Wednesday, July 31, 2024


What did I miss over the weekend whilst I was gone? Apparently quite the performance by Lady Gaga, who won the gold along the Seine River, as she transformed the Parisian waterway into a recreation of spectacle for the Olympics. I saw it once I was back, and while I'm not the biggest fan of Lady Gaga, this might be the best performance I have ever seen her give.Now remember, a performance for me has to have FABU ensemble, be campy, and have a memorable spin and she checked all the boxes not to mention she recreated a performance by one of my favorites, the late great and fabulous French star, ZiZi Jeanmarie, who only passed away in 2020 at the ripe old age of 96.  Gaga made quite the entrance on the staircase along the Seine with dancers, powder puffs and huge amounts of bead, feathers and marabou, looking like a Parisian dancer of yore, gave a song and dance and even tickled the ivories on a grand piano! Lady Gaga channeled the same aesthetic, costuming and vocal intonation of the late great ZiZi in the singers "Mon Truc En Plumes." ZiZi Jeanmarie originally did this as a performance on the Ed Sullivan Show. Brava to Gaga for this performance and for giving now gone performers some more recognition. I approve. Now I need to figure out how to get my mits on the ensemble? I'd settle for just one of the pink pom-pom hats.

In case you missed kids.....

Tuesday, July 30, 2024


Pack your bags, leave your worries behind, and get ready for a glamping adventure in the great outdoors. Who ever thought this high maintenance queen would love it? In recent years, glamping has emerged that combines the chic and luxury living with the serenity of nature. Gone are the days of roughing it in basic tents; welcome to a world where lavish accommodations of luxury tents temples, airstreams, cabins, park model bungalows and beautiful campers, nicer than some homes I've seen. Our site where we stay above, on my good friend Winfred's site. The back structure is a cabin with indoor kitchen, duel slushie machine, and a small sitting area. The main lani as you can see is far from folding chairs! Off to the right is the tail end of the camper I stay in, with my little firepit area. Hey, I like a real campfire and can build and light one. Not in the picture is the huge camper Winfred and Trevor stay in, directly across from mine. Everything is so pretty and refreshing, so I snapped this picture above, and then saw this!!!!!

WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OH HELLLLLLL NO!!!!! This is Trevor who is my good friend Winfred's hubby and who we call my nephew. He is the one who fills your Mistress's dance card up with men and events. But CROCS!!!!!! WHAT! WHAT! WHAT!!!!!!! You best be ASSURED we had a huge conversation after I came to from passing out and inhaling my smelling salts and had a gin, with bromide. Thanks heavens there was a fainting chaise handy. I told him to put those things in my firewood pile, and I never want to see them again. EVER upon his feet. THE NERVE! Thanks heavens later at the Gummi Bear Party, these two, made that unfortunate scene fade from my mine. Did they ever make it fade from my mind.

I still reek of gummi bear scent. I didn't know if they were dancing with me or taking inventory. And then there was this cock.....

I'm a size queen and love a front-end loader, but this is ridiculous

Monday, July 29, 2024



Aint the art on our site exquisite?

When was the last time you saw one of those???

But Mistress, you didn't say how the weekend went? Well, it was the Woods kids. Glamping at it's finest. Not just campsites...but glamp sites. Living in a square cut or naked, laying poolside, drinking, eating, a naked hike, laying poolside, drinking, rinse and repeat. It was a splendid time! Saw some old friends, a past co-worker and nice to see the resident perm site owners there. It's always splendid spending any time in Xanadu. And it was a special treat to meet a blog reader, who never comments, but it was pure accident that the name of my blog came up in conversation. Then he thought he was stuck in a Venus fly trap, I think. It was a pleasure talking with you about everything Mark! We must meet again. Plus, it was bear weekend y'all. And I still have all my limbs after getting nibbled at. But it was bear weekend. This little ditty should sum it up.

Friday, July 26, 2024



The weekend is finally here!!! And you know what that means, I'm off again for a weekend jaunt up to the Woods Campground for booking #2. But to kick the weekend off is another music group... and their work I'm obsessed with lately, or should I say still, Jungle, with this song, Back on 74, from their Volcano album, that has the most relaxed retro sound, yet dancy, and modern feel. The song was written by the British band members of Jungle, Josh Llyod and Thomas MacFarland and their newest member Lydia Kitto. Not quite a year old yet the song still gets me going, especially the video, since I like to dance. And yes, give me the guy in the wife beater any night...those arms get me! So sexy to watch him move and love the hat tip to ballroom in the video. The song gives me chills to get to the floor kids.

Till Monday! Toodles and dance, dance I said!

Thursday, July 25, 2024



A favorite of the Mistress, and one of our more proper houseboys 
who likes to wear opera gloves. ADORED!

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Tuesday, July 23, 2024


 Kimberly Gargoyle....

is no longer allowed to read to children.  I mean, that mug alone....


  A day ago, I took the Mother and I, to a state park and she took along the book she was reading The Exorcist. She said it was the most evil book she has ever read. So evil in fact, she couldn't finish it, got up, took it over to the lakes edge, and threw it off the dock and into the lake. I the next day, went and bought another copy, ran the faucet over it but good, and left it in the nightstand drawer beside her bed.

Won't she be surprised!

Im going to hell.

Monday, July 22, 2024



Boy....what a weekend! I had a few stiff ones! I think my mind needs some pretty to look at and grab a mental rest.Right now, Im not opposed to making some sand angels on a beach. Who's game?