Monday, October 10, 2022



Have I mentioned I disliked Mondays? Moving on, it was a great weekend. We enjoyed a nice October bonfire last night at dusk. It smelled of fall and the warmth felt wonderful whilst sipping some dark ale. Right before dark we could spy a few of the bats flapping around. I don't fear them, but I know many do. I can remember holding one once at the animal hospital I volunteered at, I blogged about it. It was rather cute, and it changed my mind forever about them. But did you know bats are decently closely related to humans? They have appeared on Earth as many as 65-100 million years ago, and their wings are made of the same bones as we have in our fingers, which unlike birds flapping an entire wing, bats can move these digits individually. Bats are extremely adaptable and live on almost every continent. They're the only flying mammals and are extremely diverse. Many bats travel south for the winter. However, some hibernate. Even more hardcore then bears, bats can actually survive being encased in ice during their hibernation. Bats are phenomenal for plants and trees, very vital... and imperative in some places. Many bats eat fruit and, therefore spread the seeds required to plant more. Bats are very good experts at controlling the insect populations and are immune to many diseases. And when it comes to the fabled vampire and Dracula.... well. There are only actually three species of bats that are vampiric...but don't attack humans or suck their blood, but rather feed off blood from animals injured or already dead. I think they are rather cool creatures and misunderstood.


  1. Pat Lark10/10/2022

    They're so ugly, they're cute. Never been afraid of them.

  2. They have cute little faces, but that's where it stops.

    1. But you should see the little baby one in the link!!! It was irresistible.

  3. Anonymous10/10/2022

    Tundra Bunny here... I totally agree with you, Mistress -- bats should be cherished, not feared! I held my first little brown bat about 40 years ago now and I still remember my surprise at learning their wings were soft, warm skin! My favourites are the fruit bats or "flying foxes" of Australia. There are rescues there that take in elderly or injured ones that can no longer fend for themselves. The volunteers carry these bats around in flannel slings like babies and the bats are so affectionate -- after they've had their rabies vaccines, of course, LOL!

    1. I agree. I was afraid of them when I was little...too many movies...but once I held that little baby bat in my hands it changed everything. The way it moved and acted was very much affectionate, like it knew we were helping it.

  4. Bats are cute, but I don't know if I'd still feel that way if I saw one up close.

  5. Wolfie used to make a speciality of catching bats, bringing them into the house through the cat flap and then letting them fly around. It was not easy getting them out of the house without damaging them. It was much easier with the two ducks we found wandering around the dining room. They too were brought in through the cat flap.

    1. Omg!!!!!! Helen....those stories are so funny! I can just picture all the hijinkx that ensued. That cat probably thought she was bringing you her prized possessions.

  6. Awww... These fruit bats are adorably gormless!

    Far less so are the much smaller barbastelle bats around here - They're hideous, but harmless.

  7. Love the bats and the little cabin.

  8. Our local zoo (excellent) has fruitbats (flying foxes) that you can walk directly beneath for a very close look. I’ve watched them during feeding time and find them fascinating. It’s made me less fearful. (The first time, I held my breath as I passed quickly under them.) Still, I don’t want one in the house.

  9. I think bats are adorable - even the ones with the gnarled faces and ridiculous ears. We're always thrilled to see them hunting under the vile weed trees over our garden. Jx

  10. Anonymous10/10/2022

    Bats on an individual basis are rather nice. However, when you have a mass exodus from a cave… that’s very unsettling.

    1. Is that from experience? It's a wonder you didn't become Batman.

  11. If it's all the same to you, I'll let you hold the bats.

  12. There is absolutely nothing wrong with being a little batty!

  13. Ok, so I want that tree house. Bats or no bats.
    And this Fall I think it's going to be different. For one, I will probably dress up to go to work. We're planning a little party (Halloween is on a Monday) and I'll be a sailor. Yes, Dave.


    1. I have always had a dream in live in a tree house! I think it would be cool Six.

      I love dressing up again and being back to work. A sailor?!?!? When you get off work that night swing on by, we can do some role play my, mon cherie.

  14. No idea why, but the hissing cat gif made me laugh uncontrollably!! I remember you baby bat too. I did surprisingly find it cute.

  15. Glad you had a fabu weekend. I love cats and bats... and vintage hollywood? Simply the best, darling.

  16. Nope...I can't do bats sweetie. Yikes! But how seasonably appropriate

  17. Bats terrify me, and I'd rather not get to know any up close and personal. Keep your bats in your own belfry.


  18. They do look cute - but they are so fast, they always make me jump when I see them flapping about at night.


Go ahead darling, tell me something fabulous!