Friday, August 11, 2023


Thank heavens it is the end of a first long, full week at work. And the weekend is here just in time!!! Break out the gin!!!!

Gin and Tonic (good gin-no rubbish)
Full glass of ice
four jiggers of gin
top with tonic
plenty of limes!

Then jump in the ole gin bath!!!! 

This video was sent to me by the lovely Tundra Bunny...and Im sure it sums Friday up for many of us!!!!


  1. I love this mash-up. I’ll bet the performers would enjoy it, too. I’m so excited.

  2. Anonymous8/11/2023

    Tundra Bunny here...

    I get a big kick out of this video every time I see it, especially the Zoot Suits and Conga Line. Enjoy your gin bath, Maddie!

  3. These videos amaze me! These people must be brilliant! The clips actually go in tune with the music. I've seen several days and love them all but this is one of the best ones. Thanks to you both for sharing it.

    And I'm taking your advice and doing the mistress weekend.. all gin and tonics!

  4. Anonymous8/11/2023

    Dungeons and drag queens series has finished and was holarious and dramatic and anything you could want from such a mashup of cultures. First ep is free here on youtube.
    If you go ahead and watch whole series, don't miss the adventuring parties that happen after each game. The Queens were so great and I love them all but Jujubee has my heart for how much she got into the game. Definitely recommend! Tina in west oz, a blow-in from going gently blog!

  5. I love the Pointer Sisters and that's one of my favourite songs!

  6. We're all dancing this Friday! Jon got me stoked with disco, and now this?!! I am feeling it!!!!!!!! Gimme a pig foot and a bottle of beer!!!!

  7. Happy Friday!!!!! I can't imagine the amount of time these people took to look all of these up. I have loved how it's been piece dances to the crescendo and pianissimo parts of music to where the song phrases are building up for chorus's and winding back down in the versus. Brilliant! Love them.

  8. Happy Gin and Tonic Hour!!!!! Love that picture. Is that you Mistress jumping in the gin bath???

    I don’t know who pieces these together but hats off to their genius which I am in total admiration of. Im So Excited is one of my favorite songs and to use it to showcase musicals throughout the decades is an amazing feat! Thank you so much for posting it... the sheer pleasure it gave me.

  9. The seamless editing, the impeccable timing, the incredible amount of work that it took to produce this short video is beyond measure. All done to put a HUGE smile onto humanities face. Absolutely brilliant.

  10. This had me drinking and dancing... I may add. It's an excellent mix and mash up. Though my boyfriend didn't like me dancing naked. He gets appalled when I do a propeller.

  11. This was PERFECT!!! All of the scenes matching beautifully to the beat!! I think it's the perfect time for a cocktail now!

  12. All things in moderation.

  13. When you're retired every day is a weekend day. I'm so busy I have no idea how I fitted work into my life. Spent much of the morning waiting for all the tyres on my CLS to be replaced.

  14. Anonymous8/12/2023

    Loved the video and loved it when music was actually music! Gigi

    1. You got that right Gigi....and back when movies stars were truly talented.

  15. To paraphrase what I said to Jon a couple of years ago: "That was fabulous! I could have done with that yesterday at about 09:30 when I was starting to flag." (It's my own fault I wasn't here for it yesterday)

  16. That video is insanely good and entertaining!!!!

  17. we have at any time 4-6 types of gin and how delightful they are to choose from !


Go ahead darling, tell me something fabulous!