present the orange cords short shorts I just bought this season!!!!!! 

I'm on an orange kick.


  1. Orange is a colour that goes well with just about any other colour; it livens up a flower border. Funnily enough it is a colour that looks dreadful anywhere near the face on most people.

    1. I love it in the summer when I'm tanned, but otherwise, say in the winter and early spring, I can't pull it off.

  2. Orange is a peppy colour - as in it livens everything up. I was going to get an orange scarf for Winter, but after reading Helen’s comment I think I’ll leave it!!
    Love that orange sofa! And your shorts!

    1. I say go for it Scarlet. 1- It's in a smaller dose, and 2- Orange in the dark cold months might add a pop of color in a otherwise grey season.

  3. I love the glass anal beads. When did you buy those? And you know those shorts drive me wild.

  4. I love the orange cords, however you present them. And the orange chair as long as the “delivery guy” stays. My parents had in their den an orange vinyl sofa with wrought iron frame in the '50s. It was very cool. I wish I had it now.

    1. That would be very popular right now Mitchell! I thought of posing for a picture like the Coppertone Girl, but couldn't find someone present to tug the back of the short down.

    2. I'm sure if you had called out, “Can someone help me flash my ass?” everyone on the island would have come running.

  5. Well this board has certainly brightened up my mood! I love the orange outfits and your shorts. Yes, I'm looking at the clothes. YES I AM!!!

    1. And I would totally wear that orange floral onesie. Where, I'm not sure, but do I care?

  6. Well, you are of Dutch extraction, so Orange is a natural colour for you...

    I agree with Helen, however, if one does not have tanned skin, orange (and yellow) shirts, t-shirts or dresses tend to drain the colour out of a person's face. Like lime green, these are colours that better suit Mediterraneans, Black people, people from the Indian sub-continent, Brazilians and so on. Jx

    1. Your right! I wouldn't dare wear orange outside of summer, and not tanned!!! Talk about a yikes moment dear! I think you always looks handsome in purple.

  7. the vantage point of your shorts. Grrrr!

  8. Orange is my fav color.
    Also, you put ME in the mood with Kyle Kupres in that chair... And the short-shorts...


    1. I got those shorts in four other colors I liked them so much.

  9. I've always liked Orange, such a Happy Uplifting Color. Glad you had so much Fun at Fire Island that it wore you out... that's the best way to end any Vacation, feeling absolutely spent from the Joy of it.

    1. Oh, I was spent by the joy of it alright!!!!

  10. This afternoon, I keep yawning.
    Coffee is on, and stay safe.

  11. OMG....Those legs and that ice cream look amazing!!!! I like this mood board.

  12. Is it wrong I might want your legs wrapped around my neck?
    Gorgeous and lively board today.

  13. The naked man in the chair reminds me that a mixture OJ and vodka gets you a screwdriver.

  14. I LOVE orange!!!!! And if one person I know you could pull that outfits off, it would be you! Especially that first one with yellow pants. Love those beach photos but your sunset picture is beautiful.

    I was soooo tired today.

  15. I want those shorts!!!!!!!!!!!!! Agreed. Hate Mondays, but you seem more chipper then I.

  16. I'm with Deedles...adore orange!!!!! I have many pieces in orange. I wouldn't mind that velvet sofa by any means. This board gave me a nice, energized boost. I was what I call a ho hum day. Ill be glad when this packing and move is finally done.

  17. Anonymous8/29/2023

    Too much orange, reminds me of orange hair, I want to heave.

    1. What about gingers? Have you never been gingerbred?

  18. Anonymous8/29/2023

    Now I will be off strawberries [blond]

  19. All that orange and not one shot of INMATE # P01135809??
    Bless you.

    1. I didn't want to ruin a otherwise pretty post.

  20. Anonymous8/29/2023

    I think you would look scrumptious in either of those orange outfits. 😉

  21. Those cords look great on you! I like the jacket -- I'd wear it. Plus, I can totally see you kicking back in that chair - just like the dude in the photo. 😁

    1. Well I always did want to Bubble chair!

  22. Orange Is The New Bulge!

  23. Anonymous8/30/2023

    Scott from Massachusetts said...

    The big boy, sitting in the orange chair, Yummy, love to sample his "orange juice"!!

    Thanks Mistress Maddie!!


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