Sunday, June 7, 2020


After this week, nothing like hearing peace and quiet here. It's generally quiet here, but with the pandemic it's been extremely quiet, one could hear a pin drop outside.  Today, nothing but quite, a cool breeze blowing in the open windows, and nothing but the glorious song of two Catbirds.
So I put out some fresh blueberries for them.


  1. Replies
    1. Oh no, Anne Maire must be in heat again.

  2. Loverly birdies.
    xoxo :-)

  3. We have Catbirds. They tease Phil on the screened porch. Makes him crazy!

    1. They know what they are doing, they are very intelligent birds.

  4. Nature is what brings me Hope that the Earth will Restore us if we pay attention to what is the best way to live in Tune with Nature and become better Stewards of Mother Earth. Of coarse, I'm an Old Hippie, so that's been my State of Being... but perhaps Pandemic has given Mankind some insight into what it could/would like without Humans cocking things up? *Winks* I Love watching Birds but I've never seen a Cat Bird, I thought you were joking about the Name!

    1. YouTube a Catbird, and you can hear their sounds and songs. They can also imitate up to 12 other birds. They are generally very friendly and curious. But your right, nature has saved me plenty. I am ready to live in that last part of your sentence. Humans.

  5. Nice! I wish I knew what kind of birds flock to the tree outside my bedroom window. All I know is they're small and Torrie likes to chatter with them from the window sill. We also have crows hanging out in the palm tree two houses down.

  6. I too love Catbirds. I had no idea what they were till you posted sometime ago on them. I think your day sounds wonderful...I can almost hear it so to speak, lol.

    Do they like blueberries I assume?

    1. They very much like their fruits and berries.

      One reason I get the seed mixtures I use is because there seems to be something in there for many bird species. I noticed they will eat the dried fruit pieces or blueberries like the robins, but the Blue Jays and peckers will mostly eat the peanuts and other nut pieces, while finch, cardinals, titmice and doves like the regular seeds, sun and black flower seeds.

  7. Catbirds are so cute! I like their meowing noise! They seem to like raisins when I put them out.

  8. Very interesting bird and pretty too. You amazes me you get picture like you do. Does it really sound like a cat?

    1. Yes, you tube it tootes, you'll see.

  9. Cap Chasen6/07/2020

    They do make a nice song to hear. Perfect day I THINK.

    I would guess I use a jar of peanut butter every month just for birds.I am hoping that leaving a lot of peanut butter and grapes out will cause the catbirds to stop pecking my garden tomatoes this summer. They seem to be the main bird species that will spoil the tomatoes. Catbirds also make great use of my birdbaths. They like the birdbaths '
    almost as much as the robins.

    1. As we speak the catbirds are still singing. Had no idea about the tomato plants. Sound like you keeping them otherwise occupied.

  10. We're treated to the daily squawking of wild parrots here! It all happens very quickly, but marks feeding time for them and inside for me! LOL Truly that is the best way to watch them fly over the house! They seem to avoid human presence. Or maybe it's just my imagination. xox

  11. Aren't they pretty?! Although, in profile, they remind me of Beaky... (Wikipedia says that they were once considered to be in the same family as thrushes - i.e. Beaky - but that changed in the 1850s, then they were further removed in the mid-20th century. I still think they look similar, though.)

    1. Catbirds are much smaller, have a way pretty song to sing, and are much more gentile than Beaky. Oh.... I have some Beaky pictures coming.

    2. A vulture would be more gentile than Beaky!

      Looking forward to seeing your more demure version(s).

  12. I have never seen a catbird until now. I have only heard about them from the Thurber story.

  13. They are lovely birds.
    I am growing blueberries this year for the first time ever. I have three plants and they have all set fruit. They won't be ripe until late August.
    I may have to net them though. The local birds may eat them all before we do!

    1. Good idea. My mother used to have several bushes and certain birds could pick them clean.

  14. I was doing my walk yesterday and suddenly realized that I could hear several kinds of birds squawking and singing and making all kinds of noise. It was sooo refreshing! Bird watching is fascinating.


    1. It is. the longer I do it you start to see how they work and think. When they are on the sill it's interesting to see the behavior and what they do. I can get very close.

  15. I love having the windows open while I sleep. Though I get up before sunrise I can occasionally hear birds chirping in the early morning. It’s so relaxing.

  16. The joys of nature, and houseboys.

  17. I do enjoy the birdsong where I live - it's the only 'normal' going on, and it makes me feel grounded - which is odd really when the song is coming from something that flies. I'll shut-up now.

  18. Fresh blueberries. Those are some very lucky catbirds!

    1. Don't ell San Geraldo.

    2. Oh, sweetheart, he's going to love you forever (he already does) when I tell him. If we fed the birds here, he'd be buying extra blueberries. But there's the problem of terrace and the neighbors... and then the bigger problem of the cats. If we fed the birds, we'd be feeding the cats.

  19. That is so sweet of you. Lucky birds. I'm glad you are finding a bit of quiet. Helps to re-center one's self. Wishing you great peace.


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