Sunday, July 21, 2024


I had the feeling Joe Biden would be dropping out. Deep down I think he knew he wouldn't have the strength for another four years and what would have been surely a bloody election. President Joe Biden had done good, did good things, and returned the Democratic party back to some of its roots.  He almost righted the country back, with exception to a few issues. I'm sure it was not an easy decision to make, but there is no doubt we will go down as one of the most consequential presidents we'd had.

And no making the Party of Rot happy. First, they bitched and griped Biden was staying in with poor health, now that he is dropped out, now their bitching about that because of his poor health. So you can't win with these people, nothing makes them happy, the miserable bitches.

Now...I would love to see a woman hand "the man who shall not be named" his head. He would go ballistic. And remember we all have to VOTE!

But more than any other thing I've heard on why to vote, came from the last paragraph of Liz Cheney's book.

"In the era of Trump, certain members of Congress and other Trump enablers- many of whom carry the Constitution in their pocket, but seem never to have read it-have attempted to hijack this phrase, to claim it gives them authority to subvert the rule of law or overturn the results of elections. They have preyed on the patriotism of millions of Americans. They are working to return to office the man responsible for January 6th. We the people must STOP THEM. We are the only thing that can stop them. US. This is more important than partisan politics. Every one of us- Republican, Democrat, Independant-must work and vote together to ensure that Donald Trump and those who have appeased, enabled and collaborated with him are DEFEATED.

This is the cause of our time."


  1. Anonymous7/21/2024

    All so true, vote blue :-)

  2. Here! Here! Liz Cheney nailed that. And she is absolute right.

    Now that we have a possible Harris.... the media MUST go back to focusing on policy. An accomplished woman in command of the issues in an election where Roe is on the ballot, this should be an easy win. But the Media has been an absolute mess, all of them...and must focus on the issues and accomplishments of the Biden Harris administration and not draw us back into Trump’s reality show mess.

    1. Your correct....they are all every last news network giving him way to much air time...

  3. Thank you Joe Biden for being the best president in my history, for showing us how to have grace under pressure. Thank you for what you have done for us the American people

    Historic Actions On Climate Change, Student Debt Relief, Massive Infrastructure Bill, Changing the Course On the Pandemic, Lowest Unemployment Rate In History, Highest Stock Market in History, Chips Act, Lowering the Price Of Prescription Drugs, More People With Health Insurance Than Ever Before, Strengthened NATO and Rallied the World Around Ukraine, Increased Benefits for Veterans Exposed To Toxic Chemicals, Lowered the Crime Rates , Most of all showing us that our leaders can still have class, dignity, integrity and moral values, they can still have faith and lead a nation in the best way possible.

    Now let's hope Kalma Harris feed trump his own balls. As Warren said-"“Who better to take on a convicted felon than a former prosecutor?”

    Thank You

  4. I';m with Her, just as I was with Him!

  5. Liz Cheney nailed it what needs to be done. Also... now we will see if the rich white Democratic Party men will put their support behind Harris or try to push her out. If they do, I will be done with the Democratic party.

  6. Anonymous7/21/2024

    A Trump White House of the horizon. Obama is another Brutus, a back stabber. So are the other surrender monkeys in that party that forced Joe out. He was forced out. What other decision could he make? Some of the Dems showed their true colors. I don't think Kamala Harris will stand a chance. Good luck with that suckers!

    1. Yeah. When you get fucked by the Party of Rot and live in a dictatorship and have no rights come back then and tell me what the upside was. Darling.

    2. Anonymous7/22/2024

      OK....You and your readers are smoking to much weed apparently!!!!!!!!!!!

      Are you guys high??? Kamala has ZERO accomplishments as VP, her major points of strengths are laughable. She has ZERO policy initiatives ZERO program accomplishments TRUMP would wipe the floor with her during the debates and BTW 2. closing points, 1. the tiktok crowd are barely old enough to drive so their voting numbers are inconsequential. 2. most voters see the trump conviction as overneatness and BS so it is not going to be a big deal ....BUBBYE BIDEN KAMALA IS A JOKE 2024 is your slogan!!!

    3. "most voters see the trump conviction as overneatness and BS" Now you the one high. I have Republicans friends who will not be voting for the Dump, by not voting...or voting for the Democratic. I know that must puzzle your brain that anyone would break with them and follow their own mind. Also the dump is the one with strikes and miles long corrupt actions as a felon and crooked gangster. He has always been terrible even way before he was president. Something is seriously wrong with your thinking process if you think the Project 2025 is a good thing.

      Your time would be better used to go back to your desk and write a list of why Harris would be a better President.

      Now, the door is thata way➡➡➡➡➡➡➡➡➡➡

    4. Anons always are too Cowardly to reveal their Identities, ignorance and running with low information shows and so they don't want to risk putting a Face to their Troll Comments... get some Balls Anon.

    5. Your right dawn! I was going to delete the comment, but everyone is entitled to voice their opinion, and I didn't want to be one of those people who censors everything, because I don't agree with them. But I do agree with you, but the poor creature, there equilibrium must be off. LOL

    6. Anonymous7/24/2024

      Dumb shits. She will ruin it all. This is just a blip in energy that will faulter. You people also inflated Hillary and look what happened. But she was pain evil like her husband.

    7. I feel different. I think she will win. People of this country are sick and tired of positive qualities being seen as negatives and reason to be bullied. The GOP ...the Party of Rot is just wasting time on useless issues and telling people how to live and what to do with their bodies...who to love...and cramming religion down everyone throats. There cooking there own goose. If they want that kind of country...then pack up and move to Russia.

  7. VOTE!!!!!!! VOTE !!!!! VOTE!!!!!!

    I hope Kamala Harris accepts, runs and wins!!!! It would be great to see the faces of the "Stellar" Republican ticket: Two women haters. Go figure. We will see how Karma plays out.

    1. Omg....I would pay for a copy of that picture Calliope!!!!!! That just may be enough to give the fat toad a heart attack.

  8. If Newsom and Whitmer aren't going to challenge Harris, then they and other prominent Dems need to get on board with endorsements ASAP.

    That goes DOUBLE for Obama!

    1. Anonymous7/24/2024

      Newsom and Whitmer????? They might have 20 brain cells between them.

  9. She's got my vote.

  10. Pull up your bootstraps, Toots, this is not the time to be wishy washy. You can live in a Democracy, or a North Korea, the choice is up to you.

    1. I don't think anyone here, but that one commenter is being wishy washy. I'm confused by this comment.

    2. I don't think Dave meant any insult....just making a general comment that it's not time to be sitting one out or deciding who to vote for. The choice is crystal clear.

  11. I agree Mistress Joe did a great job, but it is time for new blood. I will gladly support Harris. I know you like Mayor Pete, but now is not his time. I say we groom him futher and have him waiting in the wings...for President.

    Two excellent governors should be the Democratic ticket for Harris: Josh Shapiro of Pennsylvania (who was a great Attorney General for PA, a far better attorney general than was Kamala Harris in CA), and Wes Moore, governor of Maryland-- doing an excellent job including getting that bridge fixed fast, the one that was collapsed by the freighter that hit it, plus Moore is a war veteran (Army) and a real charismatic guy, much like Barack Obama.

    Shapiro as PA attorney general defeated every phony Trump election case from the 2020 election, he's also a charismatic guy of extreme competence, and he could help bring Pennsylvania to the Democratic column in the presidential race.

    I don't know who they'll pick but both of these governors would be excellent at the top of the ticket with Harris and it would be PHENOMENAL.

    I like Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, but she doesn't have the charisma of either of these guys. She's an excellent governor, though, and she would help bring Michigan to the Democratic column in the presidential race. However, just today it's been said that she has repeated that she has no interest in running, even in light of President Biden's having dropped out.

    1. Some very good observations! And I think your right....lets hold onto Pete and make him the perfect ironclad candidate.

  12. I think he made the right decision. Now....come on Democrats and Kamala!!!!! And in the words of RuPaul- "And Don't fuck it up."

  13. I'm glad "Joey From Scranton" did the right thing and preserved his legacy. I voted for Kamala Harris as our state's DA. I voted for her again in the 2020 Primary. I'll fucking do it one more time in November.

  14. I vote for President Harris!


    I should have said this consistently since 2016: women (ladies) there are more of US than men. It is high time we got it together and started running the show.

    Any real man will honestly tell you that the people who have always been there for them and gave them the best guidance and advice were women. Most of, but not all, of our male counterparts found it difficult to do more than stress the importance of three things: sex, guns, drugs and booze.

    So anyway gals don't blow it again!

  16. Compared to the self-proclaimed dictating felon...who has three scrolls of strikes against him... The prosecutor has no real flaws to worry about.

  17. We must not miss at the ballot box, we need a winning margin that sends HWSNBN into orbit.

    1. I hope. Many I know we're talking of not voting....not because they disliked Biden.....but because they didn't think he could do. I dumb reason. But know they are getting back on board with Kamala....we need huge numbers to keep HWSNBN mouth shut.

  18. The announcement that Kamala was going to be heading the ticket with Joe's blessing brought one of the best nights in grassroots small donations for a candidate. Nearly $50 cool million. And the Dem war chest is hers, as the vice president.
    Huntley says her running mate is going to be PA's governor. I think she'll choose well. Now, all hands on deck!



    P.S. Anonymous up there saying Kamala has done nothing has inspired my next post. Poor idiot.

    1. I would miss Josh Shapiro...he has done already many good things in PA as governor and years before that as the PA AD.He is extremely liked on both sides of the aisle too.If he doesn't get the nod....then he and Mayor Pete would be a powerhouse ticket for the next election. I have been throwing my support locally... currently with our candidate Janelle Stelson to hopefully knock out that fucking Scott Perry.

      And anon needs to keep the trap shut. I look forward to seeing your post my friend.

  19. It's sad the way it all came about. Biden is a kind and honorable man --- a rarity in D.C. The best thing I guess is that the youngsters are very happy and will turn out and vote for Harris. I hope Harris cleans Cheeto's clock.
    But, pay attention to the final two sentences in Cheney's book. Vote Blue all the way down the ballot.

    1. Her close paragraph was just perfect. She is right...if you love the country we all need to vote and keep that was out. And save the purpose of why the US was founded.

  20. I'm with Liz Cheney on this; Donald Duck must not be elected president again, no matter how many people proclaim that he really did win the 2024 election, just as he won the 2020 election. As for assassinations, I can think of 6 people in black robes whose absence would improve the state of law in the US. Cheers for Kamala; may she win bigly.

  21. Anonymous7/22/2024

    Karma via Kamala ! :)
    People are calling it the election between prosecutor Harris and the FELON Trump. :)
    Harris will grill him back.
    I’ll never forget when Kamala was at the confirmation hearings for Betsy DeVos as Secretary of Education, and DeVos evaded every question asked by Kamala. One question was about children with mental and physical disabilities and if voucher schools would accept them as students as required by public schools. DeVos skirted the entire question, Kamala and the other panelists took it as a NO. Same thing went on with the Supreme Court nominations, more skirted questions as Kamala pulled off their contrived masks.
    Kamala will prove to be formidable and the magas know it.:) - Rj

    1. Omg....Betsy DeVos....I couldn't stand the old bitch either. What a snot.

  22. Thank you for a terrific post!

  23. Anonymous7/22/2024

    En France, nous avons mis en déroute l’extrémiste de droit, tout comme Grande-Bretagne a mis en déroute les conservateurs inefficaces.
    Maintenant, l’Amérique doit faire de meme pour le bien du monde et pour la promesse de la démocratie.
    President Biden est un héros. :)
    -Beau Mec

    1. Je ne pourrais pas être plus d'accord...
      et on dirait que nous pourrions bien avoir le meilleur candidat avec Harris pour le faire !!! doigts croisés!

  24. Amen and Amen... this IS the Cause of our Time. I would Love to see a Woman President in my Lifetime, it's long overdue in fact. Many progressive Nations already have and prospered, it's only the Patriarchy and blatant Misogyny that fears a Female Leader who is capable, smart, strong. The other Meme said it best as to who stands to lose the most should Hair Furor gain Power again and implement Project 2025 which is very Hitleresque in a chilling way. If every group that stands to lose most stood behind Kamala and Voted, she couldn't be beat. Human Rights is all every group really asks for and she's the one representing that Ideal... the other side would do a demented Purge, then oppress and eliminate all Rights for those they didn't eliminate or expel from the Country.

    1. Well said Dawn....I couldn't agree more.

  25. I thought that Joe was probably going to have to drop out with so many people turning against him, and with him getting sick with COVID, leaving the race to endorse Kamala was a wise decision. The change has given our party new energy, and she should appeal to women who want their human rights back, in addition to being the right candidate for many other reasons. But we can't relax and think we don't have to vote because everybody else will vote for her. We have to stay strong and VOTE BLUE!


    1. Your right Janie....I have never seen the Democratic party so energized. I hope we come out and many others in a landslide...and then maybe the GOP will finally get the message.

    2. I wouldn't have minded see Liz return and hand him his balls.

  26. I'M SORRY, AND I KNOW THAT I WILL PISS OFF MANY PEOPLE,(know I'm a Black Gay Man) but the only thing worst the Biden ad President would be that Bitch VP Harris as President. We can let it happen!!

    1. Your entitled to say what you want here. At this point I would vote for anyone over the Dump. I have never liked him since the 80's. I know many and others from New York on design jobs and contracting that he fucked over... his not paying them, or paying half. There are still lawsuits awaiting cases of craftsmen awaiting settlements. Plus, he is just an uncaring, arrogant bastard that cares for himself and himself first. A friend of mine also went to school with Donald Trump jr...and he said it is a miracle that he even talks to his father after the way he would outright call him out and embarrass him when he would visit him during semester. These are not the qualities for a president. When we live in a nation where being nice, kind and pleasant are viewed as negative quantiles...his jig is up. He is an affront to the very delicacies of my nature. I think he and his wife would be more comfortable in Russia.

    2. I don't know I agree with that either. Trump is just evil, a sore loser, and can't take anyone that disagrees with him whether it is true or not. Look how many he turned and burned in just his first year in office, not to mention the long line of people that worked with him in his private's insane. Not to mention Liz Cheney and Adam Kinginger were ridiculed and ostracized for just doing their job and listing to their own hearts and heads... and eventual voted out and turned on by their own party because of what he directed the part to do and the lambs listened. Thats not democracy, that's the beginning of a dictatorship. You don't just remove everyone you don't agree with. What would you do if he got in and took away and striped all gay rights? Not that he would, but what if he did? Sorry I don't trust him. He is just a power-hungry ogre.


Go ahead darling, tell me something fabulous!