Tuesday, July 9, 2024



I have always liked and will like Madonna, but I can say I haven't been enthralled with her heavy since around her Confessions on the Dance Floor cd. But in June, I was enthralled with her style and look again not to mention her newest collaboration single, Popular,  a song by Canadian singer the Weekend, Playboi Carti and Madonna. I haven't seen such style from her since her Bad Girl days and I'm Breathless cd...and the video to this song is so stunning and visual aesthetically pleasing, since, I dare say her Bedtime Stories era! This latest song with her, I can't get enough of it at the moment. And nothing wrong with throwing in an ode to the fabulous Lisa Stanfield and Soul to Soul.

The Madonna edition of the video with her lead singing.

Adore that she is wearing the cross and did a photoshoot with the book of myths. You know every time she does this the Party of ROT and the religious right wingnuts go insane.


  1. I like the song, though Madge annoys me.
    I love that she annoys the GOP though.
    I'm over her and the grill.

    1. I will agree...leave the grill behind girl.

  2. Oh! That's so much better than the original... The sampling of Lisa Stansfield was inspired - love it!

    Filmed at Hatfield House, just 14 miles north of where we live, btw. Jx

  3. Huh. I prefer the original version. That said... the Donatella V. vibe she's giving off here? Well. That's new. And she seems to be moving into that new face of hers - finally. Of course, the film is hyper-exposed, so we only get a hint of what she really looks like these days. Otherwise, I agree with all that you said. As for her recent music - ie. post American Life, which is a moment in time her music never recovered from... although there is plenty to like on Dancefloor, MDNA, Rebel, et al. My issue is... she continues to rely upon other artists to prop her up and give her cred. When, let's face it, all she has to do is be likable (not her strong suit for quite awhile now) and put out some music that is joy-filled and makes us want to rush to the dancefloor. I get the artistic pretention/intention of works like RebelHeart, but - the lady used to bring so much happiness to the world - can she focus on that? I don't need big statements from her... I need joy. And... as fans, wouldn't be nice to know she cared that we care so much?

    1. I agree with much you say. American Life CD was in sort a beginning of the end for me with her. While I do adore her, I do think she tries to hard at time to stay relevant. I wish she would age more like Blondie, who is totally bad ass still. Her collaborations are nice, but your right...she is talented on her own and doesn't need them. But her style is back to on point again...and her voice...this song made me fall in love with her again.

  4. I agree , love this song, and she is back to a Madonna I recognize, and cannot imagine any less than exquisite perfection from her.

  5. Maddonna..... you are back! Finally, something that feels right on her. Love this song.

  6. I too love this song, but don't know much of Madonna's music. I googled her and was amazed how long she has been around. But I was born in 2003. So I wasn't over familiar with her.

    1. WHAT! You had to google her?!?!? OMG! Come here you youngin'....we need to talk to you. LMAO!

  7. This song fits like Madonna like a glove!!!! I tend to agree, it's one I have enjoyed in some time with her. She looks incredible as long as she cuts out too much more work...otherwise....she is going to be remembered for that only at some point.

  8. She's so incredible. She's 65 years old and she's even sexier than when she was 20. I love her!! I doubt any performer coming along will have a career as long as her's. Not even Gaga or Beyonce.

  9. She is a few days older than I am, and still stunning the world.

  10. Best thing I have heard her do for years. Welcome Back Madonna! But I think she looks amazing, so long as she still resembles herself.

  11. I like how it started - and then I was easily distracted from listening to it!!! I like Madonna though, she's been in my life forever.

    1. I agree, I think she is the only performer who is still around since my grade school days. I remember Material Girl came out when I was in 7 th grade!!!!!

  12. It's too....um, processed? That might be the wrong word. She's always had a great voice - why cover it up with all that background noise? Collabs with new artists is how older artists try to remain relevant. Babs did it for a bit - even had Arianna Grande as a guest artist for a concert once. Eventually, they realize they don't need that schtick - all they need is to be true to themselves and their art(istry).

    1. I don't think that thought has hit Madonna yet.

    2. I don't think that thought has hit Madonna yet.

  13. It's a nice song, but it's even better to see she's recovered nicely from that hospital scare not long ago.

  14. Love!
    I have always loved Madge. Always will. And she sounds great (you know she's no Whitney) and looks fantastic. I have to post a video I found of her stylist.
    Love the Lisa Stanfield reference (she knows her public) and I was shocked to hear how well The Weeknd's voice mixes with hers?
    Running right away to buy it.


  15. Even this old fart adores Madonna. I do like most of her music and she is so full of life.


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