Wednesday, July 10, 2024


Two weeks ago, it was nice to return to Rehoboth Beach for a week's stay. I hadn't been to Rehoboth since the before the pandemic hit. And boy did I miss it. For years, Provincetown has been known as the go-to beach town for the LGBT community, and I think many don't realize that there's an equally welcoming destination in Delaware that attracts thousands of LGBT...and a very quick and accessible drive for those in DC, Balitmore, Philadelphia and Harrisburg. Don't get me wrong I love P-Town...but that drive is soooo long from here, not to mention before the pandemic, the Clan of us also had our timeshare in Rehoboth, so there was that. But the best part of the trip was, at least on the beach was the couple next to us, who hailed in from....Ohio!! And you just know I was a smittin' with one beefy Loranzo! 

His hubby, the one he is putting the suntan lotion on was also very cute, but you know me and the South American flavor! Isn't he just scrumptious? 

And this was the second day, before I even met my cuddle buddy. Later that night I had nothing to complain about at Deigo's when I ended up dancing with them, and right smack dab in the middle. Nothing wrong with playing some monkey in the middle I say. Did I mention I missed the boys of Rehoboth? What can I say? This trip I was on more laps than a napkin.


  1. We can also see he knows how to hold a pole firmly. Damn he is fine.

  2. Ooh, Loranzo raises my flag!

  3. The one in the white baseball cap looks a bit British.

    1. Yes, that pallor is unmistakable.

    2. My friend, The Dame is even more pale than him. I told him any lighter and he could be a nightlight.

  4. When we didn't know where you'd gotten to, and then someone spotted you in the middle of the dance floor between them, we thought, Oh he is in seventh heaven.

    It was a fun trip, and something to break up the going to Ptown all the time.

  5. NOW that MUST have made for a very nice lunch sandwich! Details!
    Those homes are stunning.

  6. I adore a man who can handle this flag pole! My god he is sinfully hot!!! Those back muscles. I'm a lady who love men with nice back muscles. I must know, was he a could dancer?

    1. He wasn't a bad dancer...a bit awkward, but pumped and grinded just fine.

    2. were you naked during the pump and grinding??

  7. The Joys of Summer

    1. You got that right...and it's only the beginning of July!!!

  8. "on more laps than a napkin," eh? hahahahaha

  9. He needs to get into the Candy Shop STAT!

  10. Honey!
    I'd be a napkin on that lap any time! Also, it's summertime, so one has to have fun.
    I approve!


  11. Lorenzo's cute, but that small home on the right in that first picture really does it for me.

  12. Course, this is probably less expensive, but... Have you ever gone out to Fire island????

    1. Yes!!!!! I have done several post on my jaunt there!!! Best to have a group go and know someone who has a house there. The Pines is insanely expensive...while the Grove is more artsy and Bohemian. If you put fire island in my search box it will bring up the posts. I love it!!! And then there is the meat rack........

  13. Loranzo has remarkably symmetrical torso muscles and great taste in beach wear. Stunning!

    1. Everything else was symmetrical too.

  14. My my my!!!! What a strong back. Thick legs. Sculpted pecs. Tight butt. So how were he and his hubby in the sheets??? I have been to Rehoboth once and loved it.

  15. Ohio?!?! We have to get him back!

  16. PAY DIRT!!!! We were down the week after you. It had been years and what a fun and vibrant place it still is. I liked it, and the homes there are insanely gorgeous, and was very surprised by the big drag community it had. Don't even get me started on the men there!!! Like your visual aids above.

    1. Amazing how much it changed in just three years.

  17. Now we know how to get you here....bring in a bus load of South Americans!!!! I have always adored the homes in Rehoboth, especially going toward Poodle Beach, like the one you featured. I was amazed how big the homes got...looks more like Fire Island now.

  18. Oh shit,he is FINE!!!! And his hubby is too adorable also. But don't get any ideas about not coming to P-Town. The boys down at the dick dock will be disappointed if you don't make an appearance.

    1. Never....I am looking forward to it.

  19. Color me surprised. I'm shocked you're not in Ohio right now?!?! This also reminds me I'm long overdue for a beach trip.

  20. 😍😍😍 Nothing says the beach like sand and sea, and butts, pecs and cock bulge!!!!!!!!!

  21. *currently booking trip to Rehoboth*

    Oh good morning, Mistress!

  22. Oh, honey... and just like that napkin, I am sure you cleaned up real good! Sigh. You're certainly at the center of things... does life have a pulse when you're not around? Thanks for sharing. We live vicariously...


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