Monday, July 22, 2024



Boy....what a weekend! I had a few stiff ones! I think my mind needs some pretty to look at and grab a mental rest.Right now, Im not opposed to making some sand angels on a beach. Who's game?


  1. We ALL need a vacation now after that wild Sunday!

  2. That cake looks too sweet to consume. So does the devil's food one.

    1. What's funny Deedles, is chocolate devils' food is one thing I use in those cookies you like that I send you. But mine are made with love.

    2. Oooooh, I love those things! You can taste the love that permeates them. I've just come out of a month of wtf. Last day of June Balder's youngest sister died. He being the patriarch flew down o San Diego to help his other sister take care of business. I stayed at home, so naturally I got deathly ill while on my own. I'm pretty sure I had covid or something pretty darn near close. Through creep camera, Balder saw that I wasn't really moving and didn't answer my phone. Daughter-in-law hustled over and used her key. Turns out I was dehydrated, sick and so close to a diabetic coma. She's a trouper and gatoraded and juiced my way to recovery. I'm still quite fatigued but these mood boards help (see how I swung this back?). It's time for my senior nap.

    3. My poor little dear Deedles!!!!! Thanks heavens Balder half has that creeper camera!!!!!! I am very glad to hear your doing better... but take it easy first. And keep water near your bed side too that helps. You and your Jahoobies will be up and dancing on a tabletop here at the Casa du Borghese with the houseboys before you know it!!!!! And when I make those cookies, your on my list.

      Love to you and many hugs!

    4. I too second Maddie, I'm glad to hear your doing better after that scare. I always worry when I don't see certain names commenting. Funny that isn't it? Kisses to you my dear.

      Wait? You got cookies? HA HA HA

  3. Oh, you know me.... I'm always ready to hit the beach - especially if it's clothing optional.

  4. A dog in a Pineapple hat! And a hot nekkid guy. What more can a 'mo ask for?

  5. 🍪 look so good. Mouth watering.

  6. Anonymous7/22/2024

    Le ‘doggie’ aime monter dans l’Alfa Romeo, tandis que le chat monte dans le Ford.:) Je pendrai les desserts et le garçon de maison.
    -Beau Mec

    1. Je prendrai mes desserts sur le serveur! 😈


  7. What a great mood board! Send me a plate of those beautiful cookies. I'll take an extended nap and every time I wake up I'll eat a cookie and go back to sleep.


    1. I don't know what kind they are, but they are indeed lovely.

  8. Anonymous7/23/2024

    Tundra Bunny here...

    That pineapple wearing dog would be right at home with Saskatchewan Roughriders' football fans who wear hollowed-out watermelons on their heads! Last night, I had the deepest, most restful sleep in months... Joe Biden has done many good things for the U.S., but stepping aside for another to run in his place will cement his legacy of true patriotism! And I hope GOP sphincters have tightened into convulsive knots, LOL!

    1. What's funnier is the GOP always have very tight sphincters knots. Fort Knox is easier to get into!!!!! And don't you love when you get sleep like that? The last few days here at night sleeping have been lovely. All the windows have been left open.

  9. I’ll meet you across the street and won’t start making sand angels until you get here. Another stunning mood board!

  10. Don't mind me...I grabbing those cookies, the cake and jumping in bed with that adorable man!

    And yes, what news to hear upon getting back from Spain.

  11. No one has made any off-color jokes about you having a few stiff one's over the weekend. I find that hard to believe. There are more smiles around here since Sunday afternoon.

    1. You can say that again, and for many reasons!!!!

  12. I'm ready to drop Miku's top and go somewhere.

  13. You missed the Swan Upping; the Master of the King's Swans counts the swans on the River Thames every year. It will be of no surprise to anyone that numbers are down and for that you can blame all the turds in the river, courtesy of Thames Water, our unbeloved water utility who spend all their money on stockholder dividends and bonuses for the board when the service to the public gets more dire every day and our bills increase exponentially.

    1. "stockholder dividends and bonuses for the board when the service to the public gets more dire every day and our bills increase exponentially." I am shocked. Bastards! One of these years there is going to be a uprising. Maybe everyone should just stop paying there bills, lol!!!!

  14. Let's go to the beach!!
    We can make sand angels together!
    Bring the naked guy. We'll keep him entertained.

    And it's only Tuesday, huh?


    1. Entertained? What did you have in mind?

  15. That ocean picture is gorgeous.

    1. I can't take credit for that picture....Pinterest can! Every Monday I feature pictures that move me and my moods all for different reasons Mary. And thank you for stopping in....and WECLOME!

  16. You had me with the first picture! I love Great Danes! A very fun and chic board this week.


Go ahead darling, tell me something fabulous!