Wednesday, August 30, 2023


The Bay Area comedy scene can be an unforgiving place to get a start in comedy, and especially for a trans woman. I recently became familiar with Nori Reed and I'm here for her, her style of comedy and her storytelling and delivery. I have been howling. For her first show, Nori preformed in a church for a crowd of 600 people. Most people would probably prefer six or seven generously intoxicated souls for their first set, but nothing about Nori's career thus far has been by the book. Since then, her sets are fast becoming a standing room only affair. 

As a trans woman she found her footing with Peacock rebellion, an Oakland organization for queer and trans artist, activists and healers of color. It was there she found her funny side and decided to take the dive into comedy. And I'm glad she did. While Reed will occasionally draw on her identity as a trans woman for material, she wants to be known as a comic that is trans, not the other way around. In 2019, she got an email from Amy Poehler to open a set for her and she thought it was a joke, but it turned out no joke, and she ended up as a guest headliner for Poehler. As she's worked her way up since 2019 from open mics to sets like Comedy Oakland, Reed had continued to experiment with her audiences when it comes to the necessity and methods of disclosure. I have been laughing daily watching her clips on Instagram! Lately she is my go too for hilarity. 


  1. Good for her for being brave enough to start off with a crowd. I'd want two extremely drunk people to whom I'd tell a single joke and hope they got it. Most people stare at me in bewilderment when I try to say something I think is funny.


    1. I hear the Dump is much the same way...his jokes land flat, then he flashes his penis and people die of laughter.

    2. I mean, it worked for LBJ.

      When Dump won, I simply said "The Aristocrats!" and was done with it.

    3. When my jokes don't go over well, I guess I need to show everyone my dick.

  2. She looks a little Margaret Cho to me, and she's just as funny.

  3. Low-key delivery that had me laughing out loud at times.

    1. Same here Kirk! Plus she's just so cute.

  4. I can't say I've heard of her but she is a trip. I like comedians that low-key dead pain delivery. But I love her whole vibe.


  5. Sitting in a cafe without my Airbuds, so can’t watch the video right now. But I’m sure I’m going to love her. I trust your judgment.

  6. The rich-white-smile = I know that person. Babies, for decades, they would take one look at me and start crying.

    1. I have the feeling if you were comedian penguin, I bet your stories would be funny as hell and your delivery would be much the same which I find even funnier.

  7. She's got that low-key delivery that builds to the unexpected.

  8. Nori is right; we shouldn't worry about what someone is, but who they is!

    1. Definitely a plus for the trans community!

  9. Brava! I loved her low key delivery as well.

  10. Oh my God I love Nori Reed and her feel of comedy. I love her deadpan this and when she can laugh at herself. She did our gay pride here that's why I became familiar with her.

    Incidentally I had the best time ever at the woods last weekend. I got back on Tuesday. The only thing missing was you. But I was telling somebody about you and who you were and they said you would be there this weekend. That place is so cool!

    1. Oh I adore her too! I'm so glad to hear you had a good time at the woods. Who are you talking to girl? Yes I will be returning this weekend.

  11. I never heard of her but I adored that video. I think it's her calmness and dead pan delivery that makes it so funny, I you don't know what she's going to discuss next. I love the pictures. Good on her for be doing comedy.

  12. She's cute and funny.


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