Wednesday, September 2, 2020


 That's right sweet peas...only 62 days left till we vote. 62 DAYS!!!!

You know 62 days will fly by before we know it. My friend and I were talking yesterday, and he joked with me, "Oh no , here we go!!!! He's knows I've been ranting. I've never been more on fire and political my entire life till this administration. I think my ex is to blame. He was the chief of staff for a state rep here in Bucks County, and was also in field operations for elections. Shocking,  my friend is a republican who will be voting for Biden. Most of my republicans friend always vote blue for major seats anyhow. My other friends give me flack about it...but I have never been closed minded on having friends because of  sexual orientations, religion, political beliefs, ethic background or anything for that matter. My one friend was once here for a gathering, and had a good time with a guy in conversation for two hours. When he found out he was a republican, he wouldn't talk to him after that, and they hadn't even talked politics. Thats just ridiculous in my mind. Up to that point, they had a good time. Shows you how extreme things are getting.  Hell.... I have a friend who is a Christian and two who are Atheist, one being into witchcraft...and they all have been together at one of my dinners,  and got along.

  While I have had some heated, but good spirited debates with some of my republican's friends, at the end of the day we know our only difference is our political beliefs. Two of them have been there for me through thick and thin, and don't know what I would have done one time without them. I myself have been at one time, or another, with all three political parties. I really should be an independent. Even with all three parties,  I have crossed lines to vote for who I think is really the best person for the job, and have at time broke a straight ticket. While a democrat now, I remember when I first moved to philly. The state representative was the laziest piece of shit and was a democrat. My ex said she was called the Queen of Solitaire by her staff. All she ever did apparently. The gays finally came to their senses and voted her out and she got replaced with thankfully another democrat. Brian Simms thank god!!!!!! But this is a time to get down right political and cast a vote! The existence of the country as we know it is at hand!

I usually pride myself on being bipartisan.... and it's what we need in more of our polictians, instead of this far right and far left.... hell if it was up to me, they'd all be removed and we'd start from scratch.... but I will say this Republican party is off the charts and is not the one I remember from years ago. A warning 62 days in advance. The enthusiasm level for the 60 million in Trump’s base is OFF THE CHARTS!  Don’t leave it to the Democrats to get rid of Trump. YOU have to get rid of Trump. WE have to wake up every day for the next 62 days and make sure each of us are going to get a people out to vote. We know how this panned out last time. 
We all must get out and vote. And if you Democrats don't like Biden and won't vote, don't come bitching if Trump wins. It's pretty bad when some Democrats I know won't vote because they don't like Biden, yet my Republicans friends intended to vote for Biden. I'm still working on them. This HAS TO END. And you non- voters and swing voters your research and vote!!!!!
I don't trust Trump, and know there is already shady shit going on.  In August, in just the swing states, Biden and Trump were almost in virtual ties. In Minnesota, it was at 47-47. In Michigan, where Biden had a big lead, Trump has closed the gap to 4 points. The Biden campaign just announced he’ll be visiting a number of states – but not Michigan. Yikes. Sound familiar?” I think he should. Hillary Clinton’s 2016 race was accused by supporters for not visiting certain states...and made the error of avoiding some states that then swung to Trump. This past week, in some swing states, Biden’s lead is less than what Hillary’s was. You can’t blame this one on the PO or Russia. This is on the candidate and party. WAKE UP! This scare the shit out me. We all have to get out and vote!!!! It's our right to vote. If we don't vote it will be just one more right that the Republicans will what to take from us. Support the ticket and right this country back to normalcy.

If your voting by mail, make sure as soon as you get it in your hands, fill it out and mail it, or better still, take it to one of your secured voting box locations to personally drop it in, or go in person on voting day, masked of course, and get that vote in!!!!! And if you know of anyone that needs a ride, help getting forms filled out, etc. do all you can. Are you registered to vote? Check the side bar if your not and get registered. Lord knows they make it so difficult to vote and that's what they want. If your voting by mail, and waiting to get your ballot, and undecided,  do your research now, so all you have to do is fill the form out when it arrives. Every vote will count. Whoever wins I have the feeling will be by such a small every vote counts. SO VOTE!!!! And do you really want trump to win again??!?! That would be the biggest fuck you in American History, don't give him that pleasure. Just vote.

Are you ready for a Trump victory? Are you mentally prepared to be outsmarted by Trump again? Do you find comfort in your certainty that there is no way Trump can win? Soon as you think he'll lose, he wins. I hate to be negative and still have uneasy feelings about this one.  I feel very nervous, the same way I did four years ago at this time. Let's just go and do the simplest thing to do.VOTE! Otherwise if he gets in again....


  1. My dear, you can count on me voting this election. I do by mail here in FL, as it's the only state, according to Hair Furor, that seems to have mail voting right. I'll be having my manservant, Clive, deliver my ballot personally to the local office of elections so my vote is counted and accounted for. I cannot abide for more years of this orange buffoon. As Babs and Donna so wisely said, "Enough is enough; no more tears," my dear.

  2. Brava MM! I stand with you, and will go after anyone who plays the "they're both bad"card.
    One killed 185,000 in 5 months; 1,000 people a day; over 2 9/11's a week. And he's the one who calls Klan members "good people"; he's the one that went to Kenosha and did not say Jacob Blake's name and said there is no systemic racism in this country.
    If you don't vote, you're voting for that one; if you do vote, and you're voting for that one, you don't care about 6 million sick, 185,000 dead, millions out of work; you don't care about a racist in the Oval.

    Let's get this done.

  3. GAYmen, maddie! FUCKING VOTE!

  4. HENNY your on fire gurl! Love some of your back ground too. I am left but not's closed minded, blinders on left now, and even I have republicans friends. My democrats friends get pissed, but I why should I hate someone just because of their beliefs????? That the fucking issue in the country with everything. I can see your point...I personally thing both parties need to be fucking gutted and get back to their god damn way they used to. But will be voting for Biden. IF if he kicks the fucking bucket 60 days in, at least, heeeennnnny we will have Kamala Harris!!!!!!!!

  5. Brava Mistress. I loved this on so many levels. You sound much like William and I. While were Democrats, I can't lie have voted both sides of the aisle also. We too have friends on both sides, and have de-freiended many who got pissed we were friends with Dems or Repubs.We don't have time for such narrow mindedness. We have had some lousy Democrats in office here before also. If you can't do the job, your out. We voted for who will GET THE JOB DONE and work. No doubt, there is evil and dead weight on both sides, and your a liar if you don't think there is. Either party is far from perfect. It's just sad to know, that these days we have to vote for the likes of what were offered. The Biden ticket may be the last good ticket left. The Democrats should start priming other candidates now. And I agree with your whole message. If people don't think this racy is close, their nuts. If trump wins, that will certainly be the biggest fuck you in the history.

    This country WILL be done for good if he gets in again. Then it will be time to move.

  6. We have been a vote by mail state for
    a while now. I plan to a next day turn
    around for my ballot!

  7. The Asshole in Chief is stepping up his game. Those are his most qualified foreign policy advisors yet.

  8. Why can't we non-Americans who have America's best interests at heart also participate? I-DEMAND-MY-VOTE!

    1. I would love for you to participate if you could. We'd gladly take your vote.

  9. Voting according to who will do the best job...well, that's what I've always done. Not this time. Down-ballot is just as important this time. This is when those Districts are redrawn. I do not want Republicans doing that again - that is how we got so many of them in Congress. So, this time, it is Blue No Matter Who from Top to Bottom.
    If the IMPOTUS remains after this election, he will be there until he dies or puts one of his stupid progeny in. It will be the end of the U.S.

  10. Indentured Servant9/02/2020

    Your right about the vote, We all need to vote. but thats where we change. Dems have solidified support for Trump among conservatives, moderates, classic liberals, seniors, people of color, religious, patriots, and legal immigrants, the list goes on. Why? Because all the Democrats are offering is fear, anger, chaos, and scapegoating. They take no onus on any of the nation's problems, offer no realistic solutions, and when you disagree or corner them on these facts, they call you names. It's all they have left in their arsenal. And Democrats not voting???? Has it ever occurred to you there is a reason practically no one wants Biden? Think about THAT... because it speaks volumes as to what is going on in the Democratic party.

    1. While I agree the Dems still have a lot of work to do, I don't see or share your observation on the "all the Democrats are offering is fear, anger, chaos, and scapegoating. They take no onus on any of the nation's problems, offer no realistic solutions". You best put your other glasses on and take a look again at the Trump party. The country has never seen the like if these times till he took office. Im sorry that is not a coincidence.

    2. I agree with Maddie. When Trump said the other night at the RNC, you won't be safe in Joe Biden's America, look around and ask yourself. How safe do you feel in Trump's America??? If you do see anything, then your blind.

    3. "...fear, anger, chaos, and scapegoating. They take no onus on any of the nation's problems, offer no realistic solutions, and when you disagree or corner them on these facts, they call you names."
      I've seen and read more of those kinds of things coming from the people of Trump's party than Dems. All we have right now IN TRUMP'S America is fear, anger, chaos, and scapegoating, accepting no responsibility for anything even though they've caused it, and they offer nothing in the way of an official RNC agenda other than "Loyalty to Trump." That's no solution.

  11. Excellent, inspiring and scary post!!!! Absolutely must dethrone the monster and his ilk in 62 days...a daunting task that we must succeed in...I keep this inspiring post in mind as I write my postcards to voters and other activities!
    Great pic of the 3 Stooges...sums it up rather well. But do want to note - although I suspect your followers know this already - that the Stooges were the first in Hollywood to satirically attack the 3rd Reich in their films...I’m sure they would be pleased that you choose them to serve again in a fight against this aspiring dictator!!!

    1. I thought the same thing when I saw the Three Stooges. That was a priceless cap on this post. Brilliant. It's perfect in so many ways

  12. were you in the vodka again? or are you just sober, lol!!!!

    good message thought boss.

  13. Jim Clan 629/02/2020

    Trump will win in a landslide. You will then dive head first into a deep gin and drown yourself. This is no time for a old senile man and a angry black woman with an attitude to take the country. The Democratic party ended when those fucking sorry crooked Clintons took office. And you guys don't like to hear when he got blow jobs under the desk do you? He's another pussy grabber and his wife is a evil cunt. At least the Obamas' had class. I'll come to tend to your wounds on Nov 4.

    1. This just proves my point. Evil and un-intelligent people on both sides.

      Mistress you really need to keep the backdoor shut.

    2. While I appreciate any feedback, comments or conversation regarding this blog, please spare yourself the effort if you feel the need to name call and mention other facts. If something here does not work for you or are you don't like something, or can't answer civilly, no need to leave a smart ass answer. Your party is the ones who won't let the Clintons die. They are not even in office, yet your party still seems very threatened by them. They come up at every turn. And I never said anything about yay or nay Bill getting blown under a desk. You must stop in from time to time if you if felt the need to leave this message, so you must like something here. I have no problems with comments of a different opinion, but keep them civil and kindly at least. If not there are so many other places to be. Go there and enjoy yourself.

    3. It's probably just another "straight conservative" Mistress who want to suck your cock. You know how they roll.

  14. I see some Trumper trolls have weighed in here. Ugh! Everyone please Vote Blue No Matter Who, straight up and down the ticket. We MUST put a stop to Trump and his enablers!

    1. And Jen, it's only when I do these kinds of post. The only issues I ever get.

  15. I know as a Democrat I'm worried as hell. Not only because it's a close race....much too close and that scares me because of the mentality of this country. And yes vote and mean it. Remember, in that November, GET OUT AND VOTE! Don't get over confident. The Democrats are starting to realize they are in trouble and they are rounding up the troops. We don't want to get complacent. If we allow it, it will be our downfall.

  16. HHA HA HA HA HA! The Queen of Solitaire. Sadly I voted for her and regretted it everyday after that. Her office was the worst. Did she do a damn thing in the whole of her tenure??? We were so glad when Brian Simms came along. But I too have to admit as a dem, Im worried as hell with this election. Ill vote all blue but Im not sold completely with many of the candidates or the party at all. There were many things I would have like to heard at the DNC and many weren't brought up.

    1. Yep, the Queen of Solitaire was something. She even look like a fruitcake.

  17. If people or friends have an issue with who Im friends with because of any reason or afflations' they can kiss my black ass. That is just swallow in my opinion. Evil knows all colors and both sides of the aisle. Great post Mistress!

    Vote wisely, Americans.

  18. Excellent backstory and post Mistress. I too have the same feelings you do. Since the RNC, Biden and Trump have tightened... with Biden’s lead shrinking to 6 points — his smallest margin in nearly two months. The debates are sure to be ugly, and I'm not even sure I want watch. I just don't want to live here anymore if Trump wins. This country will be ruined for sure.

    1. I don't know Ill watch either, the blood pressure may go up.

  19. Great Post Mistress and so very important to get the Word out if we don't want to collapse into an Authoritarian Regime, Pandora has already been let out of the Box and what I see happening is terrifying! A Foothold is quickly becoming a Stronghold and the Power Hungry and obscenely Elite are seizing the moment, they already effectively spread Fear and Chaos, exploited the Far Right to be their intimidation and violence Heavies. Their Frontman is a mouthpiece for bigger Fish who could never get into Power, but for some reason this Orange Menace is a good enough Confidence Man to trick people who might never know or suspect the actual Agenda. I too have never been Political in my Life and like you, have Friends and Family from a variety of Human Kind and all kinds and ways of Being, which is Okay with me so long as it's not Evil and vicious towards other sentient Beings. His Cult is becoming Darker and reminds me too much of some of the most appalling Lessons in History that should never be repeated nor forgotten! Anyway, on to lighter things, just wondering if your lovely Marc Jabos Necklace you spoke of was from his 2018 Glamorous Grandma Collection, with the Runway of Fabulous Turbaned Models wearing the most Divine Over-The-Top Bling? He really Rocked that Season!

    1. Oooops, typo: Marc Jacobs... but you suspect who I meant.

    2. That's just it Dawn. The Republican's we knew are very few and are gone. Like a mutated disease of a virus is what we have now. The old party has mutated into this evil hateful machine. To me it's not even about republican's. It's trump and his new GOP I can't take. Th gop we know is no longer. I feel sorry for the few good ones left.

  20. From your mouth to god's ear, sugarpie. I'm voting blue, but right now, I am fucking tired, depressed, unbelievably sad, and verging on complete and utter cynicism regarding Nov. 3rd. Trumpito seems to have a grasp on far too many people who don't seem to understand that they have as much to lose as the rest of us if he wins a second term. #VoteBidenHarris

    1. It's like talking to a wall Savy...they just don't see it.

  21. Okay, before I forget... I want that sheet music. Such a classic. Okay... so the republicans of today are not the republicans of old... yes, they are old and white and rich, but at no time were they this willing to sell their souls to the devil... meaning he who shall not be named. Stupidity is what this election is really all about. Only stupid people are for Trump... no one in their right mind, informed, interested in the truth, and truly morale could vote for that chump. So let's defeat Stupidity, folks. Get out there and cast your vote for Biden/Harris. Remember - Kamala is on the ticket! And I would be more than happy to have her be our first female president. Bottom line - Trump's reign of terror has to end. Vote Stupid Out!

    1. Here Here. That graphic to which you refer is from Women's Suffrage music and art. I have searched high and low to hear the music but can alas, can not find a recording anywhere. If you do a piano playing, I'd love to hear it handsome.

  22. This November we need to vote the Idiot Jerk back to hell.

  23. Well not being a resident of the US anymore I can't say much except to say I don't even recognize the US anymore. Both parties are appalling in manor and the way they act. Friends have asked if I'd ever move back, since I came here for only 10 years, but have fallen in love with Amsterdam and Europe. I have no desire to even visit at this rate.

    But must say the graphics you chose that accompany your post are actually brilliant.

  24. Up until trump was voted in office, I was a life long Republican. But I had such distain for him, I switched to Democrat before that election. Since then the Republican's are simply a thing of the past. It should read Democrats, Independents, and Trumplicians.

  25. Fantastic post, Maddie. Brava!
    You are a better person than me. I do not fraternize with repugs. Especially after Cheeto got elected. I can put up with the witches, the libertarians, the MENSA members, even some xtianists. But after Twitler, a Republican is a trumpanzee and I cannot with that fuckery. Nope. I have vanished all repugs from my life because they are racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic and heartless. Yep.
    As for voting, there’s only two options: the decent, intelligent, prepared candidate or the tinfoil dictator who wants to transform America into a fascist estate.
    Oh, and I love that first image! I’d love to have that as a poster!


    1. HA HA HA HA HA HA! You and the Repubs!!!!!

      What I think is odd I have repub friends who will vote for Biden and pass Democrats, but have Democrat friends who won't vote Democrat for Hillary and now Biden. Now that boggles the mind. Those three friends drive me more nuts then the repugs, bwahahahahaha!!!!!

    2. Oh, the 'undecided' with purity tests every three steps? I can't with them, either. Really, people these days... They need to be slapped.


  26. “So, first of all, let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is...fear itself...” Those are the words of FDR. And that is exactly 45’s strategy. Stoke fear in suburbia. Make everyone afraid to go to the polls. “I alone can fix it.” That’s what he tells his base. Well he alone broke it. So where are we now?

    We need change. Why are all the words I want to describe him parts of the body revered in the gay community? Prick, asshole, dick, cocksucker. That traitor (found one) must be bounced and thrown in jail to rot.

    1. That will be sweet if he ends up there. I still thinking pine box but.......

  27. VOTE - VOTE - VOTE . shudder

  28. I sent my application in, but here in Ohio we won't get the actual ballot until October. Frustrating.

    1. Yikes. That is cutting it close. I got mine last week and drove it to Elections office to their drop box.

      I feel your pain. Hope you get it in a timely manner Kirk.


Go ahead darling, tell me something fabulous!