Thursday, June 4, 2020


10 days ago.
George Perry Floyd
October 14, 1973-May 25, 2020


  1. Love me some Lady Day. And so appropriate, given the times. Her voice just puts you 'there' - in that drowsy haze that comes with grayest of days. From all accounts, Mr. Floyd was a sweetheart. Tragic.

  2. Sad. Heartbreaking.


  3. I agree, Rest in Peace.

    take care, xoxo

  4. Very poignant. Sad. Perfect song for this day.

  5. Billie had a way with phrasing, didn't she? But this one...this one is the icing. The pain in her voice is so very evident. The irony shouldn't be lost on anyone. She sang of hanging-strangling a person to death, that's essentially what Chauvin(ist Pig) did: lynched Floyd on the pavement by cutting off his air with a knee.

  6. OMG Maddie. That SONG.
    Yes, it's been only a week. I cannot even believe it. Mr.Floyd's unnecessary death has been the catalyst for a lot of the pain and anger this country has been accumulating for more than three hundred years.


  7. The best memorial for George F. and for all those murdered over the years, decades, centuries in similar circumstances is that at last - at very long last - it will bring about positive change for the better. My hopes aren't high but there's no harm in thinking and fervently hoping that, long overdue, what happened to him really was the very last of far too many 'straws'.

    1. If it reaches a fever pitch here, we should just go drag his ass out by the tens of thousands and have a French Revolution. Raybeard. I have never disliked someone with such passion like this my entire life, and feel terrible about the thoughts I have of this poor creature.

  8. That song.
    It's everything.
    One of my all time favorites, though, because it's Billie that's no stretch. She could saaaaang.

    RIP George
    We will not forget.

  9. I still watch this video every once in a while, feeling the pain people felt at the time. I Still cry at the lyrics and the pain at which Billie Holiday sings this song. Lets just hope that the human race learn from its past.

  10. I don't think a more perfect song could fit this day.

  11. It's heartbreaking that her song still sums up the situation of black people in America.

  12. She first sang that song in 1939 and it still bears witness to the truth for Black people today. I can only hope that we, as human beings, are now going to change that reality. I want my grandchildren to grow up free from the oppression that systemic racism infecting our world. xoxo

  13. No better song for this day.

    This is almost certainly the most powerful performance of a song. Not perfect. Flawless. Intensity right off the scale.

  14. This song still gives me chills and goosebumps.

    Couldn't sadly be more fitting today. Still

    Thanks Maddie

  15. Jessica Owens6/04/2020

    Thank you Mistress. Still singing a powerful song 2020.

    Just for a new type of lynching :(

  16. A somber day for sure. A hard song to listen too, but rings true. If you read her life story, you will see that she paid a heavy price for singing this song. The FBI basically destroyed her career.

  17. Powerful... I got chills.

  18. A sad moment in our history.

  19. I’m sitting on the floor in my livingroom grieving the loss of an innocent black man and this song was ringing in my ears. I come here to find you posted it. I feel empty and hurt and listening to can people still care so little about human life?

    Rest in Peace Mr Flyod

  20. Dark Raven 9266/04/2020

    One of the deepest, darkest, honest songs ever recorded.

    Perfect for the day

  21. I remember when Portland was in flames, during the last 1960's, and for a lot of the same reasons. To see the privileged of this country go back to 1968 and eat the same shit out of the same dish and regurgitate the same pointless hatred is horrifying. But to see the resistance to that hatred spill out all over America, online and on the streets, makes me hopeful. It means that thing in the White House and it's cronies have not won, will not win, and are even now subject to the backlash that is the voice of the people. That thing tried to divide us, but it FAILED!

    1. It does appear to be somewhat different this time, and people are through with it and the dictator we have. No fence will stop a million people if they show up.

  22. NPR told the story of how that poem/song came into being. It's worth your time
    to look it up, absolutely fasinating!

  23. This is SO dark, but GOOD dark. Stamping out racism is EVERYONE'S problem.

    Here's to George and Billie tonight! And stamping out this racism.

  24. Fleur De Cerisier6/04/2020

    Rest easy, George Floyd.

  25. As a mixed person I am a bit ashamed this is my first time hearing this song but let me tell you, I haven't stopped crying yet, from the first note on. So true still even in 2020.

  26. Still relevant 81 years later. Very touching tribute

  27. You'd think we'd be beyond this by now.


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