Today my good friend and sister
Mamie, AKA
David Dust posted a whole story on the background of the lovely festivities of the Black party. The Mistress got to thinking I have known this bitch for quite some time. Before I went about the rest of the day, I remember I had a letter that she wrote me when she was just a little blond chicken right off the Greyhound. I used to look forward to her letters when I got them. One letter in particular was a invite to the going ons at the Black Party.

Even then as you can see, she was a funny writer back then. Well, I don't think I ever went to the Black Party. I was just to young and impressionable ya see.Yea right, believe that one and I will tell you another.Plus, being just out, meant I would have to leave town and might miss meeting a new boy! Anywho, it wasn't till a New York Gay Pride that I finally went to visit her and also would make trips to go to Patricia Fields to get wigs and other drag provisions. And the letters would have me in stitches from her talk of working at Macy's when she was a young retail queen to the savvy business woman she is today. And then there were the tales of lust, I mean, love. Yea that's it,love. I don't know where lust came from. Lets just say their were tales of many men, all papi's. She knew then what she wanted. Then there were the tales of the club scene, the Roxy,the Limelight, where they had a special Margarita night, Sound Factory, the Tunnel and her personal favorite Stella's. And that was followed by the hang overs the next day. What's funny about the whole thing is I didn't know Mamie to well before she left to go to New York to live. Maybe a couple of months. At first meeting, it was awkward because I was seeing a guy who had also dated Mamie. When he brought me around Mamie wasn't going to have another damn blond around. Somehow, we became good friends and she moved away to New York. Hell, that same guy we had in common is also still a good friend and was our host at The Woods campground two years ago. Now we run him ragged! But I think we really connected when he would come home to visit at all the parties and gatherings we had. Ever since then, Mamie has been one of my best friends and sisters. We have had many a hang over, danced some ditty's, dated many,many,many,many men, wore many a turban, and have even lost some dear friends. No, Mamie is definitely one of a kind, and I'm glad a still have these letters. After all these years they still make me laugh! Mamie -thanks for being such a wonderful friend and a lovely sister. I love ya girl!