Wednesday, May 25, 2022


By now we have all heard the terrible news coming out of Texas. Not surprisingly.  When are we going to finally learn? And who and when is someone finally going to have the balls to railroad legislation and deeper guidelines on who buys guns, mandatory background checks and how easy it is to get weapons and guns???? I applaud the sane and responsible gun owners. But if those fighting the guidelines and background checks and those bitching that it's too hard to buy such items, then they are up to something and mean no good. We have to get tested and get a license for far more things, like driving for example, so what's the difference? But today my disappointment and dislike are for most of DC. What the hell has to be done before anyone does something instead of offering talk, talk, talk, prayers and wishes of thought, and condolences??? I guess another Federal Building has to be bombed again? I saw where AOC had some things to say. I generally agree with what she has to say, but she doesn't always hold people on her side accountable. The GOP is a lost cause...they really could not care one bit about gun control and guidelines, and the killing, unless it was a close member of their family. So I'm happy as hell AOC is holding Pelosi accountable. who in my opinion is pass her sell by date anyhow, she is holding Pelosi accountable for supporting an anti-choice, pro NRA candidate, mind you, in Texas over a pro-choice progressive. And this isn't the first time her and a few others have done this.  Progressive voters begged for AOC and the Squad not to vote for Pelosi as speaker of the House in 2020, since we clearly see how off to the right their principles are. They voted her in anyway. This is what happens when you trust Pelosi apparently. 

Steny Hoyer, Jim Clburn and "progressive" Hakeem Jeffries, along with Pelosi make up the whole House leadership. And they're sabotaging their own and Biden's agenda, so RePukelicans don't have to!!!  The Cuellar/Cisneros Texas race is still too close to call. This should be a reckoning for  moderate Democrats to define what they stand for other than not being Trump. So far, not much with some of them. In supporting anti-choice, and NRA candidates like Cuellar, "moderates" are begging for another "moderate like Manchin and Sinema.  I have had it with just about everyone with broken campaign promises. And there are a few Dems who do indeed take NRA  support. 

The population of the US practically owns more guns than there are people. And we wonder why there's so much gun violence. Even though the Dems are better on the issue then the GOP, somehow little, if anything, gets done to stop this kind of thing,  even when the we're in power.  Will something happen now? I doubt it.  The last guy shot up a supermarket and now this guy goes and shoots up 19 kids left unrecognizable and two adults. If you can't even make elementary schools safe for kids.....

I guess it will be up to us, the People to vote then all out if they can't do their damn jobs. I may have to rethink my voting ways and candidates. It seems we can't get anything done and passed in this country, everything is a damn struggle to get done. If these and other important topics on a growing list can't get done, I have one final message for them all.

And a hat tip and thank you to Sixpence for the link to Moms Demand Action. on his blog today. I signed and plan to do some research of what else there is to do with them.

Wake up DC and start getting this country back on track.


  1. It's too much.
    It's enough.
    It's never enough.

  2. I'm surprised Bob didn't say "cast a damn vote!" The real truth is that Republicans will accept any evil if they believe it's going to get them votes, and too many Democrats don't have the balls to call them out.

    1. I agree. Where did the balls go too? Tells me, many are not there for the right reasons or the good of the people.

  3. There will be no change so long as it remains legal for the NRA to buy politicians.

    1. It's beyond me why the NRA can't be taken out and disassembled.

  4. When my son in law worked in DC, there was a handful of Dems who took support from the NRA. But i agree about your view on Nancy Pelosi. She has turned my opinion on herself. It blows my mind she has supported anti-choice and pro NRA candidates in several races. How dumb can you be. I have been a life long democrat , but I leaning more and more progressive lately. The Dem party is not what it once was, much like the GOP is not the same party. We need to stop supporting and throwing weight behind these "moderate" candidates. We see how well they have voted with Dems.

    And I also agree, Nancy was effective once, but she is done. Pass the torch Madame Speaker.

    1. I agree with that. I don't feel either party is what they once were. One just got plain evil and as useless as tits on a bull, and the other has gotten too comfortable in not getting fiery, and lots their balls.

  5. I'm right there with you. After four administrations.... still no gun control and laws for stronger laws and safety features in place. I like AOC too and glad to see she calls out Pelosi, but can't wait for her appearance on another dragrace where she'll tell us that voting can bring about meaningful change.

    Save it sister.

  6. I'm just over it too. Call them out Mistress. It drives me nuts that some of the Dem leadership supports these " moderate democrats". Democrats need to be purged of their old conservative in disguise leaders. We are running out of time in this country, its a ticking time bomb...and we don't have time for this corrupt bullshit. It's bad enough we have the republicans who do nothing, except fight tooth and nail over everything, even if it's something good.

  7. With all due respect, politicians are all hippocrates and full of bullshit.

    I can use one hand with ones I like.

  8. I think we should stop being compared to the developed world.

    Clearly we aren't.

  9. I can remember in 96 when I was little, I live in Scotland. A man walked into a primary school and killed 6 children and their teachers with legally owned handguns. Due to such huge public outrage, gun laws were changed the following year banning private ownership of most guns. There have had no incidents of this nature since.

    I can't understand your politicians not working together or forcing through such law. Except they don't care or don't want to deal with doing actual work.

    1. Then clearly your government cares more for life and it's citzens.

  10. It would be a very interesting thing to see some stats on why people own guns. Like protecting, hunting or because I can. I remember living in Japan for a few years, and they have an almost blanket ban on gun ownership outside the police and military. The less guns in the hands the less issues. It rare here in New Zealand for gun violence.

  11. The truth is, is that the US is collapsing and soon there will be so much gun violence you won't be going anywhere that there won't be shootings. Oh yeah and your Supreme Court and GOP will throw out election results and push even more guns in more places. I'm sure the camps are only a few years aways. When I moved away years ago, I missed the US. Now I'm relived I never went back. Such meek and weak political parties. Disgraceful.

    1. I can't say I blame you one bit. Meek and weak says it all Marple.

  12. Well, at least the US is being the best... at being the worst.

    And when during the last election I too was thinking WTF is Nancy doing supporting a few NRA and anti-choice "democratic" candidates???? The Dems need to start supporting more progressives.

  13. So sad.

    Republicans: go right, no nothing.
    Moderate Democrats: stay where we are.
    Progressives: go left.

  14. Gay-men, dear. Preaching to the choir, but please, preach on! Progressive. It's time to stop thinking it's a dirty word. We need to move forward, not backward. We need to fix what is wrong, not cover it up or replace it or ban it. Get real, America. It's time to move forward.

    1. Everyone seems to get wanting to move forward and agrees upon many things. Someone should really tells this to our politicians.

  15. Our very own Rep Joanna McClinton said it today at the State Capitol. Enough is enough. No more prayers and you're in our thoughts. We expressed it, we've marched, and we filter all our thoughts and feeling on this to state capitol and the US Congress. And when it gets there, nothing HAPPENS.

    I think it's time all of DC wakes up. Im so tired of excuses, fake condolences and Presidential words. Yes it's nice to pay respects, but enough talk I agree Mistress. We need action and action now. Some many issues including gun control just keep getting left behind.

  16. I will never understand why American like their guns so much?

  17. It's funny you stated what I always thought of Nancy Pelosi. She is nothing more than a tired old career politician. She endorsed a candidate years ago in my old hometown, who was anti-abortion, and pro NRA and it confused the hell at of me. I was done with her then, Sadly there is adverse reaction happening. I fear more people will arm themselves because government will not protect anyone.

  18. I vote and vote and vote and absolutely nothing gets done.

  19. I always stay positive but even I'm starting to feel like you and agree with most of this. I feel hopeless for this country. Nothing will ever change because of the power and greed most politicians have. And they do, otherwise we wouldn't be here commenting over gun control and more shootings.

  20. Anonymous5/26/2022

    Tundra Bunny here.... Debra is correct in her assertion that it MUST become illegal for the NRA/Gun Lobby to line the pockets of your politicians. There is absolutely NO JUSTIFICATION for civilians to have AR-15s or even automatic handguns. Deer, bears, wolves, elk, moose, caribou, wild boars can all be hunted with precision and skill with regular rifles or modern bows & arrows. AR-15s are designed to kill humans and only humans. Increase the legal age to purchase an approved firearm to 21, beef up background checks/psychological checks, and just halt the manufacturing of semi-automatic rifles, handguns and the ammunition for such weapons, and repeal the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution because the British Empire is long dead, as is King George III.

    1. Bravo Tundra Bunny!!!!!!! It's appaulling that some states....looking at you Texas just did away with many of your logical list of items. Do away with background checks? Is Abbott really that dumb? Yes apparently he is. And now look what happened on his watch. All your suggestions are not that hard to implement and would be all it takes...but DC thinks otherwise. Many countries get this and do this . except the US.

    2. Anonymous5/26/2022

      Tundra Bunny again.... With 400 million guns in the U.S., it's become obvious to the world that Americans love their guns more than their children. How sad.

  21. It's all just too terrible for words.
    There was an American lady on a radio programme yesterday explaining that "Nothing will change regarding gun culture and the right to bear arms because IT'S A GOD GIVEN RIGHT! "
    How in a modern, civilised country can this be acceptable?
    Also the second amendment was written when guns were much less harmful, in that it took time to reload. So the killing of so many people so quickly would never have happened.
    I despair.

    1. I'm in despair right with you. Other countries get it. Most of us get it...but DC doesn't seem too. They seems to be afraid of anything that makes sense and is for the good of the people. Gun control. Affordable healthcare. Higher mininuim wage. Abortion rights. Affordable education. Addressing homeless and metal illness.

      I don't get it.

    2. Yes, I agree.
      Other countries are also not as deep into a capitalist, consumerist spiral. Affordable healthcare, a minimum wage, abortion rights, education, homelessness: they are all anathema to the ideal Repugs have of this country and the way this country is managed. It's all for profit, from hamburgers to laws. And a few politicians cannot stop that wave. Is literally impossible.


    3. Pat Lark5/26/2022

      Except the 2nd Amendment only gives the right to bear arms to "a well-regulated militia." These kids like Kyle Rittenhouse, the kid in Buffalo, and this latest one are not militiamen. They're most likely these Incels we hear about - kids that can't get laid and decide to take it out on others.

    4. That's it exactly Pat. ""a well-regulated militia." They don't seem to know what that means. I would say give them a dictionary, but they wouldn't know how to use it.

  22. Sadly...they won't till a real huge event happens.

  23. It's all about fear:
    The Repugs will keep stoking the fear so many people have in this country that someone, somehow, sometime will come for them and they'll have nothing to defend themselves against those imaginary monsters. And the NRA makes money off that fear.
    I agree that something must be done. What I don't agree is whit the both-sides-ism. There's no comparison between the Repugs and the Dems. And the Progressives are few and in between because people do not vote them into office. People think with their paychecks. And THAT is a big problem.


    1. I agree too the Dems are not near as bad and cowardly with the gun issue and their hands get tied because god forbid, the Republicans give in and do the right thing. But I don't agree with us Dem supporting some of the candidates that are gun and anti choice that are "democrats" We don't need any more of them like Simena and Manchin. We've seen there track records. They aren't helping.

  24. We cannot just say "go out and vote" and then assume that enough people will do their given right...we need to vote! We need to rally our friends to vote! VOTE VOTE VOTE. I can't say it enough. VOTE

  25. We have GOT to do SOMETHING. Hugs!

  26. Greed is poisoning the whole world - it's certainly poisoning us here in the UK. Money buys politicians who promise the earth until they are elected.

  27. Pat Lark5/26/2022

    Yep. It's time to rid ourselves of the infestation that allows kids to purchase guns without permits or registration. Christ, you need a license to cut hair, do manicures/pedicures, massage - but no license to buy an assault rifle? You have to be 25 to rent a car - but 18 to buy an assault rifle? The Rethuglicans are fucked up.

    1. That's what gets me Pat. You need a license for SO MANY THINGS and no one blinks an eye.
      I still think we need to support progressive candidates too.

  28. If only these school children were fetuses

    1. I believe you are right my friend.Its amazing how they care more for the unborn, and discard the living.....

  29. It's long past time to quit pandering to the NRA and those who Love their Guns more than they Love Human Life. Ironic how they'll squeal about the Unborn being killed and don't care how many piles of Born and once Living Children are killed. The Right was hijacked in 2016 and to me isn't a legitimate Political Party anymore, it's a Domestic Terrorist Organization. The Left getting together is like herding Cats, they scatter in so many directions they are their own worst Enemy and so their Adversaries need not do a thing, just watch them sabotage themselves, which they effectively keep doing to their own peril. I'm so fed up with our whole Political Sham of a System even tho' I'm for Democracy, there has to be some serious reform before we come close to being led by anyone fit for Office. When I see the Ukrainian President I am reminded of what REAL Leadership looks, acts, and sounds like... now that's someone I could back and know has our Backs.

    1. You have nailed it sister!!!!! "The Left getting together is like herding Cats, they scatter in so many directions they are their own worst Enemy and so their Adversaries need not do a thing, just watch them sabotage themselves, which they effectively keep doing to their own peril." That is the left to a t!!!!!!! That is exactly how it seems to me! How do we not look at other countries like Ukraine or New Zealand and others and not see a difference??

  30. Anonymous5/26/2022

    I think that if you cannot buy beer until 21, then you should not be able to buy a gun until 21. And the background checks should be tougher. That is the least that should be done to change things. My heart goes out to the families of those who lost loved ones during this tragedy.

  31. Both parties can go fuck themselves. I've been a Dem forever but have never been more fed up. The latest D's have no backbone or fire. They are pussies compared to the past leadership. And don't mention Nancy Pelosi. I could never stand her. It's time for new blood. But everyone just keeps voting for the same old people.

  32. The gun control debate ended a long time ago. We all know nothing will ever get done in our lifetimes.

    TX Republicans are a special lot. I'm willing to bet if someone other than Beto showed up at that press conference the other day and blew off Greg Abbott's head with a shotgun, the only thing that would happen afterward would be fervent thoughts and prayers.

    The Primary Election is about 11 days away here. I have yet to open my ballot to review the candidates. I've decided my vote goes to candidates that have actually done things. I don't just care what their stances are anymore. I want past results. Otherwise, there's going to be a lot of blank ovals on my ballot.

    1. I know just how you feel. I filled mine out when we had our primary, but some were indeed blank. Two useless twats who do nothing but take room up at a desk. I plan to vote for their primaery opponents next election.

  33. So many of us feel the same, and yet feel helpless to make the changes needed. I'm gutted by the slaughter...

    1. Terrible. And one does feel helpless.


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