Thursday, April 16, 2020


Is today Thursday already? I took a small break from being online to catch me breath . On Easter I did have over my neighbor Brice, the earth loving landscaper, ex Colorado resident. I haven't been out and we works solo. We are both fine, but still kept a social distance rule in the pied de terre. I made a delicious lamb roast dinner with asparagus and rosemary potatoes. It was nice to have some interaction, instead of from the windows. I told him I owe him a hug!!! I was also thinking, about my online habits. About a month ago, if one looked at my browser history, it was probably a lot more salacious I believe. We all have secret, guilty pleasures. But now if you look at it, the key words are crowds, people on the street, marches , groups of people, protests, stuff of that nature. I'm totally fetishizing about groups of people Now I haven't gotten to pleasing myself while looking at groups of people, but I think it's the next logical step, don't you? but the dinner was excellent and Brice is a cutie so there was that. Now on to some happy moments....from all the cats!!!! It's a pussy edition if you will.

Tweety Capone

Laverne and Shirley

Midnight Magpie
Heidi loves the sun!

Miriam Webster


When the girls all want lap time makes me happy.
Luca stalking a rabbit.

Scarlet Dailey

I was happy, that Bailey was happy with his gift.

I think ya'll this calls for our Patron Saint Lady Kier Kirby and Deel-lite to set the mood..


  1. pussy galore! all kinds of furry friends!

  2. Nice. I've been cat free for about sixteen years now, but I do like a good furry pussy! I think I would've gone with Tom Jones' "What's New Pussycat?", though. I would've gone with Tom Jones' anything, actually.
    Ever think about going with an all feet post? Could be interesting :)

    1. You people don't want to see the feet of the Goldberg-DeWoof household.

    2. You never know, Ms Agnes. For every foot there is a fetishist. I'm not one, mind you, I just get a little bored now and then :)

    3. There she goes with feet again!

  3. Love this post! So many gorgeous cats!

  4. Awww-dorable, baby! As I adore cats, yup, I'm melting over here. So damn cute.

  5. Lamb Roast Supper... Oh My.... I can taste it from here in the Deep Deep South... Suga.. and an after Supper Cigar... with a lil Porto... You won!!!!

  6. Oh my had me in stiches with your browser history quip!

    And I love all the cats. And here's a tip...Once I played the video, I went back while it was playing to view the pictures again. It added to the experience.

  7. Loves the kitties (typing this
    while Abby isn't looking!)
    stay safe, stay well xoxo :-)

  8. What fantastic feline photos! I love them all.
    Dinner with Brice? I'm envious.

  9. I love the kitties!!!! And this song is a mischievous song for this bunch. Wait until tic-toc finds out about this song!!!!!

  10. These sure do look like some pampered puss's! Hendrick looks like he is be the king!!!!!!

    Your Easter dinner sounds lovely. I too have one neighbor I see in all this, only because we both know we haven't really been anywhere.

  11. I didn't know you were a fan of pussies.

    1. I like to keep the guessing continuing.

  12. Moose clearly loves being on camera!!

  13. Dee-lite is indeed a mood!
    And those kitties are adorable!


  14. One can just tell those cats are spoiled!!!! I am loving those Sphynx cats!!! he must really enjoy them ! Precious picture.

  15. All these pictures made me happy!!!!! And I think Bailey liked the Deelite song. he was rubbing and his had looked every where for the cat meowing!!! Not only entertaining, but a chic little song.

  16. Cap Chasen4/16/2020

    A long awaited happy moment, although the McGuire Sisters were shuttering at the sight of cats.

  17. Excuse me while I get the lint roller to get all the cat hair off of my screen. 🤓

  18. So this is what Heaven must be like. (A heaven devoid of animals would be HELL for me!) I want to steal every one of these beauties - though if I had to do prison time for the crime the worst part would be being separated from them. However, having them for company would be sheer bliss.

    1. I had the feeling many would love a all cats happy post. I'd received some many cats pictures, I thought why not do a all cats post.

    2. If only I could have had my furry foursome featured in a post like this - but, alas, taking pics of them and putting them on the laptop (the photos, I Mean, not the pussies themselves) is such a fiddling nuisance and chore that it would take half a day to achieve. Another time, perhaps - no, most definitely!

    3. I maybe should have handed out lint rollers upon arrival me thinks.

  19. this might be the only time I didn't fear the puss.

  20. My first thought was he has become a crazy cat lady, with all of those in his apartment. I know someone who specializes in treating cat hoarders.

  21. Oh, I knew Raybeard would be happy to see this post. I'll have to try the video again later... with headphones. Moose went nuts! (Dudo is asleep on the terrace.)

  22. Oh, I didn't know about the kitty collection. Even if it's too late for a kitty round-up, I must send you a photo of my little guy who died last year right about this time. Miss him tons....

  23. I tell you, these all make me happy!!!! But Tweety's cat Poppy sitting on that chair, is the quinesstical cat picture!!!!! Happy post indeed.

  24. Some funny and imperious looking cats here.
    I really must take a photo of something that makes me happy and send it to you - I can't believe I haven't done it yet!

    1. I can imagine what ever it be, would make me happy!

  25. Ah, those are all so cute!!!!!! Made me all happy and fuzzy tonight.


Go ahead darling, tell me something fabulous!