...her talent(s) that is! Well, that doesn't sound right either. What the Mistress is trying to say is that Miss Ginger is putting her drag talent and charitable skills to good use to raise money for a good cause. Whew, there we go! Miss
Ginger Grant, philanthropist, performer and a huge Icon of Texas is having her biggest show of the year, and will feature performers from all over the Texas landscape. It is Miss Ginger's Roundup.

And what a good cause it is. The Roundup is benefiting Legacy Community Health Services. They empower their clients to lead better lives by providing premium, compassionate health care services, and are committed to serving a diverse community including those persons who have traditionally faced problems accessing health care (among many other services). Miss Ginger is putting together one hell of a show. And for all the money raised, Miss Ginger will "roundup" to the nearest thousand. So the Mistress thought if any of us, our readers, and our admirers have any loose change lying around why not take it to a change machine, get the cash, and send it to Miss Ginger to help such a worthy cause. Some of the coins in your couch can really add up! Miss Ginger's Roundup will be held on June 7th at 3:00PM at Brazos River Bottom in Houston. So if you live in or near Houston go support this hard working diva and her crew. Donations can be sent to Miss Ginger's Roundup, c/o Sonna Alton, Legacy Community Health Services, 1116 Jackson Avenue, Houston Texas 77006. Lets all give anything to help out our girl Miss G! And be sure to check out her entertaining blog The Fabulous Blog of Miss Ginger Grant for more details. Have a wonderful show girl!!!
Thanks for the shout out, Honey!!! I sure appreciate your support and the support of your readers! And just between you, I, and a lampost, our company's charitable foundation with match dollar for dollar every dime that Miss G donates!!! Those nickels and quarters can really add up!
ReplyDeleteMiss G- All my pleasure darling! I wish you well with the show!
What a great cause! Good luck with tthe show Miss Ginger Grant!