Sunday, July 14, 2024



After the last few weeks and weekends being gone, I finally had a weekend to myself before things get socially busy again with trips and vacations and had to time to spend outdoors in the garden to tend to some things. Amazing how quick and flourishing they are. My Cassia or popcorn plants as they are nicknamed, are just about up over the fence at this point! And the datura are yielding blooms every week. It's been a swell weekend being outdoors, I even had my morning breakfast of iced coffee and fruit outside today, before doing the dead heading of things. While watching the fine flurry of the feathered ones.

This is what became of the tree stump from the Eastern pine I had cut down. Next year, I want to add more pots to the stump. Around the tree stump the wildflower garden is coming and finally blooming...the borage is going nuts.

I can't recall the name of the wispy phallic looking thing.
Herb garden doing good. Last week I even used some chives, basil and parsley for my deviled eggs

We now have Brown Thrashers!!! A bit menacing looks but do they sing beautiful!
Butterfly bush now blooming. Three butterflies were on it today. And the Cassia below is doing great. I've already collected some seed pods for the fall to plant.

Another favorite of butterflies and the hummingbirds...coneflower
I couldn't believe to see my first dahlia blooming already!!! This is the smaller variety. The dinnerplates don't bloom till closer to autumn.

As per usual, with the summers here, the Fushia, one of my favorites, all but gasped their last breath before dying and becoming sticks. Much to delicate I suppose to have here in the summer.
A butterfly moth in the begonias. 
The potted gardens flanking the back porch are doing just fine.

I'm awaiting three friends for a sit in the shade of the garden for some dish and Pimms Cups and cucumber sandwiches later. Refreshingly good on a hot day. The last of my harvest of Blueberries and mint from the garden too. 

And for good measure some Soft Tempo Lounge.


  1. Your gardens are always stunning (and so are the photos). Who takes care of all this when you’re busy galavanting?

    1. Well, the houseboys and the Mother do the best they can...but it always seems to need some TLC once I'm back.

  2. Loads of colourful blooms to enjoy! Our garden, too is flourishing (despite the pitiful summer so far), and I spent an enjoyable couple of hours today watering and cosseting it... Jx

    1. We could use some rain about right now. We are supposed to hit 102 by Tuesday. I may not be flourishing after that. I look forward to seeing some of your back passage soon dear.

    2. You can have some of our rain, dear. It was a lovely morning, then by lunch time it was rain again. Sick of it now. Jx

  3. The Pimms Cups look delightful; a perfect drink for today!

    1. I gather you and Carlos would love them Bob.

  4. Very nice, and I'm so glad to see you stayed hydrated!

  5. How divine. Your garden! My dear, you will be walking away with Inexplicable Device's botanical contest. Sigh. Umm, just so you know... I, too, rut around in the dirt a little. Ha! (I said 'a little'!) Kizzes.

    1. Now if Mr. DeVice were present, he'd have to remind you that this isn't a contest Uptonking. Now come over here behind the potting shed. I have a dangling lily that I want you to see.

  6. Everything's gorgeous! Enjoy your little garden soirée!

  7. you capture summer in these photos.

    1. I love summer Spo. And while at the beach a few weeks ago, I even indulged in Saltwater Taffy.

  8. After all that gardening, you deserve those blueberries and mints.

  9. All choice blooms!!! And you had me with the first picture of fruit! Even better when the blueberries are from your own yard. Loved the Thrasher bird too. I've never seen one.

  10. I love this new side of you...gardening. I can't grow anything it seems. You've done an amazing job. Love the cassia. I love Pimms too. When I went to visit my good friend in the UK he introduced me to Pimms Cup. They are delicious. Yours look so pretty.

  11. I'd gladly take a pew in your garden with you if you're having some Pimms Cups! One of my favorites. Many pretty pictures and flowers this time. The Datura Ballerina always intrigues me. So pretty. And I love what you did with the tree stump and the wildflowers around it. But don't feel bad about the Fushia. I have yet had one past July that survived. I just love your variety, well done.

  12. I have never seen Borage up so close. The flowers are so pretty. I have many coneflowers, one of my favorites. You certainly do get a variety of birds too. May your garden continue to thrive in the heat. We could use some rain here.

  13. Love the dahlia. You certainly make many things grow don't you???

  14. It's all perfect. That tree stump is huuuuge! What a lovely idea to fill it with pots.
    We had a clutch of woodpigeon fledge yesterday. Last evening i found one dead on the grass. So upsetting. It hadn't been mauled by a cat so not really sure what happened.
    Borage is so pretty especially floating on a gin and tonic. You can crystallize it to put on cakes too.
    Hope you've had a nice time at the beach! X

    1. It was a very old Eastern Pine, some 80 ft high and at least a 100 year old tree I was told. So the root system would have torn up the gardens and the lawn. I thought, we will work around the stump, lol! Borage in gin and tonic? The flower? And what do you crystallize and how? So many questions now..... The beach was lovely. Just this minute while online, I'm watching a busy Catbird mother feeding her four fledging's all scrapping for their fair share.

    2. Yes, just the flower in the G &T. To crystallize, paint with egg white, dip in sugar and leave to dry.

    3. I'm sure we've all had this "borage in a G&T" conversation before, or am I going loopy? Tastes slightly of cucumber - and freeze the flowers into ice cubes and you can have it any time... Jx

    4. Jon...we did I believe have this conversation....but I still think your loopy!!! I think it was our dear Helen who mentioned it. But not sure it was mentioned what part to put in the G&T. But I also love the ice cube idea!!!! Something to look forward to for my next G&T.

    5. next g&t. you mean in 10 minutes?

    6. Anonymous7/15/2024

      Tundra Bunny here...

      Oh, how quickly they forget... it was, I, Tundra Bunny, who first brought the use of borage in G&T to your attention, Maddie!! However, it was Jon who confirmed this and said it tastes like cucumber...

    7. WHAT!!!! Was i drinking when you said this Tundra??? Miss Moorecock!!!!! Can we get this fact checked!!!!!!! Is it any wonder Im confused? Between you and Helen and comments and emails I must get my wires across you see. FACT CHECK!!!!!!

  15. Your garden is looking beautiful! Ours is very green on account of all the rain...and there's plenty of shade, too.

    1. A day of rain would be nice here. No drought here, but it would still be nice.

  16. Love it!
    Yum a cool drink in the heat.
    And the flowers all look fantastic.


  17. Enjoy the fruits of summer, or is that what you are off to next weekend?

    1. I always eating a fruit out of some kind.

  18. Love all the flora. I have gotten so into my own back yard and flowers and plants this summer for the first time. I get excited with every knew bloom and growth.

    1. When I moved back and started gardening I had no clue what the hell I was doing and still don't. But I agree it's very exciting to see the fruits of your labor pay off. And the bird variety is lovely to look at. I was overjoyed just this morning that I saw the bluebirds are back.

  19. So, so pretty. You've got quite the "green thumb."

  20. I love it when you share pictures of the garden. I bet it's a lovely place to hang out in with a good drink.

  21. Anonymous7/15/2024

    Tundra Bunny here...

    Great dahlias, dahling! And your drinks look divine. It's been hot as the hobs of Hell here lately and with the humidity, it was the equivalent of 40 Celsius! Ugh. Thank Jeebus for A/C. How did that wild rabbit and her two surviving bunnies make out? I hope they thrived in the new location chosen by the doe.

    1. Alas....only one baby made it Tundra. But thanks heavens Sophia returned back to my uncle's....because know we have fledgling catbirds all over the yard. And it hot as blazes here. Luckily i don't mind the heat...but here's a tip to stay cool Tundra. Put your bloomers in the freezer first before putting on.

    2. Anonymous7/15/2024

      Tundra Bunny again...

      BLOOMERS?!? Jeebus, Maddie, how f*****g old do you think I am? AHAHAHAHAHA -- I'm a youthful 60, FYI. And truth be told, when I lived in Winnipeg forty years ago, I used to put my pillow in the fridge so it would be nice and cold for me to fall asleep on. Putting my panties in the freezer never occurred to me!

    3. They should be fine as long as they don't spoil the ice cream.

  22. My Echinacea got rained into oblivion and the bird feeder is overwhelmed by jackdaws who provide their very own guards to spot the intruders (us).

  23. Maddie, your garden is looking beautiful - I love the Cassia! I'm sure you'll have some lovely photos for the Garden Photos Event later in the year.
    My garden is looking a liitle worse for wear - flattened by days and days of rain with more than a little trample-damage from Bitey! However, there are some blueberries ripening that have yet to be smushed (or eaten) by him.


Go ahead darling, tell me something fabulous!