Tuesday, June 16, 2020


Off to the coast to see Pearly Gates, who asked if I wanted to come for a visit to the glorious coastal town of Provincetown, since neither of us is working. P-town is usually mobbed for the summer, but with most events and all shows at venues cancelled due to the pandemic, Pearly fears her jig may be up,  since she relies on the paychecks and tips from her shows. She assures me that the town is not very busy, and  restaurants are take out or outdoor café only, so we will stay mostly at her house which is right off a natural part of the beach. Poor things is lonely, I m sure we will talk, and laugh, and do drag things...but no dick dock,  and no famous tea dances either I will suspect, so many of the dance halls are closed. I'm not sure yet... oh no, the phone is ringing. Can you please excuse me.

Hello, you've reach the Casa du Borghese.
MS MOORECOCK! Where have you been?
I  haven't seen you since I left you at the pharmacy dear.
Yes, yes, I got the hand sanitizer.
You WHAT? 
You picked up lube instead of sanitizer and got invited to a party and play?
Oh my god, well you better get back here.
You say you can't find your underwear?
Do you check your compact dear?
Put a postage stamp on yourself and just get back .
You need what? $40?
If it isn't you, it's my mother.
I just paid you last week!
Oh, the money went into the G- sting of a stripper.
Well I hope you had on your gloves and mask?
One glove went missing?
It involved the guy's rear, a feather duster, and two prawns?
No... just stop, I don't want to hear anymore!!!!
NO! I don't want the cocktail sauce back.

Do you believe this tramp?

What? Oh... no one. 
Now look missy, I'm leaving, so I need you to get back and man the Casa and the house boys, you know how unruly they get left unsupervised.
I don't need Ulele Griswald upset again.
No dear, that won't happen I hid the bananas this time.
What's that?
Off to Provincetown dear, to see Pearly.
Oh, I'm sure the dick dock is locked up.
Well yes I might write, 
Well,  you know my authoress day as Penelope Delligan didn't go well.
well, you know the book was just to much for America dear.
Now listen, I left Joan Collins's 1981 Style Book here.
Well, it has good tips in it.
Read the chapter on 101 uses for Porcelana.
Yes, Porcelana ...oh it's wonderful.
It's one of the best cleaning agents around Ms Moorecock.
I swear!
It's the best way to clean the windows, it doesn't leave any streaks.
That's right, no more need for newspapers or paper towels.
Can you what?
You can make all the paper hats you want as long as your here.
Just get back.
I've left you another check, but thats it.
Am extra $200????
You need to pay back houseboy #7 for the last strip poker night?
Shouldn't you be social distancing, you know my rules.
Oh, you used my grabber stick.
Well at least you use your vessel for something.
Yes, dear .
And don't call me darling, Ill call you.

And you people wonder why I need to get away. I sure hope Ms. Moorecock doesn't burn the place down.  Annnnnnywho, So I'm off to go visit Pearly and haven't really planned how long yet, and I'm not taking the laptop, so Ill have my phone and thats it.  I'm off kids, stay safe, stay out of trouble, and wash those hands, I don't know where they have been.


  1. Have a good time. Two friends of mine were to go.... But cancelled the trip like many others. Nice youll have a privates place to hide out in.

    And just what is Ms Moorecock doing with a guys ass and two prawns??? And i had no idea you were Penelope Delliham.!!!

  2. Just so you know, im living for these phone calls. Even thought i need a anti bacterial wipe.

  3. Have a fabulous time. Be safe and have fun. BTW Tell MS MOORECOCK," I hope the glove shows up shows up eventually. lol

    1. I think her ring went missing too. I'm not asking.

  4. Oh dear me! I'll never be able too look at my prawns in the same way! I laughed 'til I cried, Mads. Thank you! Enjoy yourself.

    1. I ll bring you some prawns back!!!!!!

    2. Oh dear god, please don't let them be used!

    3. I've gotten into handi-craft. I'll make you a lovely prawns tail necklace!!!!

  5. please give pearly a BIG OLD HUG AND SMOOCH from me! I would love to meet her.

  6. You stay safe and have a good time!
    xoxo :-)

  7. I have been worried about you lately Morticia.. err.. umm I mean Maddie, anyway I think it will do you a world of good to get out of the Casa. I like that picture of you surrounded by seamen.
    Is it just me or did Cali become even cuter looking scruffy... darn he's just too adorable to hate.

    1. Did you purposely bring up me surrounded by semen? You know thats a sensitive subject since I tried to water board myself one night with a gallon of semen and ended up in the hospital ward.

    2. OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!! ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!

    3. Did you purposely say "bring up" while talking about ingesting too much semen? Gurlfriend you must have smelled.. interesting? I'm trying to figure out how many men it takes to fill a gallon jug. Let's see, each man delivers one teaspoon, now how many teaspoons are there in a gallon and how the heck does that translate into litres!

  8. Ha ha, I love your one-sided phone conversations -- so clever! And Porcelana! Gawd, I haven't thought of that stuff in years. Do they even still make it? Surely not. I had an old auntie who swore by Porcelana. And Oil of Olay, as it used to be called back in the day before the manufacturer ditched the word "oil."

    Anyway, have a ton o' fun in Provincetown!

    1. I just looked up Porcelana on the internet and they STILL make it! Unbelievable!

    2. Oh Debs....not only good on the skin and windows but I highly recommend it on bagels instead of cream cheese.

  9. Have a glorious time and thanks for the Go-Gos. They lifted me up today!

  10. I hope you have a great time. Stay safe and wash your hands...err, not with that stuff!

  11. "You say you can't find your underwear?
    Do you check your compact dear?"

    bwahahahahahahahaha!!!!! Hurry back...ill miss this.

  12. NOOOOOOOOO don't leave us....your on fire right now!!!!!! If you do leave we demand at least one swim suit shot once back!!!

    And i LOVE that GoGos song!!! Perfect for you at this time.

  13. Enjoy yourself dear Maddie. Make the best of your time away. And you may want to invest in some security cameras for the casa. I don’t think Ms Moorecock can be trusted. On second thought, forget it. It’s better not knowing what goes in with the seafood.

  14. Oh honey. You sent me with the Go-Go's!
    Ahh Provincetown. Have never been, but would LOVE to explore it. The Dick Dock is notorious! LOL
    Hope you have tons of fun, get a tan and enjoy the visit. It's a pity that so many Drag artists have seen their livelihood threatened by the pandemic...
    Please say hi to Pearly from all of us!


  15. Have a lovely time, m'dear!

  16. Don't do anything I wouldn't do, that might keep you safe. Enjoy! Please write and tell us all about it. Send photos!

  17. Oh that will be heaven to have your place to be secluded and not fear any virus and still enjoy the a beach. I miss the sound of the ocean. Love that song too!!!!!!

  18. Great mind must think alike. William and I are going to my son's little beach cottage in Slaughter Beach in De for awhile we leave tomorrow. Have a fabulous time Mistress. I can't believe you left Me Moorecock in the pharmacy!!!! Your always leaving her somewhere.

    1. Have a good time. I know that beach well.

  19. You go-go, girl, and have a great time. I'm so glad you weren't referring to California when you said "the coast." My uncle used to call me from NYC and say, "Hey, Mitchell, I'm headin' out to the coast. Will you be around?" He lived on a coast, too. It drove me nuts.

  20. Enjoy the Coast, have a Safe Trip and come back refreshed.

  21. It involved the guy's rear, a feather duster, and two prawns? - Wow, I really need to get out more. Have a lovely time, dear. Keep safe. That Pearly... lucky girl. P.S. Ummm... is the Dick Dock a bar or... you and Ms. Pearly rubbing nubbins? Sorry. Had to ask.

    1. No....pearly and i will have a few kiki's. The dick dock is the special place much like you prairie, under a boardwalk neat the boatslip where guys go to find other men for a a good time!!!!! Incidentally o have sang that song many time under there while conducting bussines.

    2. I love it. Sort of Bette Midler in Beaches? Hmmm... now I have a new destination! Thanks for the info. Hope you're having a blast.

  22. You always leave on a good song....I love this song!!!! Perfect summer song. And the quip "Yes, yes, I got the hand sanitizer.
    You WHAT? You picked up lube instead of sanitizer and got invited to a party and play?" Had me in stiches! You two!!!!!!

    Even more low key...have a excellent time.

  23. Bwhahahahahaha!!!!!! These phone conversations are cracking me up!!!!!!

    Have a restful time and lovely trip.

  24. It's gonna seem really weird the whole clan not in ptwon this year.

    But we really need to check up on Anita Moorecock. God know what trouble shell be up too.

  25. I long to see P-town some day. My ancestors started there when they came over.

  26. Anonymous6/23/2020

    My dear, I don't know how you do it. Galavanting all over the eastern seaboard. Jealous? Absolutely! But, I always wish you to have a good time, you know that! Happy Pearl-ing. - Pat Lark

  27. By the sounds of Miss Moorecock, sounds like you might need to get out of those four walls dear. I have always loved that song by the Go-Go's. Perfect for summer song.

  28. Im missing my daily fix of you Mistress....time for you to get back! Who's going to watch after Moorecock?

    1. She's been away so long I'm beginning to think she's moved in with Pearly... Jx


Go ahead darling, tell me something fabulous!