Tuesday, June 30, 2020


Here we are at the end of another Pride month.  

We must remember everyday is a day of pride, and to be proud, and not ashamed about who we are,  for us...this month is only extra whipped cream on top to enjoy with extra festivities. I had got emails and a comment or two about the Casa's tradition of my usual pride post, and didn't know I would do it again. But my dear Steven, reminded us to enjoy our dose of Skittles on his latest post. Steven has been having a time of it lately, and I wonder if every year he purposely is playing the woo's me, doe eyed boy, to get me to post this yet again?!?!?! Surely not?!? But I do enjoy him so. I have gotten to know him alot, and we email back and forth. I  have been surprised by what we have in common, and I even questioned if we could have been brothers from different mothers or the same mother as twins. We are both mama boys, like nature and animals, and gardening,  share almost the same birthday by days, and I don't think I'm much younger than him. Were both Scorpios, so don't piss us off. Both named Steven, both gay and like to bake. Someone even suggested we start our own reality lifestyle show called The Steven's. So I feel as though I like to watch over him and protect him for some reason. It hurts when people you like and care for are hurting. So yet again I will post this in his honor and hope these Skittles will brighten his day!!!!!!

in closing....Happy Pride Month to you All!!!!!!


  1. *Smooch*! You brighten my day.

    1. I know you like yellow....straight up.

  2. I have to agree with Jimmy. Where is this Steven so we can thank him for his hard work?

  3. ohhhh HUNNNNYY..
    Yes, please! And if you have a baking show with Steven, make sure there’s a Just For Fans attached to it. I’ll break my piggy bank to pay for a year subscription.

    Happy Pride!


    1. I'd subscribe to that. He's been talking about threesomes.

    2. Make that three!

    3. Hell, I'd set the Only Fans up for them!!!!!!

    4. So...what does the four of you guys calendars look like next week, say late afternoons....mama likes to sleep in....

  4. I'll take this rainbow over a bag of Skittles any day.

    Happy Pride Indeed.

  5. Happy Pride and, will you share some of those Skittles? 🧡💜🖤🤍💚💛💙🤎

  6. What's the tagline? Taste the rainbow?!?!?!?!?!

  7. Hooray for The Two Stevens!! Hooray for friends to lift us up when we're down!

  8. I just thought you might be interested that a friend of mine is looking for a go go boy to keep, but I don't know how you'll get here with the US restrictions. Maybe he can smuggle you in?

  9. Taste THAT rainbow!

  10. I have a 100F fever right now. This isn't helping Mads!

    1. Should I hop a plane and come put you in an igloo?

      I sure hope you feel better.

  11. Ooo... I love your brand of skittles. I think we are all getting to know you more and more, hon. And to know, is to love. Thank you for your tireless spirit this month. I appreciate the laughs and the education... and all the glimpses of your 'stuff like that there'. Sigh. So pretty...

    1. If you saw Cali Boi's blog it was all out there back then. An open book you might say.

  12. I hope your friend, Steven, is okay. Maybe the undies pics in various colors will perk him up a little.

    1. I hope. But poor you, your eyes must be burning?

  13. I'm sure you've cheered Steven up!

    When I read the title, I thought of the film of the same name. It's about a couple of strangers meeting in a railway station. It was filmed very close to here.

    Happy pride to all!! Xx

    1. That story sounds much like my second memoir, Wrong Side of the Tracks. It was about my life when I hitched rail cars with carney folk cross country.

  14. WOO HOO! PRIDE UNDIES! AND A BIG SAUSAGE! I see the mistress didn't lose her shyness whilst in p-town with our pearly!

  15. I do believe that last set is a little more purple and a little less indigo....

  16. OMG! Didn't I see that around here enough last week!!!! Of course with your basket here, maybe that why we saw a spike in attendance last week?

  17. Ever think of flying those colors at full mast? Only you, could deliver a better take on the pride flag.

    Now which one to start with?!?!?!

  18. 😳😳😳😳😳

    Just to let you know I will be depressed and sad next Tuesday.

    1. Your middle name was never subtle was it?

  19. Okay judging from all these comments, other people are trying to get their hands on my skittles!

    Also it's not my fault for upsetting the crazy church lady, she was being mean to little gay kids and I just kindly pointed out what a cunt she is. What's wrong with that?

    1. All these Skittles are for you, it's your post cutie...they can wait.

  20. "I never said you would be easy, I only said you would be worth it!!!!!"

    1. I knew someone around here had good taste.

  21. Love those brightly colored images!!! Happy Pride!!!

  22. You certainly do fill out those briefs. I really like the yellow and orange ones.

  23. You know, dear Maddie, Skittles got rid of the rainbow for pride and went all white, but kept all the flavors https://www.cnn.com/2020/05/22/us/colorless-skittles-pride-trnd/index.html. "only #OneRainbow matters." So now you have to add tighty whities to your repertoire. Go ahead, I’ll wait while you change. 😎

  24. Fancy Colors, the routine things in life, should never be boring.

  25. Your Skittles could brighten any day, so I hope they helped Other Steven. When I read the title of the post, I thought, "Oh, he's talking about HIS briefs." Thanks for adding your colors to the world!

  26. I hope everyone had a good month, despite the pandemic. I believe YOU did, Maddie...Lordy! what carryings-on! Brief notes and all. Honey, you've got it going even in isolation. xoxo

  27. Having seen whats in those briefs, I'm sure it would bring hours of enjoyment for Steven.


Go ahead darling, tell me something fabulous!