Tuesday, September 22, 2020


My time will be coming to an end glamping over this coming weekend, as the work will be all done back at the pied de terre.  I always meet the end of summer with melancholy. I enjoy all the seasons, but the summer is by far my favorite...hell, even Uptonking deemed me the Patron Saint of Summer....which I would say is most fitting. Boy I love that man. I always get a major case of the sads when summer ends...I do believe each year when it ends, another piece of me goes with it.  I will miss all my friends I see in the summer at the campground for another year. It has been a most unusual summer as I didn't go on any big vacations abroad...but thank goodness for glamping... and the Poconos this summer. I couldn't imagine enduring a fall, and then a long winter hibernation without ever getting out in the summer. Goodness knows what the pandemic will bring for autumn and winter. It was good to get up here,  and even though low key, still met some great new friends and nothing like nature to calm and sooth my savage side.
Glowing lights put up for RBG.
Matt, the gentleman who had me for drinks last week in the tear drop.

An art installation!!! 
When first timer folk show up, it is a custom there to take off your underwear and add them to the underwear tree.
Divas of the camp, Aurora Bearlieas, Porcha, Heidi Ho, and Polla Frost. And you know it's a gay campground when....

Over the weekend we were happy and very surprised when Max Emerson and his hubby stopped in for a return visit to glamp!
Friend, Lucas...so long till next year.

Now as is tradition and custom here on this blog, is my summer ending anthem. Every year,  yet again...Lana Del Rey's song, always seems to sum up my mood, as the Patron Saint of Summer hangs it up for another year....


  1. I hate this time of year, too. The "season of decay".

    The vacation looks like a lot of fun - some lovely - ahem - scenery around...


    PS Love that mask!

    1. I agree! I must admit our foliage is stunning when it happens, but once the jewel tones are gone...dead and decay!!! When I got the mask I actually thought of you!


  2. Oh, that Norma Desmond mask is everything. I love!

    1. Wait till a go into Whole Foods and Trader Joe's with that on!!! Who knows, maybe I'll even wear the turban!

  3. you have had some wonderful summer flings, mistress. thank you for sharing them with us.

  4. Perfect song... to end an imperfect summer Sigh. Oh, my... the sights you did see, babycakes! Yeah, I would totally macked on Mr. Matt. Sorry. And your friends are gorge. Pam Demic did herself proud. And you took some truly fine photos. Glad you got away as much as you did and enjoyed what you could. Onto Autumn, dear. Kizzes.

    1. Well any consolation, Mr Matt and I did have a lovely afternoon that next day! You would love this place Uptonking. This time has given me a nice time with nature. I do get outdoors a bit in the autumn as well. I'm just an outdoor person. Glad you liked the song too.

    2. Wasn't it hard to show him around with your cock in his mouth?!?!?!?!?

  5. Love that Norma Desmond muppet mask!

  6. So, I see if ever I was to be able to join you up there, I would have to pack one pair of undies to throw into the tree. I mean, otherwise it would not be feasible for me to support the tradition!
    It is my wish that everything is perfect upon your arrival at the Casa. I told the Houseboys to put everything to rights, but you know how they are when no one is around! (Psss...check the booze, especially the Gin. I think some may have been watered to make it seem untouched in your absence.)

    1. I hope so too. My neighbor sent me pictures one day to take my mail in....everything still covered in plastic!!!! Yes even I have a pair in the tree! I can help you get them off too!

      And if any gin is missing it will be Anne Marie!!!!!!!

  7. So, Matt had you for drinks? Is that all it takes to have you?

    1. Certainly not....it also takes ice cream, chocolate, sweet nothings and sometimes flowers and just the right touch to my inner thigh......

    2. Let’s be honest. Just a glance at your honor thigh could be enough! It works (well worked) for me.

  8. Hello, Max Emerson! Damn!
    And I lone, love, love! The Norma Desmond getup. That mask! I’d wear it to Trader Joe’s to wake up the Karens.
    Love the pics, too the RBG tribute was soooo awesome!
    Summer is almost done. Gonna miss it.

    1. I may have had a few nips that night. I felt more like Grandma Yetta from the Nanny.

  9. I loved these postcards post!!!! Im with you on the summer ending. While fall is pretty with foliage, it's cold, and dead looking. Spring and summer give me life. That Pam is a trip!!!!!!!! I hope she stick around when and if the virus leaves. She's the only good thing to come from this mess

    1. I hope Pam Demic stick around too!!! Those gloves!

  10. I LOVE the light for RBG!!!! She was after all a shinning light for out country. Now inquiring minds want to know how all went on in that tear drop camper?!?!?!?!?! And he does have nice nipples! Great pictures. I know you get down when summer ends.

  11. text me when your drunk. he must take messages then 24/7?

    love the butterfly. could it be Ruth?!?!?!

  12. I just knew unicorn existed...you've been holding out on us!!!!

  13. What a fitting post to end the summer on Mistress. The picture are so pretty, and the people all look so inviting...especially those queens! Autumn is my favorite season, though my old body misses the heat of summer once it's gone.While this post is entertaining and nice eye candy, I can sense a small over tone of sadness indeed.

    And I LOVE that mask!!!!!

  14. These picture made my day!!! Those men are all so cute!!!! And Pam Demic,,,she is quite a mess isn't she. How many had she had that night??? This place will be even more special since it gave you the place to escape too during these times. Lovely post.

  15. It seems as if summer never really ends here in LA! Or maybe I've just been inside too long. I love your pics, sugarpie! And those men? Still swooning over here! Where did you get that mask???? I wnat one, too! xoxo

    1. Savy, I ordered a flesh colored mask and a friend of mine did the sequins lips on it!

  16. What a magical place. I mean their is cute guys and a unicorn!!! And Max was there?!?!?! He is ll the way from out here!!!! That place must be a good time. But you had me with the opening picture. The views.

  17. What an enchanting place to spend time with Friends! The underwear tree made me smile and Matt is gorgeous as is the Bare Buns Studmuffin. I'm glad you had a wonderful time... those lit up Flowers are stunning for a Tribute to RGB. As a Woman from an Era of rampant Gender bias, she did so much to change things for the betterment of all Women in America. Our Daughter and Granddaughters now have a much more level playing field than we ever had and I know they can do great things given those opportunities previously denied.

    1. The guy that had those had them for another event at the camp that got cancelled, so I brought them out when the news broke. It was cool as hell to see them. The picture didn't do justice. Some of the things you see there are quite fun.

  18. Thank you for sharing your trips with us. Living vicariously through you brought a little sunshine to an otherwise dreary summer. And you have ALL the luck with visitors up there.

    1. It must be my square cuts....or in some cases lack of 😈😈😈

  19. Hopefully summer will come back next year, so long as it doesn't get cancelled.
    Happy Autumn!

    1. If our current president gets back in, I may not be here next year to see another summer dear.

  20. Matt looks like he needs some cheering up. Maybe I can help😍

    1. He has rather nice nipples...among other things.

  21. This post brightened my morning! Thanks! And I love the song!

    1. Im glad to hear that! You could use some bright days girl!

  22. So many pretty things, remember YOU SHALL RETURN!

  23. I can't wait to get back up there next summer. I really missed this summer because of the flying thing. But your pictures have lightened my mood and my do the boys ever look as friendly. Love the butterfly shot. Enjoy my friend, stay sane.

  24. You always post the best pastiche of postcards and photos.

  25. You know I meant "inner" and not "honor," although it would be an honor I'm sure.

  26. Oh I loved this post. Pandemic or not Id been all over Lucas! And Matt. And the guy with the green tee I love it. Is great to have a sanctuary like this to get out too and done safely. Love the post. Now about your inner thigh. Thats a hot button for you huh??????

  27. A lovely selection of photos to illustrate your glamping holiday. They're all beautiful and intriguing in different ways, but I do have a favourite - the "under the parasol" shot at the end.

    1. I use a big parasol these days Mr DeVice.


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